The first time I saw a young man, I saw the last time I saw him.

"I know this, it must be Li Bai!"

"Li Bai: Don't let anyone come to me. In your modern language, your behavior is called riding on the popularity!"

"Li Bai: If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will stab you to death with a sword!"

This knowledge is really unheard of, and no one in the live broadcast room knows it.

Jiangnan didn't find the correct answer in the barrage, so he simply said: "Actually it was Li Shangyin!"

"When the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin wrote poems and essays, he often had to consult many books in order to use allusions. These books were spread out in the room, just like the way an otter places fish, so he was nicknamed "Otter Offering Fish." "

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is. Learn until you're old, live until you're old!"

"Hehe, if you write an essay in the future and quote some allusions, it will definitely blind the teacher's eyes!"

"I guess the teacher will wonder when he sees what you wrote: why is there a golden toilet in the toilet!"

"The more the island owner talks, the more excited I am. I really want to raise one."

"Raise it! Didn't the island owner say before that although otters are second-level protected animals, they are allowed to be raised in the island country!"

Jiangnan hurriedly said: "I did say this, but I forgot to say the rest."

"Just because the island country allows the raising of otters, and because otters are so cute, many people want to raise one as a pet, which has led to the otters in the island country being sold out."

"Then Myanmar and Laowo began to capture wild otter babies and mothers on a large scale, and then sold them to the island country at high prices."

"This operation directly led to the extinction of wild otters in several of their countries."

Jiangnan was telling the truth.

This is indeed the case.

There is only one situation in which animals in nature become extinct, and that is human intervention.

Some are killed in large numbers because their fur or horns are too rare to satisfy people's extravagant desires.

Some are killed because their meat is too delicious to satisfy people's greed.

Some are caught because they are too cute, weak, and unable to protect themselves, so they are caught and kept as pets to satisfy people's desire to compare.

Otters are the third type.

Because otters are rare and cute, island countries allow them to be raised, resulting in very high prices for wild otter cubs.

Neighboring countries do not protect wild animals well, so naturally there will be trafficking.

Over time, local otters will inevitably become extinct.

As long as there is a market, there will be demand. Similarly, as long as there is demand, there will be a market. This goes on and on, people make a lot of money, and animals become victims.

Fortunately, China has very strict supervision in this regard. Once discovered, a pair of "silver bracelets" will be rewarded, and in serious cases, a "chocolate bean" will be rewarded!

Therefore, you can also see cute little animals like otters in many places in China.

After the sacrifice, the otters picked up the big fish in front of them, and then came directly to Jiangnan, and put all the big fish down.


Jiangnan was watching happily the previous second.

The next second, the smile disappeared and his face was full of black lines.

What are you guys doing?

You don't want to sacrifice me again, do you?

I'm not dead yet!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and had already laughed their bellies off.

"According to the law of conservation of energy, the smile on the island owner's face will not disappear, it just transfers to our faces!"

"Island owner, you are so pitiful, hahahahaha, but I laughed so loudly!"

"Yesterday the island owner fished for the otters, and today the otters fished for the island owner, which can be regarded as a courtesy!"

"Think in a positive direction, at least the island owner will not have to worry about eating fish in the future!"

"Yesterday the island owner just came here and fished for these otters, which was considered as paying protection fees, but today the otters gave the island owner fish, what is this?"

"It can be regarded as they are conquered by the charm of the island owner! No, to be precise, it is the hands. The island owner massaged so comfortably, shouldn't they curry favor with the island owner!"

"That makes sense! Now in the eyes of these otters, the island owner is indeed a god-like existence!"

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually recovered.

Because the otters did not make a worship posture and expression towards him.

Judging from their posture, they are ready to give these fish to him.

I have to say that otters are really smart. They know to keep the fish on the altar.

It will only attract other otter families and even more ferocious beasts.

Even if other animals are not attracted, they will rot and stink over time.

Otters are born with mysophobia, and they especially like cleanliness.

So, just do a favor and give the fish after the sacrifice to Jiangnan.

And they naturally won't eat the fish for the sacrifice!

"I'll take these fish, just in time to come back to make a full fish feast in the evening!"

Jiangnan touched his belly, started picking up the fish, and said: "Thank you for giving me food, I solemnly declare that tomorrow's massage will be free for you, only for this day!"

The otters didn't know if they understood it, and they all seemed to smile.

One of them even turned around excitedly and jumped into the heart-shaped lake behind him.

When Jiangnan put the fish he picked up back into the tent and walked out, he found that the otters had left.

He changed his clothes, took his tools, held two quokkas, rode on the moose Lufei, and shouted: "Let's go! Parrot Valley!"

"Tai Sui stay and guard the camp, and I'll give you an extra fish to eat at night!"

Jiangnan now has plenty of fish, and he looks rich and powerful.

Da Da!

Moose Lufei carried Jiangnan, stepped on his hooves, and was about to set off.

Suddenly, the Hongxing otters on the other side of the bank came out again.

Just like yesterday, they swam to the center of the lake again, and they were all very excited. It was obvious that they were going to fight again.

"It seems that there will be another big battle today!"

"I don't know if it's the Dongxing otters or other otter families!"

"Let's stop for a while and watch the battle before we set off!"

Jiangnan looked like he was eating melons.

After a while, a group of otters came out from the bushes.

Judging from their size and hair color, they were still Dongxing otters.

"This is so good. I was just beaten yesterday. I came to get revenge today!" "The environment here in Heart -shaped Lake is too good, and there are many fish in the lake. If it is me, I will remember it!" "Xiaoga seeds are raised" "I support Hong Xing's otters, after all, there is feelings!"

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