After a round, Jiangnan stopped under a big tree.

This is where the moose had just passed by.

It also ate the two cashews it had thrown.

There are still some residues under the tree.

"Everything is explained!"

Jiangnan sighed with sudden enlightenment.

"What's going on?"

"Island owner, tell me!"

"Why did the quokka run here?"

"Why did the mother quokka lose her baby again? Could it be that she wanted to make the island owner die of cuteness?"

"Island owner, please don't go off the air now and wait until tomorrow morning to explain. If you do, I will have to mail you some local specialties!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of curiosity and began to "threaten".

Jiangnan smiled slightly and asked, "Do you know what quokkas usually eat?"

Without waiting for the audience to answer, Jiangnan continued, "They eat tree roots, leaves, seeds, etc., and chew them immediately after swallowing."

"Their size determines that they can only forage in the grass and cannot climb up the tree at all. It is a luxury to want to eat delicious fruits once. They can only wait for the fruits to fall naturally."

"And after they fall, there is no share for them, because some larger animals will take it away first, and they can only eat bad fruits. "They came here tonight to steal cashews left over by Lu Fei." "As for why the quokka mother ran away and lost her two children, I forgot to introduce it before." "The quokka has two major characteristics. The first is that its smile is particularly healing." "As for the second, it is timid by nature. Once frightened, it will immediately abandon its children and run away." The audience in the live broadcast room was amused. "Hahaha, it's okay to lose a child!"

"Quokka mother: Child, you hold on first, mom will be back soon!"

"I've seen many filial sons, but I didn't expect to see a loving mother for the first time!"

"Hahaha, even so, it feels so happy, they are smiling all the time!"

"Quokka mother: As long as the green mountains are there, there will be no worries about firewood. Anyway, I'd rather die than die with my friends!"

"They look like Zhang Xincheng!"

"Oh, isn't this Zhang Xincheng? How come he looks so bad after not seeing him for a few days? You kid, hurry up and shoot "Youngsters of the Song Dynasty 2" for me!"

"Island owner, I have a question, what will happen to the lost children? Will they be eaten?"

"That's right! Their biggest natural enemies are wild dogs, stray cats and foxes. Once they are lost, they will definitely die!"

Jiangnan gently touched the two little guys in his arms and said, "Fortunately, they are lucky to have met me."

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to Parrot Valley and take them to find their mother."

"If I can't find them, I will have to adopt them myself."

"Finally, the mother kangaroo did not intentionally abandon her children. After scientists analyzed their physiological structure, they found that their forelimbs are short and weak, and their hind limbs are strong and powerful. Such a body structure enables them to walk and jump upright."

"In daily life, their forelimbs are mainly used to grab leaves and eat fruits, and their strength is very limited."

"In critical moments, they can't hold their children at all, and the children are just in the brood pouch in the mother's abdomen. The bone structure of the forelimbs is too small. When they move quickly, the children are naturally squeezed out, which gives people the illusion that they threw their children away."

After the last popular science, Jiangnan turned off the live broadcast and returned to the tent.

In order to eliminate the vigilance of the two short-tailed kangaroos, Jiangnan gave them a cashew nut each.

Seeing the cashews, the two brothers who were originally curled up suddenly became lively. One picked up one and started to chew it.

Jiangnan lay in his sleeping bag and observed carefully.

He found that the two brothers were quite unique.

One of them always had a smile on his face, and looked very kind and healing, but he was more playful, with his eyes rolling around, observing everything in the tent, wanting to touch everything.

The other one was chubby from eating so much, with a round head and a round belly, like a furry little meatball.

The key is that it can eat a lot, and after eating its own cashews, it went to grab its brother's.

In the end, while eating, it actually

Then he squinted his eyes slightly.

Eating and sleeping at the same time, this is really a "kangaroo talent"!

The personalities of the two little guys reminded Jiangnan of two classic characters in the domestic cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf": Xiyangyang and Lanyangyang.

Seeing them eating happily, Jiangnan felt relieved and began to check the data panel.

[Host name: Jiangnan.

Identity: Great Barrier Reef Island Owner.

Skills: Intermediate Animal Taming (3020/10000), Primary Sharpshooting (210/1000), Primary Painting (130/1000), God of Food (100/1000), Woodcarving (000/1000) Extreme Skills (Wingsuit Flying Completed, Freehand Rock Climbing Opened).

Items: Lightening gloves, lucky ring, special medicinal wine, bow that wins people over with virtue, ordinary fishing rod, diving suit, wing suit, lazy spray, ice silkworm sun hat, black jade paste, Jinkela fertilizer, fresh meat, fresh fruit, pastoral flute tent, rainbow summoning card, Batman claw hook mechanical arm, 100% landing and falling into water skill

Martial arts: Wu Lang and eight sticks, unlimited Xingyi boxing

Animals: Green turtle Dalang, King Kong rat Gangzi, little sea dog 404, bird of paradise bird strong, great white shark mother and child, black monkey king Baicao Shuang, white wolf king Jiaoyue, golden koi, tiger-headed sea eagle Tai Sui, moose Lu Fei, short-tailed kangaroo twins (temporary possession)! 】

Jiangnan keenly discovered that the words "temporary possession" were written behind the short-tailed kangaroo twins.

It seems that they only belong to him temporarily, and when he sends them back, they will disappear from the animal column.

In addition, there is an additional martial arts column.

I guess I only knew how to use the Wulang Bagua stick before, so there was no need to list them separately.

After reading the data, Jiangnan fell asleep unconsciously.

Because he was so tired, he forgot to shoot short videos for the animals.

Although he temporarily left the main island of the Great Barrier Reef and could not shoot for Gangzi and others, he could shoot the moose Lufei and the Steller's sea eagle Taisui.

Jiangnan didn't even know that it was that night, because of the editing and publicity of short video bloggers such as Miao Xiansen, the news of live broadcasting wing suit flying during the day became more and more popular.

Not only did it once again become a hot search without suspense, but it was also forwarded and highly praised by major media.

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