The cashews are my favorite!"

"Ah, cashews are my favorite!"

"Are cashews ripe in this season?"

"You don't understand! Cashews are really ripe in March and April, there is no need to wait until autumn!"

"I like to eat while watching TV series!"

"I often eat cashews, but this is the first time I have seen cashews picked. The flora and fauna of the heart-shaped island are quite rich!"

The audience talked about it.

Jiangnan started looking for the wild cashew tree based on his memory.

In the twists and turns, another plant was photographed by the drone.

The fruit of this plant is like an orange, round and plump, and the color of the surface is green.

"Hey, what kind of fruit is this? It looks so familiar!"

"Isn't this a green orange?"

"Why doesn't it look like one?"

"It's not as round as an orange. At first glance, it looks more like a gourd!"

Jiangnan tilted his head slightly, saw the barrage, and then looked at the place where the drone was shooting. He smiled and said:

"This is what everyone is talking about. This is an avocado!"

"Avocados are widely distributed in tropical areas, and now we in Yunnan, China have begun large-scale cultivation."

"It is a fruit with high nutritional value, containing multiple vitamins. Vitamins, fats and proteins, high in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc., can be eaten as a fruit and can also be used as a dish and canned food. "

"Because of this, avocado is a natural antioxidant, which can not only soften and moisturize the skin, but also shrink pores, form a milky isolation layer on the skin surface, and effectively resist sunlight and prevent sunburn. "

"In addition to beauty, its rich unsaturated fatty acids can increase the elasticity of breast tissue, which is the so-called breast enhancement!"

At this point, the female viewers in the live broadcast room were already excited.

"Is it true?"

"Can it really enlarge breasts? I'll ask for one of my besties!"

"What a fabrication!"

"No more words, island owner, I want all the avocados on this tree, and you can pay the price!"

"By the way, how does it taste? Can the island owner pick one and try it and tell us about the taste?"

"That's right, I'm also very curious!"

Jiangnan raised a finger and shook it slightly.

"You can't eat avocados now. You have to wait until August or September to mature. I will come to taste them for you then."

"Or you can draw a lottery in the live broadcast room and give them to some fans. Anyway, I can't eat all the wild avocado trees this big."

After seeking benefits for the fans, Jiangnan continued to move forward and soon found the wild cashew tree.

"Okay, we've reached our destination."

Jiangnan walked under the chestnut tree, and the drone behind him circled up, filming the yellow fruits on the branches one by one.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a small pumpkin.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know the truth and all became confused.

"Island owner, you are picking cashews, aren't you? Where are the cashews? Why can't I see them?"

"Yeah, what is this? It has nothing to do with the cashews I eat?"

Jiangnan pointed to the yellow pumpkins and grinned, "Far away in the sky and close at hand, these are cashews."

The audience still didn't believe it.

In their memory, cashews are small, just like kidneys, how could it be this kind of small pumpkin?

"Island owner, stop joking!"

"I know, this is a joke that the island owner is playing on us!"

"Island owner, take us to see the real cashews!"

"The island owner is right, this is indeed a cashew, my family grows this."

"Nowadays, children have to deal with various exams since they are born. They have never been to the countryside to see what the real crops they eat look like. They only see the finished products, so it is normal that they don't know!"

"My dad told me a joke. During the period of going to the countryside, a college student came to the village. He passed by the wheat field at the entrance of the village and said, "Fellow villager, your chives are growing really well!"

"Fuck! The truth! Many children nowadays really can't tell the difference between wheat and chives!"

Jiangnan didn't explain. He walked under the tree and found the target with a glance.

He bent down slightly, picked up a small pumpkin from the grass, and broke it hard from the middle.

A nut shell fell into the palm of my hand.

Then, I wrapped my hands with my sleeves and shook the nut shell again. With a snap, the shiny cashew nut finally appeared.

It is exactly what people eat in daily life!

"Cashews are divided into two parts. The upper part is the fruit. Many areas call them false fruits, and the lower part is the cashew nut."

"However, cashews have a thick shell, which is corrosive and irritating. You must not peel them with your bare hands, otherwise your skin will be burned."

"Not only that, the shell is very difficult to peel. This is mainly because it is ripe and cracked. In addition, I am strong, so I can peel it off."

"Generally, the shells are removed by baking the cashews at high temperature."

"Others wash the cashews first, then put them in boiling water, add an appropriate amount of old alkali, stir them evenly, simmer for a while, then pour them into a basket, rub them vigorously, and the shells can be removed quickly."

"I am going to pick them and take them back, and then I will peel them like this."

"If you find it troublesome, you can also use a knife to peel them, which is more direct and simple!"

Jiangnan said while picking cashews.

He took off his coat, tied it up simply, and made a pocket, and put all the cashews in it.

"The shells of these cashews are fuller than each other, and you can tell they are delicious at a glance!"

"Oh my god! Show me you are hungry, take out my cashews and eat them!"

"The island owner is really good, he can recognize this cashew with a layer of skin!"

"They say you can replenish what you eat, I'm asking for a friend of mine, can eating cashews replenish your waist?"

After Jiangnan filled his "pocket", he glanced at the barrage and smiled: "If you want to replenish your waist, you have to eat kidneys!"

"But the value of cashews is indeed not small, fake fruits can be eaten raw , and can also be used to make juice, fruit wine, jam, candied fruit and canned food. ”

“As for cashews, everyone is familiar with them, but what everyone doesn’t know is that they have a high oil content, which is a high-quality edible oil and is often used as a raw material for hardening chocolate candies.”

“In addition, the shell oil is an excellent preservative or waterproofing agent, and can also be used to extract tannins.”

“The wood is resistant to corrosion and can be used for shipbuilding and wooden houses!”

“The bark is used to kill insects, treat termites and make non-fading ink.”

After saying this, Jiangnan picked up his bag and rushed back.

He didn’t pick all the cashews, only enough for himself to eat during this period of time. As for the remaining cashews on the tree, they were left for the animals living here.

“I wonder how the cicadas are being caught. I’m so excited!”

On the way back, Jiangnan thought about it.

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