After a long time, Jiangnan thought about it and came to the conclusion that the animals summoned by the cards can be customized and believe in themselves unconditionally, which is quite perfect. Naturally, no matter how you feed them, they will not gain experience. But animals such as Lufei, Gangzi, and 404 are different. They are wild and domesticated by themselves. They will gain experience by feeding them. Just like when playing games, if you often play a hero, you will not gain experience after your proficiency is full. Only by playing other heroes can you continue to increase your proficiency. After figuring it out, Jiangnan didn't hesitate. He walked out of the tent, found a piece of grass, and lay down directly. I don't know why, the air in the forest is particularly fresh in the early morning and late at night. Jiangnan has been flying in the sky today. It's rare that he can lie down and relax. He feels comfortable when he breathes in the air.

Everything is so beautiful.

It's like being in a Miyazaki movie.


"Island owner, you just said there's a good show. What is it?"

"If there's no more good show, I'm going to sleep!"

"Unfollow! Unfollow us if you don't show us a good show!"

The audience in the live broadcast room "threatened" Jiangnan.

Jiangnan looked at the forest around him and smiled, "Don't worry, it's coming soon!"

He deliberately kept it mysterious.

And people are very strange. As long as someone keeps a secret around them, they will become more curious. It's itchy in my heart, just like a feather gently scratching.

Less than two minutes later, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back again.

"Island owner, what are you asking us to wait for?"

"What can we wait for in the forest at night? Is it an animal?"

"Could it be a hare or something like that?"

"Could it be an otter?"

"But the river is calm across the river. The otters in Hongxing should have fallen asleep!"

"I know, it's a cicada! There are the most cicadas in this season!"

"I think what you said makes sense. It must be a cicada. At this time, cicadas will come out of the ground, climb up the tree, and start to shed their shells."

The audience in the live broadcast room started to guess randomly, and they became more and more excited.

Jiangnan looked at the barrage and said, "Speaking of which, there are indeed a lot of cicadas in this season!

"I remember that when I was a child, I often caught cicadas with my friends at this time. After catching them, we fried or grilled them directly."

"I'll catch some cicadas to eat later."

After speaking, Jiangnan licked his lips, a little savoring.

"Hey! Can cicadas be eaten? "

"You don't understand, right? Cicadas are golden cicadas, and golden cicadas are Tang Monk, so eating cicadas can make you immortal!"

"Tang Monk: Thank you for promoting me like this!"

"I understand, I am a man, and Eddie Peng is also a man, so I am equal to men and Eddie Peng, and I am Eddie Peng!"

"Bah! Obviously I am Eddie Peng!"

"I hope you won't quarrel anymore. If you use my name Eddie Peng to promote yourself again, I will send a lawyer's letter of warning!"

"Is this lawyer's letter two and a half years old?"

Jiang Nan explained while reading the barrage: "Cicadas can indeed be eaten. They taste crunchy and fragrant."

"And the shells shed by cicadas are also a kind of medicinal material, which can be sold for money."

"When we were young, in addition to catching cicadas, we would also pick up cicada shells, which could be sold for one or two hundred yuan in one night!"

"kyow! ”

“kyow! !”

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the Steller’s sea eagle Tai Sui standing on the tree branch shouted.

Jiangnan looked over and saw a little fluorescence in the forest.

It floated out a little bit.

“The good show is coming!”

Jiangnan’s eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

The audience in the live broadcast room also came back to their senses. They finally knew what the good show Jiangnan was talking about.

“Is this…fireflies?”

“Wow! It turned out to be fireflies!”

“The island owner is so kind and didn’t let us wait in vain!”

“Thank you, island owner. This is the first time I’ve seen fireflies since I was a child!”

“Alas, I haven’t seen fireflies since I came to the city to work. I used to see them often in the countryside when I was a child.”

“There are no fireflies in the countryside now!”

“Why? ”

“Now when planting crops, you have to spray pesticides. Although it kills insects, it also kills fireflies. ”

“It’s a bit sad for some reason!”

“Don’t be sad, don’t be depressed, there are so many good videos

Fireflies, we have to appreciate them first!"

Amid the cheers of the audience in the live broadcast room, the number of fireflies began to increase.

One, two, three, four

In less than a minute, hundreds of fireflies appeared in front of us.

It was like a sea of ​​fireflies!

Jiangnan hadn't seen fireflies for a long time, and excitedly said: "Fireflies are actually a kind of small beetles, divided into two types: aquatic and terrestrial."

"Most males have wings, while females are wingless. Their bodies are larger than males and they cannot fly, but their fluorescence is brighter than that of males."

"Everyone pays attention to those on the grass. They should be females. Of course, they may also be terrestrial fireflies."

"Terrestrial firefly larvae mostly live in places with high shade, lush herbaceous vegetation, and high relative humidity. ”

“Each stage of aquatic fireflies has a different ecological niche. The pupal stage is spent next to the water. The adult is divided into male and female, living in open waters above the water and on plants near the water. The eggs are laid on the shore. ”

“In fact, many people are curious about why fireflies can glow. The reason is very simple, because they have special light-emitting cells. ”

“Just like dogs are born with a keen sense of smell, fish can live in water from birth, and cats are born to catch mice!”

“This is the most unique ability God has given these animals.”

“To sum it up in six words: innate, there is nothing we can do about it!”

“When fireflies become adults, their average lifespan is only about five days.”

“During these five days, eating, drinking, defecating and urinating are secondary to them. They hope to emit the brightest light at the last moment of their lives.”

“It is really rare and precious to see fireflies appearing in such a large area at the same time. We are very lucky to have a feast for our eyes today! ”

Jiangnan thought there would be fireflies, but he didn’t expect there would be so many. It seems that the environment here in the heart-shaped lake is really good.

You know, fireflies have high requirements for the environment and are more picky.

The audience listened to Jiangnan’s story while watching the fireflies flying all over the sky. Everyone enjoyed it very much.

Under this kind of almost immersive science popularization, it is easier for the audience to remember.

Just like junior high school chemistry class, you have to do experiments yourself.

As the number of fireflies continued to increase, the originally dark forest suddenly became brighter, and even the pink heart-shaped lake became better and better.

The picture is too beautiful and comfortable, and the beauty is not very realistic. It feels like it only appears in animations with better painting styles.

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