"Love, hate, and vengeance?"

"I smell gossip!"

"I never thought that one day I would want to eat otter melons!"

"Island owner, please tell me, I like to hear these love affairs!"

The audience in the live broadcast room spoke enthusiastically.

Seeing them so excited, Jiangnan finally understood why "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was so popular among girls.

Jiangnan did not hide it and said, "The first generation of the Marina Bay family disappeared for no reason before the first Shanhai War, and they could not find their whereabouts after several searches."

"When people thought it might have died, it was found in the second war!"

"It turned out that it had taken a fancy to the little daughter of the leader of the Bishan family, so it went to the Bishan family to work as free labor, and planned to kidnap the little daughter and set up its own family after it grew up!"

"The Marina Bay prince, whose parents started from scratch and grew up in the war, went undercover in the enemy family after encountering family changes."

"In the daily life, he fell in love with the daughter of Qiu Ta. On one side is his original family, and on the other side is the little sister he fell in love with."

"Whether to deny your father, abandon your name, or swear to be my lover, I will no longer be the Bishan otter. This plot is simply the otter version of "Romeo and Juliet", also known as "Marina Bay Prince"."

"Hahaha, falling in love The daughter of the enemy!"

"This story is so exciting! I thought only Aunt Qiong Yao could write it, but I didn't expect it to happen in reality."

"There are still differences! Aunt Qiong Yao wrote about people, but this is an otter!"

"Don't talk about Aunt Qiong Yao, her lines are too ruinous!"

"At that time, you just lost a leg, and Zi Ling lost her love!"

"I'm not the only man in the world who is moved by two women!"

"Can you turn small love into big love? You know my thoughts, you know I love Shuhuan, why don't you help me? Why don't you help me find happiness, your love has been so selfish for so long?"

"Don't worry about who is the father of the child anymore!"

"I'm here to join this family, not to break it up!"

Originally, the audience just listened to Jiangnan talking about the love, hatred and hatred of the otter family, but who would have thought that in the end they would complain about the lines of Aunt Qiong Yao's TV series.

There is no way. The children of this generation watched the most Qiong Yao dramas when they were young.

I was too young to understand it at that time. Now when I think about it, my head hurts.

After the story, Jiangnan picked up the bucket and prepared to leave.

"Bing bing bing!"

Who would have thought that seven or eight little otters suddenly gathered in front of him without paying attention.

They gathered under the leadership of the little otter just now.

Because they are a little smaller, they sneaked over to slack off halfway through their work.

Just like when I was a child, I followed my parents to work in the fields, and I always found ways to slack off.

Or I said I had a stomachache and went to the toilet, and then ran over to rest.

Or I just pretended to be lazy and deliberately worked slowly in the cool shade.

At this time, this group of little otters stood in front of Jiangnan, rubbing their hands and crying.

Staring at Jiangnan.

Sometimes I looked at the bucket next to Jiangnan.

The audience in the live broadcast room was attracted by the interesting scene in front of them, and they stopped discussing the weird lines in Qiong Yao's drama.

"Wow, the little otter is here again, and is still acting cute!"

"Hahaha, it seems that they have accepted the island owner, and the sweet-scented osmanthus fish is worth it!"

"Our Hongxing's little otter will never succumb to humans. Oh my god, this sweet-scented osmanthus fish is so delicious. Human, can you give us another one? 嘤嘤嘤!"

"The little otter is so cute, it seems like I need to rub it! ”

In the live broadcast, the group of little otters from Hongxing surrounded Jiangnan, and they all became Jiangnan’s little brothers.

They stood on their two hind legs, put their hands together, and cried, just like humans praying.

Now they are praying to Jiangnan.

As long as there are fish, that is our god!

Lufei the moose on the side lowered his head and glanced at the cute little otters. It seems that he did not expect that such a fierce little guy would now "cry" and act coquettishly.

So, Lufei the moose lay on the ground and imitated the little otter, trying to make a "cry" sound with a nasal sound.

It's a pity that its voice is relatively rough.

But it was from here that Lufei the moose learned to act coquettishly and cutely.

Looking at this group of little otters, it turned out that

Jiangnan, who was planning to close the stall, had no choice but to continue fishing.

There was no way, he really couldn't stand the innocent big eyes of the little otters.

Cast the rod!


Jiangnan didn't feel bored, isn't that the fun of fishing.

Especially with a group of little otters cheering for him.

The otters are very smart.

After watching Jiangnan fishing for a while, they knew that as long as the fishing line moved, it meant that the fish was hooked.

So before the fishing line moved, they were all quiet and waited very well.

As soon as the fish was hooked, the otters stood up instantly, looking at the direction of the fishing rod with expectation.

"Oh my god, it's so cute!"

"It feels like my dog. As long as I eat snacks behind its back and open the package slightly, it will rush over to me at the first time, no matter how small the sound is."

"That's right, my Border Collie is like this!"

"Brother, you are so awesome. You dare to raise a Border Collie. Aren't you afraid that one day the Border Collie will dislike your IQ and kick you out of the house?"

"Even if my cat is sleeping, it will jump up at the first time when it hears the sound of cat food falling from the automatic feeder."

"Sure enough, animals are the same. When faced with something, they will show extraordinary sensitivity!"

The audience in the live broadcast room is right. For all creatures in nature, eating is the top priority.

Jiangnan caught the fish and threw it to them while listening to the system's prompt sound.

The little guys immediately started eating happily.

The way they ate the fish was very interesting. They first bit off a large piece of raw fish meat, then stood up and chewed vigorously with their mouths wide open, looking particularly appetizing.

After catching three or four fish in a row, the bait was used up, and Jiangnan took back the fishing rod.

After the little otters finished eating the fish, they looked up at Jiangnan again.

"I don't have any more bait. I'll fish again tomorrow. Besides, you've eaten a lot. Remember to bring the last one to your other companions."

Jiangnan teased the otters gently.

He casually threw the last grass carp he caught to them.

The otters didn't seem to believe it. They stood up straight, stretched their necks and looked at Jiangnan. When they saw that the fishing rod had indeed been taken back, they licked their mouths with satisfaction.

Then, several otters slowly swam back to the river, and it seemed that they were full and ready to go to bed.

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