The water was so thick that the lake was still wet.

Compared with the otters on the other side, their hair is a little darker.

When they came to the shore, they didn't rush into the water, but stared at the otters in the lake.

The otters in the water were not to be outdone, each of them was full of momentum, and their cute faces were full of determination and coldness.

For a moment, it felt like two armies in ancient times facing each other.

"It's started! It's started!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was extremely excited.

Some even prepared drinks, popcorn and various snacks in advance, ready to eat while watching.

Jiangnan thought for a moment and said, "Why don't we give the two groups of otters a name, so that they can be distinguished."

"One is called Suzuran High School, and the other is called Fengxian College."

"Serizawa Tamao, Takiya Genji: So the question is, who of us is better at fighting?"

"One is called North Hongmen, and the other is called South Hongmen. The boss of North Hongmen is Xie Wendong, and the boss of South Hongmen is Xiang Wentian."

"Fuck! Isn't this a bad guy? This is the first book I read in my life, full of memories!"

"I'm not a hero, Guangmu Wushuang, I'm a bad guy , infinitely arrogant. "

"Why not call one the Blood Eagle Society, with the boss called Xing Ying, and the other the Dulong Sect, with the boss called Xiao Lilong."

"I've seen this, it's called "H Dao Xie Huang"!"

"In that case, the Huaxing Society in "H Dao Special Forces" and the Tianmen in "H Dao Students" must all come out."

"And "Campus Wild Boy", all of which I watched when I was a child."

"I think it's better to call it Hongxing, with the boss called Chen Haonan, and the other group with generally darker hair called Dongxing, and the leader called Crow!"

The audience in the live broadcast room brainstormed.

Jiangnan took a fancy to the last comment at a glance and said, "Use Hongxing Chen Haonan and Dongxing Crow!"

There is no way, the "Young and Dangerous" series of movies is too colorful and famous.

Although the novel societies and characters mentioned by the audience are also excellent, they are still a level lower than "Young and Dangerous".

After all, this thing is the originator.

To this day, if you see Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Lam Siu-fung, Michael Tse and others, everyone is still used to calling them by their names from Young and Dangerous.

The audience in the live broadcast room was happy to watch the fun.

"Hahaha, this is the cutest Crow and Chen Haonan in history."

"I saw someone edit a video of Crow with a cute girl's song on Douyin. I seriously doubt what mental state he was in when he edited it."

"I bet a hundred tiger grains that Hongxing will win, if for no other reason, my idol when I was a child was Brother Haonan."

"I also bet that Hongxing will win, because I like Shan Ji, especially his classic line, my name is Shan Ji, chicken X chicken!"

"Crow! It must be Crow! I bet Dongxing will win!"

"Island owner, open a guessing game!"

"Yes, the otters are fighting, let's have some fun."

The barrage scrolled very quickly, and it was obvious that the audience was particularly excited.

Jiangnan satisfied them and quickly opened the guessing game so that every audience could participate.

In just thirty seconds, more than 100,000 people participated in the excitement. Unexpectedly, the East Star Crow actually crushed Hongxing Chen Haonan, with a full one-third of the votes.

Perhaps it was because the audience saw that the otter headed by the East Star was as strong as the crow in the movie.

The guessing game continued.

The otters couldn't wait to start the battle.

Under the leadership of the East Star Crow, all the little otters jumped into the water and swam very fast, leaving white water marks on the water surface, and the scene was spectacular.

Hongxing was not to be outdone. As Chen Haonan jumped into the water first, the rest of the little otters followed.

The movement was too loud, splashing pieces of water.

Obviously they could no longer hold back their restless hearts and hot blood.

"This time, it's really here!"

The audience also became excited.

As if they could participate in it, their hearts were tightened.

This is much more exciting than Boruto!

Jiangnan and Moose Lufei were on the other side, witnessing this grand occasion more directly.

A minute later, the otters from Hongxing and Dongxing gathered together.

Suddenly, water splashed everywhere!

The otters wrestled vigorously in the river.

If you bite me, I will slap you in the face with my paws.

If you hit me with your body, I will shake you with my tail.

Two people beat one here, and five beat three there. The scene was very chaotic.


Single fights and group fights can be seen everywhere.

Some ran to the shore to fight, while others were still fighting in the water.

The fight between Chen Haonan and the crow was the most exciting.

They fought from the water to the shore. First, the crow rode on Chen Haonan, and then Chen Haonan grabbed the crow's neck with a fierce expression of "you die for me".

This is a real big fight!

The audience felt that their eyes were not enough.

"It's over, it's over, I can't tell them apart. Can someone please tell me which one is from Hongxing and which one is from Dongxing?"

"I feel like they all look the same?"

"Grandma Li, I can't see clearly, how do they tell each other apart?"

"Will there be a situation where they mistake the otter for one another and fight each other?"

Netizens were discussing, but the winner had already been revealed.

The otters fought and moved towards the shore. Those who felt that they could not win or were defeated would quickly run to the shore and hide in the grass not far away.

In this way, they would not be targeted and beaten again.

Some otters were still in the water. When they saw their opponents on the shore, they looked around the battlefield and turned to help their brothers.

In this way, many of them fought alone at the beginning, but in the later period, they all fought in groups.

With the help of the brothers, even Chen Haonan and Crow could not compete.

Soon, a group of otters were beaten to the shore, gathered in the grass, and finally left in disgrace.

Another group of otters floated on the water, looking at the fleeing otters, with no expression on their faces.

Perhaps they were worried that they would come back, so one or two of them quickly climbed to the shore, climbed on the water, and looked vigilantly at the direction of the opponent's escape.

The winner has been decided!

However, the audience didn't know which group of otters won.

These guys are exactly the same, so it's hard to tell them apart.

Originally, the fur of the otters from Dongxing was generally darker, but after the fight in the water, the fur of all the otters was wet and messy, making it difficult to tell them apart.

"Hongxing won. Although Crow is stronger than Chen Haonan, otters are good at fighting in a melee. The two sides have the same number, but the otters from Hongxing are generally very fierce, so Dongxing didn't win."

"At present, there are other rivers on the island, and these little guys from Dongxing should return to their original waters."

"After failing to seize the territory, the heart-shaped lake with abundant food can only be handed over!"

Jiangnan explained in time.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally understood.

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