Wang Ting looked at the room 402 in front of him, and his face was full of doubts.

But the audience's perspective was naturally unable to see through. They could only see Wang Ting looking at the iron door of 402 with a puzzled look in front of the door, and they didn't know what he was thinking. The ghost energy in the iron door was very strong, and the thick energy was almost materialized. Wang Ting's perspective eyes were greatly disturbed, but he could vaguely distinguish that there were five people.

And from their appearance characteristics, it can be clearly seen that they are Cassandra and Charlotte, as well as Ha Jun, Cheng Xu, and Cheng Xun.

Although he didn't know where the black warrior went, Wang Ting could be sure that it was them.

So at this moment, Wang Ting was in doubt.

There was only this door in room 402, and he couldn't open it himself. How did Cassandra and the others get in? Entered this room that was said to be inaccessible forever and cursed?

Could it be his own illusion, that the ghost created an illusion for him.

Just like Charlotte's experience just now?

But Wang Ting quickly denied this idea!

First of all, hallucinations are perceptual disorders caused by unknown influences on the nerves of the brain itself. In other words, ghosts must invade his brain and seriously affect his senses.

But Wang Ting's super senses and super brain will not be affected even if they are irradiated by cosmic gamma rays for 10,000 years!

And how could a ghost that has walked out of Kunjiayan's small piece of land affect Wang Ting's brain?

Therefore, Wang Ting believes that this is not an illusion, but Cassandra and the others really went in.

Do those ghosts have the ability to manipulate space?

Good guy!

Invading consciousness, changing timelines, and manipulating space?

These ghosts have a lot of abilities, almost reaching the level of cultivating immortals?

At the same time.

In room 402.

Cassandra and the others were looking at everything around them with a look of surprise.

What's going on!

They clearly ran out of the door, why did they appear in a closed space?

""How could this happen? Where is this place?"

Captain Ha Jun said in shock.

Everyone used flashlights to shine in all directions, but soon found a more terrifying place. There was no door here!

That's right, there were walls all around, no doors, no windows, no exits to enter or exit. This was impossible.

The audience was also stunned.

【What's going on? Teleported?】

【I didn't see it clearly just now, how come they changed places while I was drinking water?】

【They just ran out of the door and came here, it's so weird...】

【It’s so depressing, I can’t escape at all. Where on earth is this place?】

【It feels like these people are being played around by ghosts~]

In the room


As they moved, they found that the ground was full of water, covering their feet.

Cheng Xun said in a deep voice:

"Could it be a dream, an illusion, like what Charlotte experienced before?"

Cheng Xu on the side retorted:

"No way, even if it was a dream, it's impossible for so many of us to dream together, and have the same dream, right?"

Cheng Xun snorted coldly:

"Who said we had the same dream? How do I know if you are a fantasy created by a ghost in my dream? You might kill me in the next second!"

Cassandra shook her head and said:

"It's not a dream. None of us fell asleep just now. We just walked out of the building. I think we encountered the same situation as Charlotte, Ji Hyun and I did before."

Then Cassandra told them about how they couldn't get out of the woods before.

Ha Jun frowned immediately:

"Ghost Wall! This is called Ghost Wall. I have seen such scenes in Chinese horror movies. It is said that ghosts use terrible means to trap people in a repetitive space."

Sung Hoon looked at him in panic:

"In repeated space....Is it like we are trapped in a repetitive time?"

He looked at his watch again, but was suddenly startled:

"Look! The time has moved! It's not half past two now!"

Everyone looked at their watches and found that the time had changed. It was already three fifty, and it would be four soon.

Cassandra frowned and estimated, then nodded:

"This should be the right time. We have left the time trap and returned to the right timeline."

He Jun looked at her with a puzzled look on his face:

"But we didn't do anything, why did we return to the right time?"

Cassandra frowned, thinking constantly, muttering to herself:

"If Wang Ting's speculation is correct, assuming that the abilities of these ghosts require some kind of energy support, and this energy comes from Room 402, then that means they can't maintain a certain ability for a long time? So, they can't trap us in the time trap forever!"

Everyone else looked at her and motioned for her to continue.

Cassandra continued:

"In other words, their ability to manipulate our time is almost exhausted. We were about to escape the time trap, but they didn't want us to leave. They didn't want to let us go, so they trapped us in this space trap again!"

The others finally understood at this time.

The audience also understood at this time.

To put it bluntly, the ultimate move of this group of ghosts is time-limited and consumes energy. The time move just now has been used up, and now the space move is used up!

【The connection is really tight!】

【Sister Ka's analytical ability is getting stronger and stronger. She is no longer a vase.~】

【Good, Sister Ka has really made progress.】

【But if that's the case, then this space trap also has a time limit? They just need to wait until the time is up to get out? 】

At this time, Cheng Xu asked the same question as the audience in the barrage:

"Then we just need to wait here until their energy is exhausted again, and then we can go out?"

Cassandra frowned and said in an uncertain tone:

"In theory, this should be the case...."

At this time, Ha Jun looked at her:

"Your tone doesn't sound very good, is there something wrong?"

Cassandra said seriously:

"If we were ghosts, and we had trapped the person we wanted to kill, but we had a limited time to trap them, what would we do?"

Cheng Xu on the side immediately answered:

"Needless to say, of course, we must use all possible means to kill all these people before the time is up."

As soon as Cheng Xu finished speaking, everyone looked at him with solemn eyes, and he himself was terrified.


Doesn't that mean that they will face the most terrifying means of the evil spirits!?

Cheng Xu panicked:

"We have to get out of here....."

Cassandra shook her head, her face gloomy:

"Don't waste your time. I think I have guessed where this is."

Others looked at her curiously and surprised.

Cassandra sighed:

"A secret room that is completely inaccessible, a room we have never seen before, a place that evil spirits can use as a last resort, must be the place where ghost energy is the strongest...."

"Room 402!"

At this moment, everyone felt a bone-chilling coldness spread from head to toe.

Obviously, there was nothing to question about Cassandra's analysis, but they did not relax at all because they analyzed the current situation, because they knew the horror of Room 402!

Captain Ha Jun's eyes were already filled with despair.....

He shuddered and said:

"Yes, you are right.....This must be the place where Yin gathers! After I came back from Pumen Temple, I looked up information about the place where Yin gathers. Although I can't read Chinese, I have a general idea of it....."

As he spoke, he shone the flashlight around him and continued:

"The place where Yin gathers....This is a saying from ancient Chinese Feng Shui, and it seems to come from an ancient book called"The Book of Burial", which says that Qi will disperse when it rides on the wind, and will stop when it reaches the water!"

Cheng Xu and Cheng Xun next to them were confused:

"What do you mean? Brother Ha Jun, please translate it for me!"

Ha Jun explained:

"This means that air will disperse when it encounters wind, but will gather when it encounters water! The same is true for Yin Qi. There is so much water here that a lot of Yin Qi will gather. And there are no doors or windows, and no ventilation, so the Yin Qi will only gather more and more and will never dissipate...."

The others finally understood.

Isn't this a perfect place to gather Yin?

At this time, Cheng Xu screamed again, shining a flashlight on the ceiling above his head and exclaimed:

"Oh my god! Look!"

The others looked up immediately, and the next scene shocked them all.

There was a pool of water on the ceiling!

It was a deep enough pool, but it was hanging on the ceiling. This was completely against common sense of physics and was an impossible scene.

Cassandra looked serious:

"The scene here is already supernatural, with Yin water everywhere. I am even more certain that this is room 402, and I am also certain that Wang Ting’s previous guess is correct. This is the base camp of these ghosts and their source of energy!"

Cheng Xun smiled miserably:

"That's troublesome.....Our only hope was to wait for Wang Ting to destroy Room 402, but now there are no doors or windows here, so we can't get in. How can he destroy it?..."

The audience was somewhat desperate at this time.

【I wonder, there is no solution to this, the landlord can't do anything about it~】

【No wonder the homeowner couldn’t open the door of Room 402 even with such great strength. It turned out that there was no entrance to Room 402 at all and it was impossible to enter!】

【If room 402 is opened, the negative energy that has accumulated for so many years will dissipate, so those ghosts will never let room 402 have a chance to take advantage of it. It's troublesome....】

【I think the landlord has no choice this time. These people are going to be trapped to death inside.】

【The landlord doesn't know that Sister Ka and the others are in Room 402 yet, right?】

Just then,

Cheng Xun's expression suddenly changed drastically, his eyes full of fear, he slowly stretched out his hand, tremblingly pointing behind everyone:

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