""Help me! Get me out!"

Ji Hyun screamed loudly.

Just when she relaxed, her body was suddenly pulled by some huge force and hit the box heavily!

Her arms and shoulders were almost pulled into the wooden box by some force!

""Ah! Help! Help me!!!"

Zhixian struggled with all her might, but her arm was dragged into the wooden box without moving. She almost screamed until her voice broke. At this moment, Wang Ting was surprised to see that a strange white mist actually appeared in the wooden box. It was a kind of energy body he had never seen before!

It was just like the energy that appeared in the building after the spirit ceremony just now.

It appeared suddenly without any signs.

Moreover, the next second, the white mist turned into the shape of a hand and held Zhixian tightly!

Is this the sneaky thing in the underworld?

At this time, Cassandra, who was closest to Zhixian, immediately rushed up , holding Ji Hyun, he began to pull her out.

At this time, Wang Ting saw the ghost hand inside slowly disappear, and Ji Hyun and Cassandra fell on their backs on the ground with a thud, but he finally rescued Ji Hyun.

All this happened too suddenly, Cheng Xu and Cheng Xun were stunned, and they looked at each other with doubtful eyes.

Obviously, they were thinking, is this true or false?

Cheng Xu was completely pretending just now, but Ji Hyun also did the same the next second? But why did she pretend?

But if she was not pretending, what was inside!

At this time, Charlotte pointed at Ji Hyun, who was still lying on the ground crying, with great horror:

"Zhixian...Your arm!"

At this time, everyone looked carefully. Under the illumination of the flashlight, everyone was stunned.

Because there were three long bloodstains on Zhixian's forearm!

It was very obvious, bloodstains scratched by fingernails!


Zhixian also saw the strange wound on her arm at this time, and she screamed even louder in fear.

The barrage of comments went viral!

【High energy appears! High energy appears!】

【Is this true this time? This bloodstain can't be faked!】

【This time it was 100% real. The action of Ji Hyun's arm being suddenly grabbed was definitely not something she could fake. She was almost pulled flying!】

【Without top-notch core strength, I can't perform that move just now.....】

【Holy shit! Is Ghost really coming?】

【I started to get scared....Barrage protection, my friends!....】

【Why didn't the landlord save the person just now? Sister Zhixian was following him all the time.】

【Those who said that the homeowner didn't save her, are you stupid? The homeowner is so strong, if he had tried to pull her just now, he would have pulled her arm off!】

【Agree with the above, the homeowner must not take action lightly, otherwise the consequences may be more terrible than ghosts...】

At this moment, Sung Hoon and Seung Wook were completely dumbfounded.

There was no blood on Ji Hyun's arm before, this couldn't be an act, right? What was going on, was there really something here?

At this moment, with a"creak" sound, the door of the wooden box slowly opened.

The scene was extremely quiet for a while, and everyone looked over in horror. At this moment, they imagined what might appear in the wooden box.

Machinery, beasts, people, ghosts....

But the result was exactly what they least expected and what they feared the most......Nothing!

The atmosphere at this moment was as gloomy as water. Even if a tiger ran out of the wooden box, it would not be more terrifying than this scene.

At this moment, Charlotte's scarf and hair were suddenly lifted up.

That's right, it was as if someone had lifted her scarf with their hands!


Charlotte completely collapsed and rushed out crying.

Everyone else was also frightened by this scene and rushed out.

The Dark Knight was relatively calm at first, but Cassandra was probably also frightened, so she pulled the Dark Knight out with her hand~

The screams outside were getting farther and farther away, and everyone ran to the end of the corridor.

At this moment, there was only one person left in the room, Wang Ting.

In fact, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible for him to have no reaction when facing a ghost. In the past, it was praised that even the great emperor Li Shimin was afraid of ghosts.

This ancient���The most capable and warlike emperor in Chinese history, with more than a million bones in his hands?

But later, because he was afraid of ghosts, he asked Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong to act as his door gods, so that he dared to sleep peacefully.

There is also the Confucian sage Confucius, who is a saint. Confucius said that he would not talk about strange things, and he dared not talk about ghosts.

This is all human nature, not something shameful.

However, Wang Ting is no longer a normal human.

His body is already a super physique of superman level. This is not just the strengthening of the flesh, but the overall strength of the whole body.

Including his brain and internal organs, he has an unparalleled super brain and heart!

The fear nerves are distributed in the brain, and they can also cause discomfort in the heart due to sudden nerve reactions.

Therefore, Wang Ting, who has the most powerful heart and brain in the world, is unlikely to have fear in his heart.

These ghosts that suddenly appear are almost impossible to cause fear nerve fluctuations.

So Wang Ting is not pretending to be face-saving, he is really not afraid.

At this time, everyone else ran away, and he was the only one left in the empty room. Of course, he was not alone!

Because he clearly sensed that the ghost's magnetic field was in the room and was getting closer and closer to him.

He was wondering what the ghost's purpose was, to scare people? To kill people?

Would it be a provocation to the ghost if he didn't run away like the others? If so, how would the ghost deal with him?

Therefore, Wang Ting, who was very curious about this, stayed behind.

Of course, he didn't let the audience see him at this time, otherwise it would affect the audience's fear.

Because fear comes from the unknown!

If they saw Wang Ting standing straight and fighting the ghost, they might not be afraid.

Wang Ting stood quietly in place at this time. His super vision didn't see anything, but his other senses could sense that there was a strange energy, which was right in front of him at this time, and the distance from him was almost less than half a meter.

At this time, this energy began to touch him!

The ghost began to move him!

Wang Ting felt that this gloomy energy began to surround him and wanted to invade him.

However, this energy could never bring any substantial results to Wang Ting, because as soon as it touched Wang Ting, it was blocked by the endless biological force field on the surface of his body.

The ghost seemed to be even more powerful, and began to attack Wang Ting's body!

But the result was the same. Facing the extremely powerful biological force field, the ghost was helpless.

It was like a moth trying to cross a waterfall with a drop of hundreds of meters. It was completely useless.

Then, Wang Ting sensed that the energy disappeared.

The ghost left......

Wang Ting could feel that the energy of these ghosts was also strong and weak, and the ghost just now was on the weak side.

And the ones with really strong energy seemed to be on the third and fourth floors.

He smiled indifferently, and wanted to see what the most powerful evil spirit looked like~

At the end of the corridor.

Everyone was holding the wall in shock, gasping for breath.

Charlotte and Zhixian had collapsed. The two originally beautiful girls had now cried and their makeup was smudged. They looked around with sobs, their eyes full of fear.

Cassandra wanted to comfort them, but she was not much better than them, and the fear just now also echoed in her heart.

Although she was only an experiencer of the system's advent, she was well prepared and knew that there were ghosts here, but she still couldn't control herself when she really experienced it.

It was different from what she had imagined before.

Just like when you sweat in the summer, you can never imagine how cold it will be in the winter.

Charlotte supported Zhixian and sobbed:

"us...We have to leave...I don't want to die here...."

Ji Hyun nodded while crying.

Cheng Xun and Cheng Xu wanted to persuade them and whispered:

"Charlotte, Ji Hyun, if we leave now, all our efforts will be wasted. Our live broadcast has now reached...."

"Shut up!"

Zhixian interrupted them angrily, raised his still bleeding forearm, and stretched out the three bright scratches in front of them.

"Didn’t you see it? If we don’t leave, we will die here!"

After saying that, he threw the headset to the ground regardless of the two people’s attempts to stop him, and said to Cassandra:

"Cassandra, come with us and leave here! Or you will regret it...."

Cassandra wanted to signal Wang Ting's intention, but when she turned around, she found that Wang Ting was gone!

"Where is Wang Ting?"

She was shocked. Could it be that the guy didn't run away?

Although Wang Ting was powerful, it seemed that he had only greatly improved his physical strength and power. But if he faced a supernatural ghost,���

Is strength useful?....Wang Ting was trapped by a ghost? Killed?

Cassandra shouted Wang Ting's name a few more times, but no one responded. She gradually became uneasy.

If Wang Ting was dead, wouldn't she be committing suicide if she stayed?

Of course, those of them who experienced the system would not really die, at most they would log out, but for Cassandra, ghosts were more terrifying than death....

""Okay, let's leave together!"

Cassandra said, and then helped Charlotte and Zhixian walk out of the building.

【What the hell? Sister Ka is leaving now? She doesn't care about the owner anymore?】

【Does the homeowner need someone else to worry about him?】

【If the landlord is out of luck, it's useless even if Sister Ka goes there.】

【Seriously, why did the owner disappear? He's not going to fight a ghost, is he?...】

At this moment, Charlotte, who had just walked to the stairs, suddenly pointed at the wall in horror!

"Ah! How could it be...!"

Everyone looked over and saw that the graffiti on the wall had changed. It had originally said"Charlotte, alive" but now it had changed to"Charlotte, committed suicide.""!

"I clearly wrote that I was alive....How did it become....No, we have to leave immediately!"

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