Wang Ting was a little dazed for a moment. Fortunately, he was proficient in various extreme sports. If he were an ordinary person, he would probably have acrophobia at this moment.

He landed on the top of a 100-meter building and grabbed the lightning rod tower with one hand.

With Wang Ting's current strength, he only needed to pinch the lightning rod with two fingers to easily stop his body in the air, just like a human flag in parkour.

"This is too strong....."

Wang Ting was so excited that he couldn't express it in words!

Strength is the symbol of masculinity, and it has been the ultimate indicator pursued by all male creatures since ancient times.

Now that he has such terrifying power, Wang Ting is unprecedentedly confident!

He didn't use his full strength just now, after all, he hasn't fully adapted to this powerful physique, but even so, he easily jumped a hundred meters high.

If he jumps with all his strength, he will definitely jump higher.

But he knows that before the ability to fly is unlocked, the power of this jump is not as strong as the first universe power and cannot escape the gravity of the earth.

I wonder if there will be a qualitative change after he unlocks all the abilities of the Iron Man Superman, and whether there will be new levels waiting for him to unlock?

Wang Ting jumped down from the top of the building!


He landed suddenly, and the powerful force did not make him feel any discomfort, just like an ordinary person doing a squat exercise.

The acceleration of gravity at a height of 100 meters can turn even a tank into scrap metal!

But Wang Ting was extremely relaxed. This was a piece of cake for Superman's strength.

The pedestrians around him seemed not to see him. After all, this simulation only simulated the material form and senses, but not thinking.

Wang Ting walked to a car, lifted the one or two ton car with one hand without any effort, and waved his hand to throw it at a building in the distance.

A loud noise was heard.

The car hit the reinforced concrete wall of the building directly and exploded!


Suddenly, large pieces of tempered glass were blown away by the impact of the air wave. Rolled up, and splashed in all directions.

The pedestrians around were cut by the high-speed flying glass fragments, and all fell in a pool of blood. It must be said that the simulation was very realistic.

Wang Ting was also splashed by these glass fragments, leaving some light white scars on the surface of his body.

It was just a cut on the epidermis, and there was no bleeding.

This shows that his physical strength is several times higher than that of ordinary people.

After all, strength comes from muscles. Without strong muscles as a foundation, such a great force will only cause his body to be torn apart by the reaction force.

However, this is only an improvement that comes with super strength, not the physique of Superman. According to this degree, Wang Ting's skin and flesh have reached the level of cast iron.

Wang Ting frowned.

This process A body of this strength can at most resist damage from sharp weapons such as swords and knives, but cannot withstand attacks from high-intensity thermal weapons.

Therefore, he needs to continue to unlock Superman's abilities and obtain a super physique as soon as possible.

Compared to the ability to fly, what Wang Ting wants most now is Superman's powerful immortality!

Moreover, Wang Ting remembered the rumor that when someone completes an order of magnitude of movie experience, the character settings in the system can be completely fed back to the character in the real world.

If this is true, if I can bring my abilities back to the real world in the future, wouldn't I be invincible?

Of course, this idea only flashed through his mind, because it always felt not very realistic.

Having a general understanding of his own strength, Wang Ting did not waste this room. After using up half an hour, he left the room.

At this moment, he had to choose the horror movie world he was about to go to!

Seeing the familiar interface, Wang Ting was more excited than ever, because this time was different from the past, his body had undergone drastic changes!

Moreover, he was going to start a live broadcast this time, and it was also his first live broadcast.

He had never broadcast live before, so he didn't have many fans, so what he was worried about at the moment was whether anyone would watch it.

He was not afraid of few people, even if only one person watched it, he could participate in the scoring, and as long as he gave a 3-star scare index, he could unlock a new ability.


The audience for horror movie live broadcasts is still a very large group, there should be viewers!

Wang Ting began to choose horror movies....

《silent Hill》,《Train to Busan》、《Alien》、《Gonjiam》、《A Chinese Ghost Story》、《Wrong Turn》、《Mr. Zombie》,《spiritualism》、《Van Helsing》、《resident Evil》、《The Grudge》、《The Ring》、《Freddy vs Jason》、《Hellblazer》、《The Thing》、《Mist》、《Godzilla》.....

Wang Ting was looking through these classic horror movies and suddenly got into a dilemma.

Although he now has extremely powerful power, it is not possible to kill all settings.

For example, ghosts and the like cannot be dealt with by physical attacks, even if he is extremely strong.

But Wang Ting believes that after he unlocks thermal vision and freezing breath in the future, those supernatural powers will be no problem for him.

Who says Superman can't deal with supernatural beings?

Thermal vision is the power of the core of the sun, which is the terrifying power of neutron stars.

Neutron stars transcend all known matter, no matter you are monsters, they are all killed!

Frozen breath reaches absolute zero, which is the power to freeze all elements, even dark matter and antimatter are not immune!

What about ghosts? They also belong to cosmic energy matter.

But for now, Wang Ting still wants to choose some safe horror movies.

Although he will not be in danger of life as long as he is careful enough, it is better to be safe than sorry. If he has an accident, he will lose this role completely, which will be a big loss.

But he has to ensure the degree of shock, so what should he choose?

The only horror movies that fit the physical category are zombies and psychopathic killers.

Several options immediately appeared in Wang Ting's mind.

"Got it."

He immediately found a very classic perverted killer movie.

That is the famous"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"!

This is a movie adapted from real events, telling the story of a killer hiding in Texas who dismembered dozens of innocent people with a chainsaw.

Because the time was long ago, the means of solving the case were backward, and there were not even surveillance cameras, so the case has always been an unsolved case.

It was not until later that the police accidentally discovered that the murderer's home was full of broken limbs and arms, as well as countless human skin and bone products, that they solved this horrific case that spread across the country. The

Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the movie is even more cruel, which makes countless viewers feel depressed after watching it, and the psychological shadow area is huge......

There are quite a few fans of this kind of horror film, and there will definitely be people watching the live broadcast!

After making the selection, a portal immediately opened in front of Wang Ting.

Wang Ting raised a confident and expectant smile.

"The cheating mode is about to begin......"

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