Inside the cathedral.

Wang Ting threw Rose in at the critical moment. Fortunately, she fell on a group of people. Otherwise, she would have been badly hurt even if she had escaped from the Triangle-Headed Demon.

She immediately rushed to the door after getting up from the ground, wanting to rescue Wang Ting as well. However, the door had been quickly closed by the people in the church. No one wanted to let the monsters outside rush in.

"What are you doing! My friend is still outside, are you going to watch him die without helping him?"

Rose turned around and asked loudly, but no one paid attention to her. Everyone gathered under the statue in the church, kneeling on the ground, clasping their hands together, praying devoutly.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared!

Everyone's prayers together seemed to have really produced a vision!

Inside the church, the stained glass dome above the believers' heads gradually bloomed with white holy light, like a flashlight with super large lumens gradually lit up.

This light was extremely dazzling, but not glaring. Rose looked directly at the strange white light, but felt a hint of warmth and quietness.

Under the illumination of the white light, her inner fear began to subside, and the anxiety and excitement in her emotions slowly settled down.

Rose's consciousness seemed to be immersed in such a vision, forgetting the time and the purpose of her trip.

This scene was also seen by millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

That's right, after Wang Ting and others joined together, he transferred the live broadcast camera to Rose, so Rose now has a separate live broadcast split screen.

Seeing this scene, everyone was also very surprised

【Is there really light? Oh my god, it can't be a lighting effect, deliberately fooling these believers?】

【It is better to believe it exists than not to believe it exists. If there are ghosts in this world, there must be gods.】

【It’s not that simple. If there really is a God, how dare those ghosts be so arrogant?】

【It should have some effect. Don’t you find that these people in the church are safe?】

【God said: Let there be light~]

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw some clues at this time.

The ghosts in Silent Hill are very powerful. It is impossible to stop them with just a church door. So many people in the church have been intact, and no ghosts have entered.

This is enough to show that there is some kind of power in this cathedral, enough to make those dark forces afraid.

And this scene was also seen by the owner of the house, Wang Ting. He can view all camera angles in real time, which is equivalent to God's perspective. This is the privilege of the owner of the house.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ting's memory of the plot has been restored, except for some details.

Wang Ting smiled indifferently.

Rose's being alone was naturally expected by him, or deliberately arranged.

Because at this time Wang Ting already knew that his strength had been shown to be partly enough to shock the audience in the live broadcast room.

So if he followed Rose again, it would affect the thrill of the horror movie.

Therefore, he had to let Rose face the next plot alone.

In the cathedral.

After an unknown amount of time, the white light of the glass dome gradually faded and finally disappeared after it had bloomed to its fullest.

Rose was surprised to find that the streets outside the window had returned to a misty state, and the inner world had disappeared.

At this moment, she suddenly had a guess!

Could it be that these people in the church really have the power to dispel darkness?

Can they really summon miracles?

Although Rose usually went to the church to pray, she only did it to have a spiritual sustenance. In fact, she did not believe in the existence of gods.

"This World...."Is there really a God?"

Rose muttered to herself.

At this moment, a calm and steady voice suddenly came from behind her:

"The gods exist forever, high above us. As long as you kneel down to them, you will be blessed!"

Rose turned around and saw a middle-aged woman in clerical clothing coming over. Everyone around her was very respectful to her.

It seemed that she was the person with the highest status here.

The woman introduced herself:

"I am Chrisbella, the bishop here. You look strange. Are you from another place?"

Rose nodded:

"I passed by here with my daughter.....But she's lost, I have to find her as soon as possible."

Rose didn't say that she came to Silent Hill specifically, but said that she was just passing by. For some reason, her intuition told her that now was not the time to tell the truth.

In her eyes, these people in front of her had an inexplicable strangeness. Before she knew clearly what happened in this town, Rose couldn't trust anyone easily.


Crisbella sighed:

"It's such a shame, this place....But it's not that easy to leave. I sympathize with your daughter's experience, but you can see that this place has been occupied by demons. It is very dangerous for you to go to the town rashly."

Rose shook her head and said firmly:

"No matter how dangerous it is, I will find my daughter!"

The locals around were mocking and disdainful. They all knew how dangerous the town was now. If a little girl got lost, she might not survive for even five minutes.

So no one believed that Rose's daughter was still alive. Everyone just watched her persistence with cold eyes.

Chris Bella sighed and said with a smile:

"Honey, I hate to say this, but in this town, even the strongest man can hardly make it to the next day.....I am not trying to persuade you to give up, but as the bishop here, I want you to know that the church you are in now is the only safe place.

Rose shook her head repeatedly:

"Thank you for your reminder, but I saw with my own eyes that my daughter is still in this town. She must be alive and well. I must save her because I am her mother."

Chrisbella nodded:

"Well, in that case, I am willing to help you find it. I think the gods will also be willing to help a great mother. God's generosity is the most selfless."

Rose was delighted when she heard this:

"Really? That’s great, thank you!"

Chris Bella smiled.

"I'm going to arrange some staff."

After saying that, he turned around and went to the back.

At this time, the person next to Chris Bella whispered to her:

"Bishop, do we really want to help her find her daughter? Isn't this too dangerous? We have already lost several people!"

At this moment, the peaceful smile on Chrisbella's face suddenly disappeared, and her face was as dark as water:

"Nonsense, I know that too! But we must rely on the power of everyone's faith to resist the darkness. Now that we have lost so many people, our strength will be weakened. It is rare for outsiders to come. She may have companions. We must let them trust us and join us to replenish our strength!"

She looked up at the statue and muttered to herself:

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