Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 80

Servi and the others are doing this now.

Servi took the angel Jane, used the original abyss passage, fixed it, and built a large number of space doors.

The distance between these space gates is not too long, basically there is one every few hundred kilometers.

Through these space doors, the ordinary succubus who can't fly will also become quite convenient to shuttle in this layer of abyss.


In the entire abyss, the construction of the succubus is still going on, and they built a group of buildings on a high mountain.

Because they regard this place as their own homeland, the succubi have also paid special attention to building it.

Planting work is almost complete.

The devil fruit, which can improve blood vessels, is also grown in large quantities.

However, this devil fruit has some requirements on the planting distance. The succubus planted them separately, and then sent succubus to guard nearby to avoid being stolen by some abyssal creatures.

After the succubus patriarch Lucia broke through to the ninth level, she was full of gratitude to Lin En. Now she spent more time in Lin En's castle, digesting what Lin En passed to her through the eyes of the succubus.

And Lin En called a few succubus elders, and through the succubus eyes, he passed on some of his knowledge and knowledge about succubus abilities to them.

These succubus elders also gained a lot, and one succubus elder even broke through the eighth rank on the spot!

In this way, a few days later, on this day, when Lin En inspected the system mall, he found a new item in the system mall.

The seed of the fallen tree of life?

Lin En looked at the price, and found that it cost 800,000 mall coins, which is a bit more expensive than the dragon egg, but cheaper than the fallen angel reincarnation pool.

For Lin En now, 800,000 mall coins are nothing.

Therefore, Lynn exchanged directly.

The exchange is successful, and the host obtains the seeds of the fallen tree of life.

The sound of the system sounds.

On Lynn's hand, a seed about the size of a fist appeared.

This seed is not green, but green with black.


Lynn called the elf Alyssa.


Alyssa walked over, and then saw the fallen tree of life seed in Lynn's hand.

This is...

She felt that the breath released by that seed was a bit familiar.

However, it seems to be quite different from the seeds in her impression.

Master, what is this?

Alisa asked curiously.

Fallen Tree of Life Seed!

Lynn said.

Fallen Tree of Life?

When Alisa heard these five words, surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes!

Fallen Tree of Life!

The tree of life is the mother tree of the elves, and also the holy tree of the elves!

Alisa has heard of fallen elves, but she has never heard of the fallen tree of life!

Can the tree of life fall?

Even if the fallen elves bring the tree of life seeds to the abyss, they cannot survive.

Those Tree of Life seeds cannot germinate, even once the fallen elves bring the Tree of Life seeds to the abyss, the Tree of Life seeds will wither directly!

But now, Lynn actually has a fallen tree of life seed here!

how come...

Alyssa couldn't believe it.

Even if Lynn took it out, she still couldn't believe it, because it had already impacted her belief.

Lin En touched her little head: Let's go, let's find a place to plant it.

After speaking, Lynn pulled Alyssa and flew out of the castle.

Soon, he found a place.

Now the succubi occupy mainly the eastern area.

Lynn took Alyssa to the west.

It didn't take long for Lynn to find a place.

It's not far from Lynn's Castle.

It is a valley area.

Lynn stopped.


What is the host holding?


Same curiosity~

Should it be the seed of some kind of plant?


In the live broadcast room, after seeing Lynn's actions, many people became curious.


Lynn held the fallen tree of life seed and continuously poured energy into it.

When purchasing, the system mall stated that the more energy injected, the tree of fallen life would grow taller and bigger in a short period of time after the seeds were planted.

Soon, Lynn felt that the energy of this fallen tree of life seed was saturated.

Can no longer be injected.

Under the eyes of tens of millions of netizens and the elf Alisa in the live broadcast room, Lin En punched the seed of the fallen tree of life into the alluvial plain of the river valley.

I saw that as soon as the seeds of the fallen tree of life touched the soil of the abyss, they began to change.

The energy in the soil was absorbed by it crazily.

In a short period of time, the seeds of the fallen tree of life germinated, grew out, and then continued to grow taller.

I'm going, it grows so fast, did you press the fast forward button?

It's really fast~

The host used magic, right?


In the live broadcast room, netizens were quite surprised.

Alyssa's eyes widened completely, and the surprise in her eyes grew even stronger!

This scene is actually not particularly unusual in the abyss.

But Alisa was not surprised by the growth rate of the fallen tree of life seeds.

But the fallen tree of life itself!

In less than a minute, the fallen tree of life grew several meters high, and then continued to grow upwards.

Alyssa covered her mouth with her hand.

Because after the Fallen Tree of Life grew to a height of ten meters, Alyssa was almost certain.

This is definitely the tree of life!

However, it is not the tree of life in the kingdom of elves.

It's the fallen tree of life!

The tree of life actually has a fallen tree of life!

This has exceeded Alyssa's imagination!

As the princess of the elf kingdom, Alyssa has come into contact with many things.

Only her father could enter the library. There were some extremely ancient books that recorded some secret stories of the elves.

A long time ago, there was a time when the whole world was dominated by elves.

Because the elves are more powerful, they are almost born marksmen, and each elf also has a natural sensitivity to magic power, and the elves are fair and basically do not play tricks.

Of course, more importantly, humans were still very weak at that time.

At that time, what the powerful demons in the abyss liked to do most was to tempt the elves to fall.

From this, a large number of fallen elves were born.

However, in any ancient classics, Alyssa has never seen a record of a fallen tree of life!

It is impossible for the tree of life to fall!

But now, this fallen and rapidly growing tree of life has completely shattered Alisa's world view.


In Alisa's eyes, the fallen tree of life grew taller and taller.

Every second is rushing upwards.

And longer and faster.

Finally, ten minutes passed.

After ten minutes passed, the fallen tree of life... had grown into a towering tree with a height of 100 meters!

The trunk is straight and the canopy is extraordinarily lush.

The diameter of the crown alone exceeds five hundred meters.

However, even so, this fallen tree of life is only a larvae.

Yes, it will continue to grow.

The next growth requires it to absorb the energy of the abyss to grow.

The energy Lynn injected into the seed can only make it grow so high.

666, grow so tall all of a sudden! It's completely against the laws of nature!

NT, talk about the laws of nature on our side in the abyss~

Cowhide! Anchor, can I get a seed like this next time? I'll give you a reward of 100 million to buy one...

Hao, let's talk about the reward first~


In the live broadcast room, when they saw the fallen tree of life that grew to a height of 100 meters in ten minutes, netizens boiled again.


And Alisa has been completely sluggish!

It's really a fallen tree of life!

She said blankly.

Lynn pulled her and fell onto the fallen tree of life.

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