Live Fortune Telling, Offline Ghost Hunting

Chapter 2 The Disappeared Antique Vase

As soon as Luo Chen finished speaking, the entire live broadcast room exploded.

"It's such a big deal! Is the anchor starting to talk nonsense?"

"In order to make a living, people who become anchors really dare to act in any kind of jokes."

"Come on, this is another gimmick. The agency behind you wrote the script well."

At this time, there were more than fifty people in the live broadcast room, but the barrage was very popular, attracting more and more people to watch. Luo Chen ignored the barrage and stared at the people in the video.

He saw clearly the appearance of Yu Yi. He was sallow, thin, slovenly, and had heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"Have you been suffering from insomnia for a long time?"

Raincoat didn't answer.

"After you killed your father, you felt guilty. You often dreamed about him in your dreams, which made you frightened and uneasy, so you didn't dare to sleep. Only people with evil thoughts in their hearts have dark faces."

Yuyi was stunned, his face turned blue, and his eyes began to dodge, making the people in the live broadcast room suspicious.

"What's going on? Is the script so realistic?"

"It doesn't look like acting."

Luo Chen continued: "I advise you to surrender. There are some things hidden in your heart that will only torture you for the rest of your life. Do you want to live in a dark corner for the rest of your life, or go out and see the sunshine."

Raincoat suddenly opened his eyes, "You have no idea how painful it is to take care of a demented old man!"

"You freed him, why not free yourself?"


The video suddenly cuts off.

It ended abruptly, but left a big suspense, making the live broadcast room immediately lively.

"It can not be?"

"Xing, are you going to catch a murderer on live broadcast? Host, your script is so bold."

"Hey, my grandfather has Alzheimer's disease. Taking care of Alzheimer's disease is quite painful."

Everyone said their own things for a while, and the barrage flooded the screen. When Luo Chen saw that the number of followers exceeded 200, he felt relaxed. Many people sent some free gifts, which increased the popularity.

The takeout he ordered just arrived. He opened the door and got fried noodles. He returned to the computer and was about to eat when he saw someone giving him a steak gift, worth a hundred dollars.

Some people ridiculed the barrage, some fools gave money, and some urged to connect quickly, waiting to read the new script.

Luo Chen didn't care, as long as he made money on the first day of broadcasting.

He connected to Xiaobei's video. As the name suggests, the other party is a girl with long black hair and wearing cartoon pajamas. She looks like a college student, but...this girl's pajamas are so big!

Luo Chen took a bite of fried noodles and said, "Is the beauty trying to calculate her marriage?"

"No, I want you to help me find something."

Luo Chen was happy. It stands to reason that most people would rather count their luck in marriage and wealth. The two orders they received today turned out to be strange things. He asked, "I am also good at finding people and things. Just tell me what you want to find."

The girl seemed to be prepared and took out a photo, which showed a simple vase. "This is my grandma's antique. It has been kept in her hands. She had it appraised before she died. It is worth at least three million." "

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage started to boil. Ordinary people have never dreamed of having an heirloom at home and dreaming of getting rich overnight.

"You said three hundred, just three hundred?"

"Three million antique vases? Was your grandma deceived by someone selling fake antiques?"

"Yes, there are many tricks to sell fake antiques to defraud the elderly."

Xiaobei ignored the words on the barrage and continued: "The vase is real. During the appraisal, the experts said that we can introduce grandma to rich businessmen to buy it, but grandma did not sell it. She is old and needs someone to take care of her. There are three people at home. Son, so she made a decision to ask my father and two uncles to support her in her old age. After she dies, she will sell the vase and divide the money equally among her children."

Luo Chen said: "Now your grandma has passed away, but the vase is missing?"

"Well, over the years, my father and uncles took turns taking care of grandma. The last person to take care of grandma was my second uncle. We suspect that he took advantage of grandma's confusion and deceived her into taking the vase. Can you help me find the vase."

"Excuse me, do you have a photo of grandma?"

Xiaobei nodded and quickly took out a family photo. She said it was from her grandma's birthday before she passed away, a group photo of three generations of the family.

Luo Chen quickly saw the faces of everyone, the old man and his three sons. The grandma was kind and bookish, an educated old man. He looked at the photo of the vase again and suddenly smiled.

"Do you know where the vase is? Did my second uncle steal it and sell it secretly?"

Luo Chen did not answer directly, "Your grandma is a teacher, right."

"How do you know? Grandma has been a high school teacher her whole life, teaching history."

"Your father and three brothers are in small business."

Xiaobei in the video opened her eyes wide in shock, Luo Chen had guessed everything.

"Studying nourishes the mind, while doing business distracts the mind. The hearts of grandma and son are no longer in the same place. In your family portrait, grandma and the three sons look very different from each other, and their family relationship is weak. Even you are influenced by your father and only care about the vase. whereabouts."

Xiaobei was silent, "I just asked you to help me find the vase, I don't need you to teach me how to behave."

Luo Chen smiled and said, "You don't need me to teach you how to be a good person. Your grandma has already taught you the last lesson. She broke the vase."


Xiaobei and the people in the barrage were shocked at the same time.

There is a set of speaking skills in fortune telling, which is not to answer what the other person wants to know immediately. Just like when writing an article, you want to express your interest first and then reveal the answer.

Obviously, Luo Chen learned this trick from his master, and he gradually increased the popularity of the live broadcast room.

"The old lady deliberately broke the vase and didn't keep it for her sons? This is a good trick. Your father must be unfilial."

"The anchor's script is indeed interesting and can be listened to as a bedtime story."

"The actors are well chosen. Xiaobei is so cute."

There were many people talking on the barrage, but Xiaobei looked shocked, "You are talking nonsense, how could it be broken? There is always someone taking care of grandma. If she broke it secretly..."

Halfway through the words, Xiaobei shut up in embarrassment.

Luo Chen said sarcastically: "Yes, there are always people taking care of her, and people are always monitoring her. Are you taking care of the old man, or are you spying on her antiques? Do you think your grandma will not know?"


"Grandma is getting old and wants to gain some family ties with her three sons in her later years. Unfortunately, people are greedy, and business people are even greedier. Your father and three brothers only care about vases and care for the elderly carelessly, which makes your grandma feel cold. "

The barrage joked: "Yeah, maybe I'm still hoping that the old man will leave early so that I can share the money early."

Xiaobei couldn't help it anymore, "Don't talk nonsense there. You said grandma broke the vase, where's the evidence?"

"The vase is under your grandma's bed."

"It's impossible. After grandma passed away, her house had been searched all over."

"Open the bed and take a look."

"Okay, just wait, I'm at grandma's house now."

After saying that, Xiaobei took a step back. What was behind her was indeed an old bedroom. The frugal decorations were obviously a room where the elderly lived. She did not hang up the video. The old wooden bed was not heavy. In full view of the crowd, Next, Xiaobei opened a corner of the wooden bed and immediately put a chair under it, making the bed tilt.

Then, someone immediately said in the barrage: "Look! There is something stuck under the bed."

On the back of the inconspicuous wooden bed, pieces of vase fragments are stuck under the bed.

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