Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 321: Hell On Earth! [Please Subscribe! 】


There was a loud bang, and the roar continued!

Huge waves, swallowing up the sky and covering the earth!

The lieutenants and other crew members in the cab stared at everything outside the window with desperate faces!



Huge waves roared in, directly smashing the window of the driving style, and the turbulent seawater rushed into the driving style crazily, washing all the crew members to pieces!

Neither the deputy nor the crew had any time to react, and they couldn't even stand firm. The moment the side of the hull was hit by huge waves, they tilted directly towards the bottom of the sea

The assistants and crew members in the cab not only had to face the intrusion of seawater, but also faced the tilted hull. The moment they were hit by the seawater, they slammed into the side of the cab!

Some crew members were even thrown out alive without wearing seat belts and fell into the sea.

Of course, even the crew members wearing seat belts are not much better. While they are being shaken, all the objects in the entire cab are under chaotic shock!

These objects slammed heavily on the deputy and the crew, and they didn't have any resistance at all!

For a moment, blood stained the cab, and the seawater in the cab turned bright red. None of the deputy and the crew were spared, and died instantly.

The tourists and crew in the cabin are not much better.

Due to the impact of the huge waves and the inclination of the hull, especially the tourists and crew members on the upper three floors, they are facing the same situation as the cockpit assistant and crew members!

I saw that in the restaurant, tables and chairs were thrown around, knocking out many panic-screaming tourists, and some tourists and crew members were directly smashed to death by some cabinets, knives and forks!

Except for the restaurant, even the commercial street on the first floor, the gymnasium, and even the rooms on the second and third floors, all the tourists and crew members face the same desperate situation

As for the passengers and crew on the deck and in the corridor, it was even more miserable. Before they even had time to get on the lifeboat, they were directly swept into the sea by huge waves, or were thrown into the sea directly!

The situation on the upper third floor is extremely miserable!

At this moment, the sea was furious, and human beings were like ants in front of the sea, vulnerable to a single blow!

As for the passengers and crew on the lower three floors, they were not much better. They were still being dumped miserably, with howls and howls one after another. The only good thing was that there was an air valve on the lower three floors, which sounded the alarm when seawater invaded. At the moment, the air valve is closed, making it impossible for sea water to invade!

However, this also led to another very desperate scenario, that is, the cruise ship capsized!

Since the upper deck of the cruise ship is still completely irrigated by seawater, the lower deck of the cruise ship has air valves, which store a large amount of air, and sea water cannot invade it!

Therefore, at this time, the Neptune cruise ship has completely lost its balance. The entire huge cruise ship turned over, the bottom of the ship floated on the water, and the upper part of the ship sank firmly underwater!

Meanwhile, the giant waves have disappeared.

However, the cruise ship, which was full of feasting, feasting, singing and dancing one moment, has completely turned into a hell on earth the next moment!

The upper part of the cruise ship sunk into the bottom of the sea has been completely reduced to a dead place.

At this moment, if someone can go down, they will find that the sea water has been dyed scarlet red, and countless corpses are still floating in the sea water.

At the same time, in the surrounding sea area, many corpses were also floated to the surface of the sea, and they drifted away slowly along with the waves of the sea.

The sea surface returned to calm, as if nothing had happened!

If it wasn't for the fact that the bottom of the cruise ship was still floating on the water, no one would have believed that there was a monstrous wave just now, which took the lives of thousands of people!

This is the horror of nature, taking human life quietly.

And at this moment, the only hope is the lower three floors!

I saw that among the lower three floors, wailing sounds came and went one after another.

Due to the impact of the huge waves before, the hull turned sideways, and finally turned over completely, making the people in it, like ants trapped in a shaking bottle, keep falling back and forth, and finally fell straight from the top bottom!

Now, the top of the cruise ship has completely bottomed out, instead the bottom has become the top!

This also led to many casualties. For example, some people were directly thrown to death. It should be known that the height of the third floor of the cruise ship is also six meters high. If the head is on the ground, there is really no help.

And some people fell directly on some buildings and some sharp decorations, and their whole bodies were pierced through, completely lifeless!

What's more, there was nothing wrong with the fall, but was smashed to death by the tables and chairs, beer bottles, game consoles and so on.

The scene was extremely bloody and terrifying, making people afraid to look directly at it!

The death toll increased sharply, not to mention the number of injured. Almost everyone present was injured to some extent.

The only good thing is that the air valve is sealed. If there is no accident, the hull will not sink in a short time, and the power supply system is still running in an orderly manner!

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was in the casino on the negative floor, which was the nearest floor to the sea, broke off the body of a middle-aged man and a game console, and staggered out of the ruins.

At this moment, even Jiang Chen has blood oozing from his forehead!

After all, things happened too suddenly, and it was impossible to prepare in advance.

The point is, even if you prepare in advance, everything is unpredictable, even Jiang Chen is injured!

However, this injury was nothing to Jiang Chen at all.

However, Jiang Chen looked at the tragic situation around him, and his face was a little ugly.


"Help! Someone help me!"

"Who can help me!"

"Help me!"


The surrounding air was completely covered by screams and the smell of blood!

Even a person with Jiang Chen's physique and reaction speed was injured, other ordinary people can imagine!

Jiang Chen looked at the ceiling he was stepping on, and slowly walked out with various game machines and card tables scattered around.

But just before Jiang Chen took a few steps, a hand suddenly grabbed Jiang Chen's ankle.

Jiang Chen looked down and found a girl, looking at Jiang Chen in pain, sobbing: "Sir...please, help me, I don't want to die...I really don't want to die .………”

I saw that the girl's lower body was covered by a huge game console, and she couldn't move!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, grabbed the game console, and lifted it up.

However, Jiang Chen couldn't bear to look at everything under the game console!

I saw that the girl's lower body had been smashed to a bloody mess.

At the same time, the girl has lost any vitality, lying motionless on the ground!

Situations like this happened one after another in the huge casino!

Here, it is simply a piece of hell on earth!

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