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Chapter 102: Legend Of The Ghost City, The Heavenly Palace Is Coming! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe!

I saw that the mist on the top of the mountain was gradually dissipating, and there were actually palace complexes on the top of the mountain!

The top of the huge mountain has been completely covered by palaces and attics, just like the Xianxia sect in Xianxia novels, it is extremely fantastic!

The point is, there are still people walking around in the palace, alive and well, performing their duties!

Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao, Wang Hao, and everyone in the live broadcast room were completely stunned by the scene in front of them, their scalps were numb, and their bodies were covered in goosebumps!

"Could it be that I really guessed it right? I stumbled into the Peach Blossom Spring for no reason?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

And Zhou Zhiyao said from the side: "Could it be... a survivor of the Shennong tribe and still live here?"

This statement coincides with Jiang Chen's Tale of Peach Blossom Spring!

Peach Blossom Spring describes the people of the Qin Dynasty, but Jiang Chen expresses the ancient people of the Shennong tribe. Although the people are not the same group, the meaning is the same!

And the live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

[Fuck! What the anchor means is Tao Yuanming's Tale of the Peach Blossom Spring? This is too big a brain hole!]

【However, is it really possible? The survivors of the Shennong tribe have actually been living in the deepest part of Shennongjia?】

【If this is the case, this will be an extremely important discovery!】

【Anchor, tell me what you think!】

Jiang Chen was about to speak, but at this moment, Mutation 893 appeared again!

Jiang Chen and the others suddenly raised their heads and looked upwards!

I saw that the originally thick fog suddenly rolled over the sky!

And as the mist rolled, just above the clouds above the heads of Jiang Chen and others, there was actually a roof looming in the mist!

For a moment, everyone held their breath, not even daring to take a breath!

And then, as time passed, the mist surged!

The roof behind the clouds in the sky is getting clearer and clearer, and the outline is getting clearer!

In the end, a gigantic double-pillared stone gate towered above the clouds and caught everyone's eyes!


Everyone gasped.

However, before everyone reacted, the vision changed again!

I saw that after the huge double-pillar stone gate appeared, the mist and clouds behind the stone gate began to drift away, and the hidden palaces and attics gradually appeared in front of everyone!

In a short while, a giant city of the Heavenly Palace was formed standing above the clouds of the Nine Heavens. It was so huge that it seemed to fall from the sky!

This is completely a Nine Heavens Immortal Palace that only exists in legends!

Because of this, everyone was surprised!

Tiangong, does it really exist? How is it possible!

If the former big mountain (cfce) and the attic palace on the big mountain can be barely explained by the Tale of Peach Blossom Spring, then how can we explain the Heavenly Palace that descended from the sky and stands on the clouds?

This is completely contrary to nature and science, it is too fantastical!

As for Jiang Chen, of course he was the most surprised person!

Because, he can see with his naked eyes that there are actually cranes flying and circling in the sky, and divine beasts resembling unicorns roaming around, and many people in ancient costumes live among them!

The point is, people can still vaguely hear people talking and discussing, as well as the sound of fighting, which is extremely noisy and lively!

All of this is not a movie, nor is it a special effect, it is completely vivid, as if it is real, how can it not be shocking, how can it not make people's scalp tingle!

Of course, the audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned!

[Fuck! I have goosebumps all over my body!]

【This shit, there really is a Heavenly Palace? The Heavenly Palace has come!】

[This completely subverts my three views and world view! 】

【If there is a Heavenly Palace, doesn’t that mean that there are really immortals?】

【Anchor, what is going on here, let’s popularize it quickly!】

On the Jianmu sacred tree, Zhou Zhiyao and Wang Hao also cast doubtful eyes on Jiang Chen.

At this moment, all eyes are on Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen tried hard to think about the information about all the strange events in front of him, and finally after a while, his eyes lit up, and he said: "I remembered!"

"What do you remember? It has something to do with Tiangong?" Zhou Zhiyao asked hastily.

Jiang Chen nodded with a smile, he didn't look nervous at all at this moment, he already had a bottom line in his heart!

"Hurry up and tell us what's going on!" Zhou Zhiyao said anxiously.

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room!

Jiang Chen didn't hold back, and said with a smile: "There is another legend about Shennongjia. I'm afraid you haven't heard of it. It's the legend of the ghost market!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused.

Jiang Chen continued to explain: "Actually, as early as the 1970s, many residents living near Shennongjia, as well as expedition scientific research teams, encountered the legendary ghost market.

The so-called ghost market, also known as the mountain city, is a bit like a mirage, it is a scene of a place, suddenly transported to the mountains and forests of Shennongjia!"

"Moreover, the appearance of this kind of ghost market is often accompanied by heavy fog!"

"In the ancient books, there are records about the ghost city, but the ancients at that time, it is said that monsters like dragons spray clouds and fog to form the ghost city travel scene!"

"According to legends, many villagers entered Shennongjia to collect herbs, and suddenly the surrounding scene changed drastically, as if they had traveled back to ancient times, surrounded by ancient buildings and ancient people! Moreover, after entering the mountain, many people were able to suddenly Hearing the noise of people around him and the noise of carriages and horses, he entered the ghost market soon after.

"I guess, what we are encountering now should be the ghost market, the Tiangong in front of us, and the big mountain pavilions not far away, should be refracted by sunlight from somewhere, and then refracted by fog, the scene formed is all It is a false existence!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and realized that everything was a mirage!

But at this time, a gust of wind blows, and Stonehenge sounds music again!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: "Listening to the music and looking at the wonderful scene in front of you may not be a kind of enjoyment."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiyao and the others had calmed down, no longer feeling fear and nervous, but enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of them instead.

The audience in the live broadcast room is still the same!

After all, such a spectacle, coupled with the music of more than 6,000 years ago, really has a special charm, really like being in the long river of time and space!

After a while, at noon, the fog began to dissipate.

The Tiangong, Dashan, and the attic all disappeared as expected, confirming Jiang Chen's thoughts, and the three of them are ready to return!

However, before leaving, Jiang Chen frowned and muttered to himself: "Mirage scenes don't appear out of thin air, they just project real scenes from another place, every mirage can find its own Prototype, that is to say...a certain place in the world, is there really a mountain, a group of lofts, and a heavenly palace?"

"And...the mirage can only project static buildings, and the images of living people, cranes, etc. inside are absolutely impossible to project...but I clearly saw it!"

"The point is, we can actually hear sound, but how is it possible for a mirage to project sound as well?"

"No! It doesn't make sense! It's not a mirage at all. If it's not a mirage, what is it?"

Jiang Chen took a deep look at the location where Tiangong disappeared, and finally sighed, shook his head and walked away!

ps: Please customize, please support! (A photo of Nantianmen, a mirage that was shocking at the time, is attached).

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