Chapter 235

That night Ye Yi boarded the plane on time for Denmark.

The plane took off slowly, Ye Yi put the seat down, put on the earphones, and lay down quietly.

Next to him is a girl who looks like a college student, dressed very stylishly and simply, holding a book of fairy tales in her hand, reading with gusto.

When she sees the wonderful things, the girl laughs from time to time, but she deliberately suppresses her voice very low for fear of affecting the people next to her.

Since Ye Yi is wearing headphones, these sounds have no effect on him.

After a while, Ye Yi opened his eyes and prepared to go to the bathroom.

The girl also read the fairy tale in her hand and greeted Ye Yi on her own initiative.

“Hello, did you travel to Northern Europe?”

Ye Yi was taken aback, then nodded and smiled and said, “Yes, I am going to Denmark, how about you?”

The girl heard that Ye Yi was traveling to Denmark, and her eyes showed a hint of surprise.

“So you are going to the fairy tale kingdom, so good…”

It can be seen that this girl is very fond of fairy tales. Not only does she like to read books of fairy tales, but she also yearns for the country of fairy tales very much.

Ye Yi later learned that this girl was studying in Denmark and was about to graduate this year.

The two talked for a long time, and they were very happy.

After finally arriving in Denmark, Ye Yi also has some knowledge and understanding of this country. The north of Denmark is actually very close to Sweden and Norway, and they are separated by the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

In fact, the terrain of this place in Denmark is relatively soft, flat and vast, without those huge undulating mountains.(Read more @

To the west of Denmark is a wetland plain with icy water all the year round. The cold air radiating from the Arctic Ocean will form a cold wave every year and pass through this plain area.

Therefore, the population distribution here is relatively small, they are mainly concentrated in the northern port city area.

There are mild sea breeze here all year round and the scenery is charming, attracting a large number of tourists every year.

Ye Yi next determined his route map. He planned to go to the port city of Aarhus first.

Aarhus is the second largest city in Denmark and one of the famous world ports.

The city’s annual maritime trade volume is one of the best in Denmark, and it is also a grand exchange port where the population moves freely.

At this time Ye Yi entered Aarhus and came to a beautiful town.

Above these towns are typical buildings with Nordic characteristics, as well as many statues that can be seen everywhere.

These statues record allusions to many famous events in Danish history. The Danes are very romantic. They like to use this form to record these meaningful or interesting things for a long time.

Walking on the ground covered with pebbles, Ye Yi’s mood became very relaxed.

He took out his mobile phone and saw the picture he was interested in, so he took a photo to commemorate it.

It is worth mentioning that in many small towns in European countries, photos are not allowed at will, and if you violate it, you are likely to be fined.

However, you can take pictures freely in this place in Denmark, and you will not encounter a fine. This is enough to show that this city is very romantic and casual, and it is a paradise for tourists to enjoy themselves.

The sky is not completely dark at this time. The daytime in Denmark is very long, which is also inseparable from its geographical location.

Ye Yi walked on and came to the Aarhus Art Museum.

This museum does not occupy a large area, but it is very high. If you are at the top of the museum, you can overlook the entire city of Aarhus.

This does not mean that the city is small, but because the local terrain is extremely flat, and the Aarhus Art Museum is built on a relatively tall hill.

After buying the tickets, Ye Yi entered the art museum at the last time of closing. At this time, because it was about to close, there were not many people in the museum.

Ye Yi walked into the art museum and saw a long corridor oncoming, surrounded by various primitive oil paintings.

This is the master of oil painting, almost all painters in Danish history, full of Renaissance classicism.

Ye Yi doesn’t have much appreciation for this ancient art, but he doesn’t mind being arty at this time. Quietly feel the charm of the works created by famous artists in Danish history.

It is worth mentioning that the top of the Aarhus Art Museum is a rainbow corridor composed of seven colors.

Every wall here is made of transparent tempered glass, and inside the glass there are light tubes of different lengths.

When the night falls, these lamps emit gradual colors, red, orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple, alternating very beautifully.

At this moment, Ye Yi saw a very dangerous scene…

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