Chapter 181

“Mr. Ye Yi…what do you mean by…?” The ranch staff did not understand.

Because first of all, if there are restaurants, then there is definitely no problem with international transportation in the past. This is also a common operation of many orderers, and they all do this.

From this, the ranch staff understood to some extent, why this Mr. Ye Yi took out 110 million hibiscus currency in one go without any hesitation.

After all, the real identity behind him may be the big boss, so there is really no problem at all, it is very understandable.

But should it be divided into 200 parts in one breath? !

What does it mean?

Means there are 200 restaurants under the door?

But if China is under the door, let alone 200 restaurants, but if there are more than ten Fusang restaurants, then they should be regular customers of their ranch a long time ago.

There are more than 200 large customers of restaurants, the staff of their ranch may not be unaware, and the large customers of more than 200 restaurants like this must have business contacts in advance.

So the ranch staff couldn’t understand it for a while, so he asked Ye Yi directly what it meant.

Here Ye Yi responded with a calm smile, and then said: “Just like what I said before, I will rebroadcast a part of the content, and the two hundred copies will be given to my audience as a A souvenir of travel.”

“Tourist souvenirs? 110 million hibiscus currency?!”

As soon as Ye Yi’s voice fell, the ranch staff was stunned again on the spot, and this time it was directly and completely stunned.

If it weren’t for Ye Yi’s outstanding temperament and a fluent Fuso Tokyo accent, the ranch staff would definitely treat Ye Yi as a “fool”.

Are there really fools these days? !

Spending 110 million hibiscus currency is just buying a tourist souvenir?

Leaving aside the courage and willingness, this kind of handwriting is unheard of by this ranch staff!

So for a while, he didn’t hold back at all, and he directly said in a very surprised way.

Ye Yi didn’t seem to see the surprise of the ranch staff, but responded indifferently: “Well! It is indeed a welfare reward for the audience. This is a souvenir gift.” (Fusang) .

Speaking of this, although the ranch staff still had shock in their eyes, they still recovered, and as soon as they recovered, they stretched out their hands and respectfully accepted the international bank from Ye Yi. Bank card.

After receiving the bank card handed over by Ye Yi for the first time, he bowed respectfully to Ye Yi, and then went to work.

A female ranch worker walked over at the right time, but she was wearing a dark ranch uniform, and compared to the dust on the previous ranch worker, her body was much cleaner.(Read more @

“Mr. Ye Yi! Please also let me take you to the dining area. We will assign you the best and highest quality selection from each part of the Kobe beef you buy at that time.”

Ye Yi nodded when he heard this, and followed the female ranch worker.

Before long, Ye Yi came to a very spacious and bright restaurant, and then saw all kinds of cooking utensils.

But the most is the oven!

“Mr. Ye Yi, which beef cooking method do you prefer? We will contact the chef of the nearest Michelin-star restaurant to cook for you.” The female ranch staff asked.

For this, Ye Yi smiled: “You don’t need to ask other chefs to help me with the oven, and prepare a casserole with some vegetables and an egg.”

The female ranch staff was stunned for a moment, and then after recovering, she said, “Is Mr. Ye Yi doing barbecue and shouxi pot?”

Ye Yi didn’t reply to this, just smiled.

When the female ranch staff saw Ye Yi’s appearance, she understood something, and then quickly bowed to Ye Yi before turning and leaving.

When Ye Yi sat down at the right time, it was the first time that he calmly looked around the restaurant’s environment, and even took a look at his live studio.

I saw that most of the barrage sent by the audience at this time were asking Ye Yi about when this wave of lottery will take place, what is the way to participate in this lottery, and what operations are required for the audience?

Of course, during the period, the audience in the live broadcast room said that Ye Yi is really too rich and rich.

Ye Yi himself was thinking about it for a while, and then he immediately responded to the barrage in the live broadcast room.

“Last time the Venice lottery was random. I think it depends on the mood! This time the lottery…the number is a bit big, and it’s a benefit. Let’s…may be troublesome for the super-management of this live broadcast room. The super-management is ?”

It didn’t take long for Ye Yi to speak here, and there was a colorful and dark barrage in the live broadcast room.

【I’m here】!

This is Superman’s response.

Ye Yi didn’t think much after seeing the response from this super tube, but quickly said: “Thank you so hard to get me a benefit, about two hundred. The way to draw the lottery is… probably from the number of days I watched my live broadcast. Draw, as long as the viewers watching my live broadcast for more than three days, they will be randomly drawn! By the way, two of them will be drawn! The rest will trouble you.”

Super tube: [Good! Mr. Ye Yi is great! 】


At the moment when Ye Yi and Super Tube completed the interaction in the live broadcast room, Douyu 77777 room suddenly fryed again, and this time the frypot was directly fried for nearly ten minutes!

[Fuck! I was shocked! I have been watching live broadcasts for a certain period of time. I didn’t expect that… the first time I saw an anchor looking for Super Tube, Super Tube responded so quickly, and her attitude was so humble? 】

[Really too diao! This is the first time I have seen such a situation! This is the first time I saw an anchor looking for Superman, Superman’s answering speed is about to take off? The anchor is too awesome! 】

[I also saw it for the first time! and many more! I watched the live broadcast of the anchor especially… I only started watching it yesterday, and today is just the next day… Fuck… My mentality collapsed! The anchor just said, does it take more than three days to count? 】

[Ahhhhhhhh! I just started watching the live broadcast yesterday! I’m stupid! I just cracked it in place…the Kobe beef of labor and management is gone! Take up】

[Hahaha! I am an old audience from Venice! Superman look at me, look at me! Doesn’t this consider a wave of old fans? ! 】

[Hahahaha! The same is the old fan plus one! The anchor is awesome! I love your anchor, hehe… This girl can eat Kobe beef this year! 】

[Anchor please change the way to draw the lottery! In the live broadcast room I just came to today, Mengxin is also a human and needs care too! 】

[Hahaha Tiezi upstairs, let’s wait for the next draw! I followed the anchor from Venice! Hahaha! 】

Here, when Ye Yi told Superman about the lottery of Kobe beef in this live broadcast room, the barrage burst suddenly, and it seemed that it was completely out of control for a while.

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, when Ye Yi was about to say something, a sound suddenly sounded in his ear, diverting his attention.

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!).

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