"Lin Xuan, please tell me now." Chen Yiyi pouted and poked the soft flesh on Lin Xuan's waist with her finger.

She could have thought of it. She would have taken action long ago. She still had to endure the itching of her hair. Lin Xuan glanced at the drone that was lowered. The fish showed a dark smile and leaned over to the girl and muttered.

"Ah? So simple!" Chen Yiyi was surprised

"It's that simple." Lin Xuan spread his hands

"No, the prerequisite is that there must be that small water tank."

Chen Yiyi frowned and thought about it, then suddenly realized and said,"Without that small water tank, it would be impossible to achieve"

"Yes, after all, the container is the biggest problem."Lin Xuan said undeniably

"Lin Xuan, you've already been marked white."Chen Yiyi was surprised

"The weather is getting colder too quickly. I can't let you catch a cold again."Lin Xuan shook his head and stepped into the wooden shed.

According to his plan, pottery cannot be fired so quickly. At least he has to store enough food for a month before slowly firing pottery.

But plans cannot keep up with changes. The girl's cold forced him to change his plan.

Chen Yiyi smiled, her black and white eyes full of tenderness, and hurriedly followed into the wooden shed. The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded. What was going on? They also whispered secretly.

"Aren’t there just two of them, whispering little secrets in each other’s ears?"

"Too bad, they are basically guarding against us"

"What the little girl said was very simple and related to the small water tank. Why do I feel so familiar with it?"

Lin Xuan, as a young man of the new era, is not unfamiliar with live broadcasting. He is not a saint, and he is also eager for money. He did this for the effect of the live broadcast room.

He didn't know how other challengers were doing or how his performance would be seen by the audience, but it was good to get more rewards for his little effort.

"Lin Xuan. How about mint and charcoal shampoo?"Chen Yiyi prepared the bathing supplies.


Lin Xuan nodded, thought for a moment and said,"Boil some pine needles and mix it with bath water to relieve itching."

"It seems to work." Chen Yiyi's eyes lit up and she immediately started to tinker with it.

"The materials are limited."Lin Xuan sighed. He had knowledge in his mind but was limited by the materials. Otherwise, he could make a simple soap.

For example, animal fats could be used as one of the materials for the incense king.

He took a bamboo and cut it with a hatchet to make a clamp, so that he could prepare for taking a bath later.

"The stones should be better. After Lin Xuan removed the seeds, he looked for stones with higher hardness and put them into the fire.

If someone had some knowledge of wilderness survival, they would immediately understand what he was doing.

But if someone didn't understand, they would think that Lin Xuan was just killing time.

Time passed slowly, and the two were busy with trivial matters. Lin Xuan continued to make fire.


Chen Yiyi grinned, yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

Lin Xuan put down the torch in his hand. If he kept busy, the girl would fall asleep.

""Okay." Chen Yiyi immediately became energetic, got up, took the torch and followed behind.


Lin Xuan came out of the wooden shed. The cold wind blew on his body, and goose bumps appeared on his body. He rubbed his body without saying a word.

"Go quickly and bring the things back." Chen Yiyi urged

"Well, let's go." Lin Xuan hurried to the furnace and saw by the light of the torch that the bottom of the pottery in the furnace was light red.

"Did it succeed?" Chen Yiyi asked curiously.

"Pick it up and have a look." Lin Xuan touched the small water tank tentatively, and found that it was not hot, so he took the small water tank out with force.

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