Just got up and washed up, Jizi stood in front of the mirror to comb her hair and make-up.

After becoming a teacher here, there are more things to do.

The work has also been transferred from the front line.

I always feel like I have retired to become a civil servant.

After teaching students every day, I deal with some documents, and the day has passed.

Jizi picked up the coffee at hand and took a sip.

This tastes bad.

It's better to drink.

But Theresa and the others will find out.

It's really troublesome.

Especially yesterday, something very troublesome appeared.

A live broadcast room where you can watch the story of the collapse.

This is no different from predicting the future.

What's more terrifying is that this is actually a game.

She even has a model in this game.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

Isn't this for countless people to see?

And yesterday I heard that someone recognized her as his wife.

These two words are not allowed to be called!

Scalp numbing.

Jizi shuddered all over.

If she really had to watch all those videos, she would have to find a hole to hide in.���

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door.

After a puff of smoke,

Theresa stood at the door.

"Jizi! I'll show you something good!"

Theresa took out a USB drive.

It's broken.

They must have recorded the live broadcast yesterday!

Jizi felt a lump in her heart

""Principal, you don't really want me to watch those things, do you?"

Theresa plugged the USB into the computer and opened the video. She really didn't hesitate at all!

Forget it, she must face it.

Isn't it just to be appreciated by others?

What's the big deal?

She is not ugly.

But when Theresa opened the video, she was like a prisoner who was about to be executed.

Jizi, Jizi.

What are you afraid of?

Jizi comforted herself in her heart.

It's not some emperor-level Honkai beast to deal with.

She is just being appreciated by others. She won't die.

"Jizi, it's about to start." Theresa curled her lips.

I saw Brother M appear on the screen.

The entire screen was filled with the game screen, and Brother M's screen was placed in the lower right corner of the screen.

"Those armors in Battlefield Gale are really nostalgic."

When I really saw and began to appreciate them, Ji Zi was relieved.

On the contrary, these armors have actually appeared in the game.

I thought that armors would only appear in the near future.

In the near future, it would be the Fusion Armor Crimson, right?

"It's coming soon. Theresa whispered to herself.

What's coming soon?

Jizi was puzzled.

At this time, the picture was enlarged by Brother M.

It was placed on the chest.

"Misan, you really know the location of this mole."

You didn't even let go of the mole on the chest?

Jizi suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body.

Don't be so exaggerated, right?

I dare not look at it again.

Oh my God.

My Jizi's reputation is ruined, right?

In the past, who could have thought of this day?

She didn't know that one day she would be watched and commented on so carefully.

Although it was more objective.

But isn't this too shameful?

Jizi shook her head and got goosebumps again.

"Jizi, how is it?" Theresa asked with a smile.

""You are so considerate, Principal. You have to record all of this for me, right?"

Ji Zi said depressedly, her expression almost [Xingtie, Lao Yang, mobile phone]

"Isn't that right? Can you tell me how you feel after reading this? Theresa really doesn't mind making a fuss.

This school principal is really black when cut open, right? He looks like a child on the outside, but he is different from ordinary people on the inside.……

"My scalp is tingling. I never want to be looked at like this again."

"Jizi, you won't die if someone looks at you, and everyone is praising your beauty."

"Okay, okay, okay! Principal, I have to go to class, otherwise I will be late."

Jizi quickly changed the subject.

Theresa is really outrageous.

Didn't you see that she was so embarrassed that she could dig out a three-bedroom apartment with her feet?

"Don't worry, Jizi, take a day off today."Theresa said.


Jizi touched her hair and her nose.

So, she doesn't need to get up today?

Theresa just wants to laugh at her?

"Look at that well-placed mole. They thought it was deliberately placed by the game company. Who would have thought it was born with you?"

""Thank you so much for reminding me, Principal." Jizi gritted her teeth.

Calm down! Jizi!

Calm down!

Adults shouldn't argue with children.

Even if they are older than her.

"Take a good rest today, Jizi, and do what you want to do. Like have a sweet love relationship or something."

"I don't think there's anything planned for today, so why don't we wait till they show Theresa live tonight?"Jizi also curled her lips. If you make me die today, you must die tonight.

"It's over! How could I have forgotten this?"Theresa held her head.

Seeing this look of despair, Jizi suddenly felt much better.

The principal was indeed a big fool, and even the students he taught were little fools.

"I'll be waiting, see you tonight." Ji Zi said.

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