Chapter 230: Snow Leopard: I’m crouching here, can you spot me? (Third more!) Subscribe please! Please! )

[Snow leopard? Zhou Weiguo? 】

[Earlier, you went to the wrong set, the owner said that the snow leopard, a national first-class protected animal, is not a TV series snow leopard! ] 】

[Didn’t the little black boss say that it might be one of the clouded leopard, the money leopard, and the snow leopard before? ] Why did the owner start guessing that it was a snow leopard before he saw the herd of wild horses? 】

[Tongxiaotang Xiaohei: Don’t ask me, in the area of wild animals and plants, the owner is professional! ] 】

[The altitude of this place is a little high, snow has begun to appear not far away, it can be said that it is about to become a snowy mountain, the owner guesses that it is a snow leopard, which is normal and reasonable, right? ] 】

[Seeing that the snow guessed that the snow leopard, the king of the snow mountains, did it, it is reasonable! ] 】

[Is it really done by the snow leopard?] I heard that snow leopards are difficult to encounter, and even if you place infrared cameras specially for shooting in the wild in places where snow leopards are frequented, you can’t shoot snow leopards several times a year! 】

[Is snow leopard so rare?] 】

[That herd of wild horses rushed to the mountains, it is estimated that it is really not a snow leopard! ] After all, this snow leopard first went down the mountain to meet the wild horse herd, and then drove the wild horse herd up the mountain, so active, it doesn’t look like a very rare look! 】

[Is that the owner guessed wrong?] 】

[The owner can’t guess wrong, you just wait to be slapped in the face! ] 】

[Owner, always drop God! ] 】


Seeing his own words, which made the entire live broadcast room argue, Lin Fan coughed lightly twice and explained:

“In my opinion, the Lianqishan Mountain Range has the ability to drive wild horses to the mountains, and there are only three large carnivores such as clouded leopards, money leopards, and snow leopards with similar patterns to wild sika deer Zhoutai.”

“That’s why I said before that it’s another first-class protected animal.”

“Because of this, when the barrage of the little brunette mentioned these three animals before, I didn’t say anything.”

“The biggest difference between the three large carnivores, clouded leopards, money leopards, and snow leopards, is that clouded leopards and money leopards like to stay in trees, while snow leopards generally do not appear in the woods.”

“To put it simply, that’s where there are woods down the forest line, that’s the territory of clouded leopards and money leopards. Up the forest line, where there are no woods, that is the territory of the snow leopard. ”

“The surrounding area is bare, and even there is snow, and it is obvious that it is already above the forest line.”

“As a result, this large carnivore that kept driving the herd of wild horses up the mountain still did not mean to stop, and the answer was already obvious!”

Lin Fan guessed that it was a snow leopard, not a random guess.

Instead, combined with the surrounding environment, the habits of three large carnivores, snow leopard, money leopard, and clouded leopard, were carefully analyzed, and the results were obtained.

If it weren’t for caution, he wouldn’t have said yes, but for sure!

[So it is! ] 】

【Biology Knowledge +1! Geography Knowledge +1! Mom doesn’t have to worry about my studies anymore! 】,


Come on!

They all stopped!

At this moment, there was a crisp and pleasant eagle cry from Haidong Qingxiaowan ahead.

“The herd of wild horses has stopped!”

“Xiao Wan is urging me to hurry up and catch up!”

“Whether this matter was done by the snow leopard or not, we will know later!”


“Keep an eye on the surroundings!”

“Oh! Zhou Tai! ”

“You two follow closely, it’s better to stick to the horse one left and one right!”


“Don’t worry, walk slowly and meet Xiao Wan, we have been looking for wild horses for most of the day, don’t be in a hurry at this moment!”

“Purple Electric!”

“You either stand on my shoulders or get into the army coat, at this time, you are not allowed to run around!”

Hearing Hai Dongqing Xiaowan’s eagle cry urging him to hurry over, Lin Fan did not rush to ride the grassland horse directly and ran to the sound.

Instead, he looked at the golden eagles, the steppe horses, and the wild sika deer, and opened his mouth to instruct.

Lin Fan knew that the more such a time, the less it was.

Otherwise, it is easy to get into trouble

In particular, he still carries so many rare protected animals, so he can’t be in a hurry.

“Xiao Xiao!”

Hearing Lin Fan’s instructions, the grassland horse, which should have been the most anxious, was the first to nod and the first to open its mouth to indicate that it knew.

This moment.

The steppe horse, which was restless and anxious for almost a whole day and night, found its previous calm and calm.

Steppe Marco didn’t want to find a wife by himself, and harmed Lin Fan and the little friends such as sable and golden eagle.

No more.

It also wants to show its mature and stable side to its future wife or wives.





The most anxious grassland horses had no objection to Lin Fan’s instructions, and sables, golden eagles, and wild sika deer were even more unlikely, and they nodded one after another.


Seeing that all the animals understood his instructions, Lin Fan didn’t say more, lightly knocked on the belly of the grassland horse, held the long bow, rode the grassland horse, and led a group of animals, running towards the direction where the cry of the Haidong green eagle was heard.


More than a minute later.

A dozen or so yellowed Gumeng wild horses appeared in Lin Fan’s line of sight.




Lin Fan, who was riding a grassland horse, as well as two wild sika deer and golden eagles flying in the sky, appeared.

The herd of wild horses who were vigilant from back to back couldn’t help but panic a little.


See this scene.

Lin Fan quickly pulled the reins of the grassland horse and asked the grassland horse to stop.

The herd of wild horses is now wary of the large carnivore that drove them here from the bottom of the mountain.

This guy that Lin Fan felt was a snow leopard, did not continue to drive the wild horse herd, let alone attack the wild horse herd, but did not know where to hide.

In this case, Lin Fan could not let the back-to-back defensive formations of the more than ten wild horse herds in front of him appear chaotic.

Otherwise, the cheap ones will only be snow leopards in hiding!!!

As soon as the grassland horse stopped, Zhou Tai and Youyou, the wild sika deer clinging to it on the left and right, also stopped.

And the golden eagle Didi remembered Lin Fan’s instructions, only hovering above Lin Fan’s head, staring around with sharp eyes, not allowing any animal to have the opportunity to quietly touch Lin Fan’s side.

Seeing that the steppe horses, wild sika deer, and golden eagle didiu were not approaching, the panicked herd of wild horses gradually regained their calm and continued to stare around back to back.

Looked at.

Lin Fan did not care about the wild horse herd anymore, but looked around, looking for the traces of Haidong Qing Xiaowan and the snow leopard who was hiding.

The location where the wild horses stop is very clever.

Where the wild horses and Lin Fan are located, there are still occasional rocky areas from bushes and scattered snow.

A few meters further up the herd of wild horses, there is a snowy snow that stretches all the way to the top of the mountain.

As a result, the surroundings were all white, so Lin Fan searched for a while but did not find Haidong Qing Xiaowan, who was pure white.


Seeing Lin Fan holding the long bow, he kept looking around.

Haidong Qing Xiaowan knew that Lin Fan was looking for herself, so she quickly flapped her wings, flew up from a certain snow slope, and flew towards Lin Fan.

The group of wild horses who had been followed by Haidong Qing Xiaowan for a long time did not care about Haidong Qing Xiaowan who suddenly roared and flew, but continued to stare around vigilantly.

For the wild horse herd, the petite Haidong Qing Xiaowan is not a threat to them.

The real threat to them is the snow leopard that suddenly hides after driving them here!

That’s right!

As Lin Fan speculated, the one who drove the wild horse herd here was a national first-class protected animal, the snow leopard!!!


The guy who drove the herd of wild horses here is…

“Xiao Wan!”

“Don’t say it yet!”

“Let me look for it again!”

After seeing Hai Dongqing Xiaowan land on the back of the grassland horse, she curled the tip of her right wing, wanting to tell herself where the snow leopard was hiding.

Lin Fan quickly interrupted it.

Haidong Qing Xiaowan’s whole body was snow-white, making Lin Fan difficult to find.

But snow leopards are not all white!

The name snow leopard, like golden eagles and sables, is a little exaggerated!

Therefore, Lin Fan felt that he still had a good chance to find the snow leopard that was hiding.

Therefore, he hoped that Haidong Qing Xiaowan would not tell him the answer for the time being!

After Lin Fan interrupted Hai Dongqing Xiaowan, he looked at the surrounding snow area where it was easy for snow leopards to hide.


Lin Fan still couldn’t find the snow leopard.

Just when Lin Fan couldn’t help but want Haidong Qing Xiaowan to tell him the answer.

Lin Fan suddenly remembered one thing – he had just looked for the surrounding snow area, and he had never looked for this rocky area where he and the wild horse herd were now!

Come to think of it.

Lin Fan shifted his gaze and searched the surrounding rock area.


Lin Fan found something wrong.

In a pile of rubble dozens of meters away, there was a beast face that you couldn’t notice if you didn’t look carefully!

Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, stretched out his right hand, pointed to the pile of rocks with his index finger, and said faintly:

“This snow leopard is so bold, how long I have been here, it has been squatting there and watching me for as long as it is!”

“As if to say – I’m crouching here, can you spot me?”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “!!! ”

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