The police officer who was in charge of the investigation team of Jinghai City was very careful.

Dong Shanhe is the captain of the Jinghai City Criminal Investigation Team.

He is the man of his word.

The criminal investigation officers under him are more convinced than the others.


Today, there was an attack and kidnapping incident in the kindergarten.

The director has given full authority to Captain Dong to handle it.

Children represent the future.

The Jinghai City Police Department attaches great importance to them.

Even if they are put in prison.

Criminals who kidnap, attack, and kill children.

Will also be isolated and looked down upon.


Outside the kindergarten's senior class classroom.

The criminal investigation team members acted quickly.

As a qualified criminal investigation team member, each of them is equipped with a gun.

At the critical moment, at the crucial moment, the criminals can be shot dead!

"What's the situation inside?"

"Report to the captain, I can't see clearly..."

All the curtains are drawn.

The door is closed.

The diaphragm should be particularly good...

There is no way to understand the internal situation at all.


Dong Shanhe frowned.

"You two, go find the kindergarten principal and the internal surveillance of the big class!"

"Also, the newcomer, come here..."

Li Zihang hurried forward.

His expression was nervous.

As a new criminal investigation police officer.

Who would have thought that he would encounter such a thing when holding a parent-teacher meeting?

"Captain, you are looking for me?"

"You answer me as I ask."

"First, is the person inside an accomplice of the criminals?"

Li Zihang shook his head: "Should...should not be..."


"I want an accurate answer!"

Li Zihang: "..."

He can understand the captain's anxiety.

He is also panicked.

But the key point...

He really doesn't know if that yellow-haired boy is an accomplice.

Yes, there is no evidence.

No, that boy was so murderous during the demonstration just now...

Who would believe that he has not killed many people and has not killed many people!


Li Zihang took a deep breath and said seriously: "Captain, I am not sure if that man is an accomplice."

"But I can be sure that there is murderous intent in that man's eyes!"

Murderous intent! ?

It can be understood as a fierce look in the eyes.

And ordinary people...

Where can you cultivate murderous intent! ?

Dong Shanhe said bluntly: "Before confirming the identity, be careful of this person."

"In addition, go to the principal and teacher of the kindergarten to confirm the identities of the two people inside."

Since it is a parent-teacher meeting, there must be an identity.

Even if it is fake, it must be found out.

"The second question, what does that boy do?"

"Pig butcher!"

Dong Shanhe: ? ? ?

Police officers: ? ? ?

Think about it.

Li Zihang felt that it was not accurate enough and corrected: "It should be a professional pig butcher!"

"He just performed at the parent-teacher meeting..."

"He also demonstrated a set of knife skills, called the Eighteen Styles of Pig Killing!"

Dong Shanhe: "..."

What a mess.

"Li Zihang, I heard you say that you know this pig butcher very well?"

"Can you describe his appearance?"

"If you can tell me his name, it would be great."

Li Zihang was slightly stunned.

Described: "Yellow hair, well-proportioned body, and great strength."

"Oh! As for his name..."


Before he finished speaking.

The door of the large class classroom slowly opened.

A ray of sunlight hit a head of yellow hair.

Against the background, it was shining.

Like a ray of light...

"Everyone! Be alert!"

"Don't move!"

"Raise your hands!"

Could the criminal be a yellow-haired guy?

The police station and the yellow-haired guy are at odds, right?

Dong Shanhe reacted very quickly.

All the criminal investigation team members were alert.

And when Su Chen completely walked out of the classroom...

Holding a child in his arms...

Standing in front of everyone.


See this face clearly.

Dong Shanhe, and even all the old criminal investigation team members, looked strange.

Half of them were surprised, and half of them were unexpected...


Dong Shanhe opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Captain! That's the guy!"

"He's the butcher I was talking about!"

"Look at his eyes!"

"Don't think he looks kind and threatening now..."

"When he picked up the knife, his eyes were fierce!"

"Oh, yeah! This guy wanted to bring a butcher knife into the kindergarten at first!"

"Captain! I seriously suspect this guy has a criminal record!"

"I suggest that we arrest this guy! Go back and interrogate him!"

Li Zihang saw Su Chen holding a

holding the child.

But there is no trace of the knife-wielding gangster?

Immediately judge: this person must have a problem!

It is better to arrest by mistake than to let him go.


Strongly recommend arrest!

Dong Shanhe: "..."

He did not speak.

Everyone looked at each other.

Su Chen did not know whether to laugh or cry.

He did not expect...

to meet the members of the criminal investigation team again so soon.

"Captain Dong, we are really destined to meet..."

Su Chen grinned.


This person has a criminal record! ?

Li Zihang immediately said: "Captain! I was careless just now!"

"I failed to recognize the true face of this person!"

"Now I apply, let me arrest this person!"


To make up for the mistake...

Dong Shanhe rolled his eyes: "..."

"Arrest a fart!"

"Stop arguing!"

He kicked Li Zihang on the butt.

Speechless: "It's because you're new here..."

"If anyone else said that, I'd have to do some military boxing!"

"Get out of here!"

"Brother Su Chen is one of us!"

"You can't even recognize Brother Su Chen..."

"Go back and clean the toilet for me!"

"You'll be punished to write a self-criticism!"

A self-criticism was received!

Li Zihang: ???

What's going on?

Look at the other police officers eating melons and watching the show.

Am I wrong?


"If I had known it was Brother Su Chen, you would have been here."

"We wouldn't have even had to go out on the police!"

"It seems..."

"Another wasted trip!"

Dong Shanhe was full of admiration.

The other criminal investigation team members were also very happy.

Pick up the leak, pick up the leak, pick up the leak again!

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed...

"Captain Dong, Nuo..."

"The child was frightened and fainted."

"Send him to the hospital for a checkup."

The child was handed over to the police officers.

Dong Shanhe and Su Chen were talking and laughing...

Walked into the classroom for the big class.

Like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Especially close!

Li Zihang: "..."

He was like a man in the dark.

What's going on?

Could it be that the butcher and the captain are relatives?

Are they old acquaintances?

Are they old friends?

He had a big head.

All question marks.


"Zihang, I think you just don't have that blessing."

"I gave you a chance, but you are useless..."

"You really don't know who this yellow-haired guy is?"

A criminal investigation police officer stepped forward and said meaningfully.

Li Zihang shook his head.

The confused look clearly said: Is this yellow-haired guy famous?

"Okay! Ignorance is not a crime!"

"No wonder you said such a treasonous thing just now..."

"Let me tell you this, some time ago."

"Our Jinghai City Police Department held a commendation meeting, did you know?"

"Xu Tian, ​​a Class A wanted criminal, and Shan Tianba, a murderer who has killed several people!"

"Have you heard about these two major cases?"

Li Zihang fell into deep thought.

He used to be a police officer in the police station.

Before being transferred to the criminal investigation team of the police station...

He knew about these two major cases.

I heard that...

The arrest process was very strange, even with some fantasy colors.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it was a coincidence!

Li Zihang nodded: "I know these two cases, and I heard that they are related to a passerby!"

"Yeah! Yes!"

"This passerby is the yellow-haired guy in front of him! It's Su Chen!"

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