The Rolls-Royce turned around and drove into the pit.

The team didn't understand.

But the tacit understanding between men is beyond doubt...

The Rolls-Royce is the lead car, the big brother.

The big brother drove into the ditch, and the team also drove into the ditch...

While driving, they honked.

Boom! Boom!

The sound was deafening...

Su Chen turned his head.

His eyes widened: "Rich people like to play like this?"

"Okay, I don't understand, but I respect it."

"Mr. Su Chen! Mr. Su Chen!"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

"It's me, I have a mine at home!"

Zhao Fugui rushed up.

Su Chen then remembered: "You, you are the one who placed the order to find my netizen?"

"It's me, it's me."

"Get in the car first, let's talk in the car!"

"Turn around! Let's go back to the village!"

Boom, boom.

Driving a luxury car as a mountain bike...

This is really rare.

——[Fuck, you are not a human being, right? ]

——[How to write the word Hao, I will only say it once...]

——[Brother Su, help me ask Tuhao brother if he is married. ]

——[Tuhao brother, I am your son who has been separated for many years! ]

——[Epic documentary: Netizens recognize their relatives! ]

——[Famous luxury car collector MacArthur said: Give him a luxury car, he can drive it as a mountain bike, give him a chance to call for help, he will drive the Rolls-Royce into the ditch! ]

Bypassing the asphalt road.

Finally, a luxurious road with twelve lanes in both directions appeared.

Walking on it, if there is a little pothole, it is an insult to the power of the local tyrants...

Soon, a village of considerable size appeared in front of us.

Introduced by Zhao Fugui.

The name of their village is Shuixian Village.

The village implements collective economy...

The road was built by everyone in the village.

He also said that the village is full of rich people.

"Mr. Su Chen, I invited you here today because I want you to host the first seven days for my grandfather."

"Here, the first seven days is a more important day..."


Su Chen nodded and asked: "Mr. Zhao, do you have other cooperation?"

With the scale of Shuixian Village and Zhao Fugui's financial resources.

The first seven days should be held in a grand manner.

"Other cooperation?"

"You mean to find other people?"


"I only invited you, Mr. Su Chen!"

Su Chen: ? ? ?

Trust me so much?

"As for the fees..."

It was his first time hosting a funeral, and he was not sure how to charge.

Zhao Fugui thought for a moment.

"How about this number?"

"Ten thousand!?"

Su Chen was slightly surprised...

Zhao Fugui corrected him, "It's one hundred thousand!"

Su Chen: ? ? ?

He was stunned.

——【One hundred thousand! ? 】

——【Fuck you! 】

——【Is part-time work so profitable? 】

——【One hundred thousand yuan for hosting a funeral? 】

——【Why can't I get such a good thing? 】

"Mr. Su Chen, is one hundred thousand yuan okay?"

"If you think it's too little, I can add more..."


Su Chen shook his head and swallowed his saliva.

He said, "Mr. Zhao, for this little money, I can sing for you for one night at most!"

——【Haha! 】

——【Brother Su is being real! 】

——【One hundred thousand yuan for one night! 】

——【Brother Su, you are really down to earth. 】

——【Brother Su: One hundred thousand? Lively, right? No one can sleep tonight! 】

——【The dogs in the village have to shake their heads when they come! 】

——【Hahaha! I'm afraid the old man is about to crawl out of the underworld! 】

Zhao Fugui was very satisfied.

He explained some things to Su Chen, and then went to deal with other matters.

For worship, for liveliness.

Zhao Fugui built a stage in the village courtyard...

The stage faces a huge square that can accommodate thousands of people.


My girlfriend Lin Bingbing called...

"Hello, dear, are you busy?"

"Well, I just received a funeral, and it hasn't started yet."

"What about you, Bingbing, how are you doing?"

Su Chen was sitting in the lounge to rest.

Lin Bingbing was very happy: "Dear, I have good news for you."

"The captain of the brigade praised me!"

"And the captain also said that he would give me a bonus of 200 yuan!"

200 yuan, a verbal praise...

Although it's not much, it's enough to make her happy

One day.

"That's good, that's good."

"Bingbing, I have something else to do here, see you in the evening."


"Dear, see you in the hotel in the evening!"

"I must thank you very much!"

Hang up the phone.

Su Chen was in a good mood...

He was in charge of the first seven banquet.

He specially prepared three plans.

One was the mourning song he learned from the old man in the park.

One was the suona "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix".

Of course, these two can be mixed, and the effect can be achieved best.

The third, which is the last one, is a rock DJ...


"Mr. Su Chen, I think the last one is better."

Zhao Fugui chose the most lively one.

"My grandfather had a regret all his life."

"He wanted to go to a bar, a disco, and a party."

"What a pity..."

"People work hard all their lives, and their lives are ruined by the word 'wait'!"

"After death, I want him to experience the joy of young people."

Only once on the seventh day.

——【Well, although it is unreasonable, it is very appropriate. 】

——【Alas... who said it was not, waiting all his life, waiting for traffic lights, waiting to grow up, waiting to have money, waiting to have time...】

——【There are always regrets, I hope you in front of the screen have the courage to leave at any time. 】

——【I have seen funerals, but I have never seen a funeral with a rock DJ theme! 】

——【Come on, Brother Su, we will always support you! 】

Su Chen nodded.

"Okay, then let's have a rock DJ theme!"


A phone call came.

"Hey, I have a good deal here. Do you want to make money?"

"If you want, get to this location before dark."

The sky gradually darkened and night fell...

The stage was set up.

It was very big...

It was as big as two and a half basketball courts.

The stage was surrounded by colorful lights and light strips...

The highlight was the dry ice and flame jets that were set up at a high price under the stage...

And the outermost part of the stage.

It was a wreath.

On it was a photo of an old man...

"Not bad, not bad. Zhao Fugui is a very filial child."

"The stage was well decorated, but I don't know how the host is."

"Alas, this kid is just messing around. I wanted to invite several top stars in the entertainment industry before, but Zhao Fugui disagreed... He said that it was boring to invite any entertainment star..."

"I don't know if he can find this person..."

Under the stage.

A group of old men and women carrying small stools have already taken their positions.

The atmosphere is very good.


It was at this time.

At the entrance of Shuixian Village, a number of ghost fire motorcycles appeared...

Su Chen raised the corner of his lips: "Here they come..."

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