Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 64: The Night of the Devil (4k)

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In the dark castle, in the room where the entrance could not be found, the cold-faced man with blond hair looked up at the portrait floating in the air, and gradually frowned. After nearly a month, the oil painting of prophecy is completely different from the last time Brian saw it. If the last oil painting was a casual work by a poor painter, this time is a masterpiece by a famous artist. , the whole has risen more than one level. The teenagers and girls who were illegible in the painting before are now lifelike, and the surrounding environment and buildings have become clearer. Normally, this is a #good thing. It was hard to change it quickly, and the oil painting in front of him was almost completed, which represented the impending suffering of the boy from the Artiant family and the girl from the Hizkrits.

However, Brian has a different opinion on this point, after all, he has already suffered a loss in prophecy. This painting is not a scene of their death. From this point of view, the ending is not certain. Brian said this coldly, obviously not very optimistic about the Roushzi prophecy, and on the other side of the long table, [Collector] There was also a chuckle. That's right, but with the portrait done to this extent, it's probably hard for them to escape bad luck. Who did it?

The Mithril Priory, of course, there may be other black hands behind the scenes. They wanted to cooperate with us, but I refused. Rejected? Brian's voice was a little puzzled for the first time, and he looked into the darkness. The silhouette of the man looked for his meaning with his eyes, and the [collector] saw this and said: I don't like them, this time it's not just the Akart family, but also the Hizkrit family, the handed down family represents the variable, One is not enough, the second two may cause too many variables. I However, in order to express our position, I still sent a precious assistant, which can be regarded as filling the gap for their plan, and it can be increased to some extent. - Let's count their success rate. And what about this painting? I showed them, but they don't think it's a harbinger of husband's failure. Some people don't trust our prophecy.- Some people think it's a Chances are that every street in the Holy City that is suspected to be the location of this painting should have their people mixed in there. [Collector]'s tone became more cheerful, and seemed to be ridiculed. Brian listened to the cooperation and disputes within these cult organizations, but the expression on his face did not change. He just stared at the painting, as if there was something there. Things kept attracting his attention. The abnormal performance of the blond man naturally attracted the attention of the figure, the laughter stopped, and the tone of [Collector] brought curiosity. You've been staring at this painting since the very beginning, what's the matter? I don't see much that interests you, is it this young man?  …. .. no, although there are His reasons, but this place, I always have an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Brian stared at the scene in the oil painting with a small proportion of the scene, and his brows could not be stretched. It should be an old block, and it does not belong to the type of housing. The aristocratic area, the decoration is more retro, if it is in other cities, it may be better to find it, but in Santo Lorraine, it is everywhere. The city has maintained almost-always peace in its long history. There are not too many ancient buildings a hundred years ago. Retro is not a feature, but a common

Thinking of this, Brian slightly dispelled his doubts, as long as he passed by the old streets of the Holy City a few times, it seemed that it was not strange to have a visual sense of this scene. Shaking his head, Brian decided to take his attention back, he stared at the Rong Cup in front of him and thought - he would raise his head and ask: What about the Shia Church, it's impossible to do whatever you want in Santo Lorraine. , that person is inescapable.

Brian didn't go by his first name, but [The Collector] understood it. The seat, that is the protector of the land of Lorraine in the Holy City, the rampant Shia cult may be indignant, but only in the teaching country, in the Holy City, all cult forces can leave if they can, and do their best to suppress them if they cannot. His own body is coiled up if it is a dragon, lying down if it is a tiger. In short, no one can escape his eyes, so everyone just hopes to keep a low profile, so that he can take care of it.

I don't know what the Mithril Priory thinks, but I think they want to exchange some interests with that person. The Mithril Priory has been established for a long time. Although it has been very low-key, it has obvious advantages in intelligence. , the things that I can come up with should be very important, so I decided to help them a little this time. The man in the dark said this plan lightly, and informed Brian about the goal of the tasting session. I don’t focus on participating. , but it can be said that it is a wise choice to protect oneself. The Mithril Priory and the others have been away from the church for too long, let's not mention the place like Roselle for the time being. St. Meister is not What is the low difficulty area, the light of Shia does exist here, but our friends don't seem to understand this. Brian nodded when he heard the words, somewhat understanding that [collectors] have been gloating over the misfortune. The Church of St. Meister, in this country controlled by the Church of the Primordial Goddess, has always been the lowest level of cults in all countries. , it has been difficult to produce any big news for ten years. This outsider may seem to be weak and bullying in the eyes of his colleagues, but in fact it is the opposite. Under strong pressure and blows, those small gatherings that are not in the mainstream Going to extinction, more and more people had to gather together to keep warm. Only some of the groups formed by these people chose to leave the teaching country. After that, most of them became famous, and some behemoths also chose to dive under the water. It's an organization that exists in the shadow of where the light shines brightest. Let them go, as pathfinders, they're good enough. The figure in the dark said so, and slowly put down his cup of glory. It's probably going to be a long night.

Wang Xiya, the division of strength is actually very complicated. As we all know, the source level that most affects a person's strength is the source level. The source level is like fuel, and it is like a reserve battery.

The amount of output is largely determined by the source level.

As the so-called great power produces miracles, the higher the source level, the more magic energy will be released, and the quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change. The same spell may have completely different effects. And beyond the source level is the source quality. The source quality is like the central processing unit that controls all extraordinary powers. Ordinary extraordinary people can stop here, but for the selected people, they have Another killer copper --- - bloodline. Each bloodline person has an exclusive ability, maybe one or more, but without exception, most of these bloodline abilities are very powerful, although there are many costs that are very heavy , but bloodline skills often give birth to some products that are beyond the rules. For example, [Human Skin Giver] Peter Carter, his silver subordinate bloodline is an extremely rare type, the activation conditions are harsh, and the price is so huge that one person cannot bear it, but it is extremely useful for some situations. Peter's bloodline ability [personal studio] must be activated indoors, and each activation must be three years apart, and as a sacrifice, 100 people must be killed, but there is only one effect, that is, to connect him with the people in the room. People are completely isolated from the outside world for a day.

Of course, such a huge price is naturally not in vain. In the [personal studio], except for Peter's possessions, any protective treasures and information transmission spells cannot be activated. It is a private space that does not allow outsiders to disturb. The talent of any combat strength bonus may not be strong, but it is tailor-made for the big nobles who are not high in assassination strength. Because of this, only Peter of source level 4 can have a good position in the Mithril Priory. Even enjoying offerings, and today, as the representative of the Mithril Priory, he will play a role with his partners to carry out a dark game that is almost the most expensive in Shia... Although the target of the assassination In his opinion, it is worthless. Roja Arkat, a ten-year-old kid who didn't even inherit the title, is a world apart from the big lords and even the kings of small kingdoms he killed in the past, to be honest Peter didn't understand why he wanted to use his precious bloodline ability on this kind of thing, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the president of the Priory. I will put you in the room where they are, but the time is uncertain, maybe Roa Arkat is in front of you alone, maybe he and the priesthood.

There are two princesses, but never more than three! Remember, you can only kill one person, and after killing you will return to where you are now. So, why does it have to be activated these two days? Usually, there is no princess, so there should be fewer guards. Peter, with dark hair and pale complexion, looked in front of him and prepared to stop the bleeding, rolled up his arms and held an axe, his emotions were obvious Some nervous strong men asked questions in their hearts. The other party glanced at him and said nothing. Peter immediately understood, and he could only curl his lips. The price of blood and the condition of restraint, almost everyone with blood cannot escape. The guy in front of him can break through so many barriers and make accurate shots. There must be more restrictions. Is it the New Year? Or the horoscope? Showing his scarred arm, he lifted the axe

In the suppressed scream, Peter saw the man's forearm fall to the ground, but what was surprising was that instead of blood flowing out of the wound, there was a current of crimson magic power, and the strange magic power completely wrapped Peter, Then disappeared with him.

Where did this letter come from?

At the headquarters of the Holy See, the Holy See John, who had just received the king of the small country who had come to worship from afar, looked at the bishop in front. At this time, the respectful clergyman was lying between his hands - a letter with three white feathers inserted. The letter of white three feathers, this is the way of surrender given by the ancient Austin Empire when it conquered the kingdoms in the second era. As long as the messenger comes to the front with the letter of white three feathers, it cannot be harmed. This tradition follows the tradition of Austin. The footsteps of conquest have spread to all human countries, and this method of surrender has also been handed down from the past to the present. Generally speaking, this kind of letter is between the two warring countries, but it is not the same for the ecclesiastical country, as everyone knows There is no foreign war in the current religious country, so there is only one possibility of such a letter appearing. A letter of surrender from a cult or a group listed as hostile by the Holy See. When the cult organization killed by the teaching state cannot stand the pressure, some of them will submit this kind of surrender letter, and use some information and withdraw from the teaching state as a substitute. A country like the empire that doesn't deal with the church state is making waves. Regarding this kind of surrender, the Patriarchate has always adopted a relatively moderate attitude. The governance of the country needs flexibility, and the elimination of all evil is only an ideal after all, and the Holy See John also understands this. This is what the little guys found in the prayer mailbox on the main square today, do you see it, my lord? Well, let me see, you guys step back first. Yes.

John took the letter and repelled everyone, and injected his own magic power into it. The three feathers on the white three-feather letter immediately flew, creating a triangular image in the air. This is how this kind of letter is used, which is a bit like a time-limited video chat, safe, fast and intuitive. It just consumes a lot of magic power and must be opened by the recipient himself.

Good evening, Your Majesty the Great Holy See, I am Lakas, Vice President of the Mithril Priory, and I extend my sincere greetings to you. In the image, a man like a noble gentleman is touching John's chest. Saluting, the two began to communicate, and in the labyrinth hall on the other side, Noelle and Roja suspected the world they were in. It was clear that the two were still reading in the study just now, but a strange spell After the force fluctuations, the scene near Noelle and Roja changed drastically.

At this moment, El felt that the power of the blood in his body began to swing sharply in the morning as if Fu had met his opponent, while Roja began to burn his brain again. What's going on? What is this scene around here...and mine My head hurts too much!

Roja, who suffered a sudden change, endured the pain and struggled to look up and looked forward. He was seeing a black-haired man at the end of the room. He was watching their striking pink spread rapidly above his head. More sweet blood. [Human skin giver] Peter Carter.

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