At the dining table in the early morning, Paul Achiman frowned and listened to the words of the maid next to him, only to feel the confusion in his brain, but seeing such a black-haired boy, the maid Liz showed a speechless expression. 104;116;116;112;58;47;47;119;119;119;46;50;99;121;120;115;119;46;99;111;109;47;

Your Highness... You really hit your head before, right?

So no.

But I can't tell the difference between dreams and reality, and I'm seriously worried about it. I think it's light to hit my head.

So I can't tell the reality, and the most important thing is, this is not the first time, right?

The boy who rubbed his brows said this with a helpless expression, while the maid Liz, who heard the words, blinked and suddenly realized.

Ah, come to think of it, it seems like you had a similar situation last week, and you sat in bed for a long time because of it.

Yes, that was the time.

So that's the case, so it's a relapse of an old disease?


Hearing Liz's words, Paul couldn't help but have a question mark on his face, feeling quite helpless, but he didn't care what the maid said.

Remember the website of the novel in one second m. bjkj66.

As an original commoner, although Paul Aqiman is a prince, he has no air, and when it comes to the maid's joke, Paul has always adopted a playful attitude, and will not pursue anything seriously.

Part of the reason for this is naturally that he is an illegitimate child, a heresy excluded by the nobles, and another reason is that Liz has a different identity.

Although Paul's life is a little better now, in fact, two years before the start of the Challenger Cup, the black-haired boy's life was very miserable. The reaction is very real.

No one wanted to be Paul's attendant, or even regarded him as an ominous person. After all, the errand of following an illegitimate child was almost equivalent to exile for these servants whose status was completely dependent on their master.

At that time, the only one who followed Paul was the young Liz. To a certain extent, the two were friends in adversity, and because of this, Paul did not treat Liz as a servant. Looking at it, the two are more like brothers and sisters with good feelings than masters and servants.

Therefore, Paul didn't care about the sarcasm from such a person. Compared with it, it was a dream that made him even more strange.

By the way, Liz, do you remember the dream you had more than a week ago?

Huh? Of course I don't remember, normal people generally don't remember it.

Sure enough, but I remember it very clearly.

Paul said that with a worried look on his face, and Liz also blinked in surprise.

Dreams will soon be forgotten, everyone knows this kind of thing, but for Paul, this rule has been invalid for a week, whether it is the previous dream or today's dream, let alone the content, even the black-haired woman opposite the time. His facial expressions, the ambient temperature nearby, and even physical pain can be partially remembered.

This is not so much a dream, it is better to say that it is already a deep memory, but it is obviously abnormal.

Such a thing, I'm afraid I can't do it if I hit my head.

So it didn't hit.

So, what kind of dream is that?

Uh, how do you say...the kind of being beaten?


Hearing Paul's strange face and a more bizarre summary of the content, the lady maid showed a suspicious look, while the black-haired boy recalled everything and didn't know how to explain it.

Let’s not mention the dream today. Last week’s dream Paul actually did the same thing as this time. He also asked the woman for help, and he was beaten to the core. It’s just that the other party seemed to have left some hands last time. Once, he was provoked by Paul's words and was seriously beaten.

The black-haired boy felt helpless about this, but there was nothing he could do. In the dream, Paul couldn't realize that he was dreaming, let alone the fact that even if he did, Paul's situation would only be worse.

Among the men and women fighting, not only women have overwhelming strength, but men from Paul’s first-person perspective are also very strong. In Paul’s view now, they are at least higher than himself, that is, close to Source Level 2 or reach Source Level 2. .

Yes, today's Paul is not what he used to be. After the Challenger Cup has been ranked and his treatment has improved, the black-haired teenager seems to have embarked on a path of strength. With the concentration of magic elements in the past year With the further rise, Paul's strength also broke through to source level 3, and he took to the battlefield in last year's campaign.

Source level 3, that is not a general existence even in the human coalition army, it is the starting point of surpassing the human species and becoming a high-level extraordinary person, but even this kind of strength and experience still makes Paul feel difficult and dream. The self in the middle is comparable to the man who is constantly being beaten, and the proof is that armor.

In terms of ability, the man in the dream is probably also the owner of the [Kingdom] Origin Quality, and his ability is similar to that of Paul. However, the suit of armor in today's dream is a realm that Paul is far from reaching today.

A man's strength may be source level 2, so shouldn't a woman be source level 1?

The moment such a thought appeared in Paul's mind, the black-haired boy couldn't help being surprised. After all, considering the age of a black-haired woman, it should be

It is not much older than the current Paul, which shows his talent, and on the other hand, his appearance is impeccable, just like that...

That woman, I always feel a little bit of Roja's shadow...


Hearing Paul's description, the maid turned pale in shock, and then covered her face helplessly.

I thought so, but I didn't expect you to end up on the path of falling in love with a man...

No! I mean hair color and eye color! There's still that kind of ability, how come you have so many dramas?

Looking at Liz who was making a fuss, Paul complained and recalled the conversation between the two in the dream. Although their words did not reveal anything, with the clues, Paul still roughly deduced the plot of the dream, but... ...that's all there is to it.

Obviously, although he cares, Paul can't really do anything because of this inexhaustible dream, and as the sentence said, there is a dream every day and night. From this point of view, it is not good for such a dream to appear. Strange.

Liz, the news you said earlier was...

Well, Lord Roja seems to have been rescued successfully, which means that everything is going well on the front line.

Really? Great.

Paul, who said this, clenched his fists excitedly, and finally put down the big stone that had been hanging in his heart for many days. At the same time, he was ashamed that he couldn't make it to the scene.

In fact, Paul was aware of the fact that the countries centered on the Church were preparing to rescue Roja, and the source of the news was Jerlock, who also served as a deputy under Roja during the academy.

When they heard the news that Roja was still alive, the two were extremely excited, and Paul was ready to find a reason to go to Jerlock's team, but for some reason, not long after learning the news, Emperor Lucas The order came suddenly, and Paul, who was originally on the front line, was transferred to the rear, and he was strictly ordered not to go out.

Paul was very puzzled about such an order, but he had to obey it. After all, not everyone has Lilian's army of half a million people by his side. At least for the current Paul, Emperor Lucas is something he cannot disobey. .

Fortunately, everything went well, and Roja returned safely. In that case, the two will be able to meet sooner or later, so there is no need to rush for a while, but in this way, those strange dreams will probably disappear, right?

With this thought in mind, Paul was happy for the return of his friend, and at the same time, Emperor Lucas was also looking at the report ahead, but his mood was completely different from Paul's.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------

In the dark room, the men on both ends of the long table met again, but the atmosphere was completely different from the last time.

On the side of the door, the expressionless man's eyes were extremely cold, while at the end of the darkness, the blurred man was silent and seemed a little anxious.

You haven't fulfilled your promise.

After staring at each other for a long time, such words resounded in the silent space. Emperor Lucas's voice had no warmth, while the [Collector] who heard the words was silent for a long time and then answered.

If it's about killing the king, it's true. Bangal failed. It's not what I expected. It's weird, no, it's too weird.

The man who said this seemed a little irritable, and he tapped his fingers on the table and said:

Bangal is the king of the ancient times, a real racial deity, even if it is the king, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him at the source level 2. In the previous historical segment, something must have happened that we don't know. thing.


...Mother God intervenes, yes, that's it.

Recalling the strangeness of the silver moon in the sky when Roja returned to the real world, [Collector] nodded affirmatively.

It seems that he defeated Bangalore, but in fact, this is the counterattack of the mother goddess camp against the great gods such as me, and it is because of this that those ancient disasters appeared at that time.

So, so what?

Facing the reasoning of the man with a vague face, Emperor Lucas's voice did not fluctuate at all. He looked at the front and said lightly:

In any case, it is a fact that he has become stronger, other things are not important, and your forces have also been devastated.

Destructive blow? Hehe, no, although the loss of Bangalore was unexpected, our strategic purpose has been successful.

Looking at His Majesty the Emperor opposite, [Collector] slowly leaned back on the chair and said with a smile:

[The Egg of the Beast God], that is our goal. From the moment it was born, Bangal's mission is completed. After that, whether he lives or dies, our goal has been achieved.

Really? But according to the report on the scene, your trump card is completely vulnerable, and your control over aliens has also dropped sharply.

It looks like that, but the [Beast God's Egg] is the creation of a great god like me, and it is far from being easily destroyed like that. As for the aliens... losing Bangal, it is true in a short period of time. Some are unmanageable, but by their very nature they are destined to be on our side.

I see.

Hearing [Collector]'s explanation, Lucas nodded slightly as if to express his approval, but before waiting for the vaguely-faced man to say anything,

The emperor has already stood up.

It looks like our cooperation is coming to an end.


You failed to kill him. Originally, I cooperated with you to make the road to Jiyuan smooth. Now the king of aliens is dead. After losing his master, there is no threat in that area. With my own strength It's enough to get there.


In the voice of Lucas, [Collector] could not help falling into silence, he stared at Lucas's face, after a long time slowly said:

Did you forget the seal? If you can't break the seal, it's a waste of time to go there.


Yes, although we failed to kill the king picker, we are still sure about the seal, and we need each other.

No, you seem to have misunderstood. My request has not been this one from the beginning.


The moment he heard this sentence, [Collector]'s body froze, and Lucas, who said so, burst into an unimaginable spell in an instant.

I don't need you anymore.

In the icy voice, countless rays of light poured out from the emperor's side, and in the dark depths on the other side, the aura of [Collector] instantly became stronger.

Is the collaboration over? What a pity, Lucas, you seem to have forgotten where this is.

Looking at the man whose body was shining with light, [Collector] said in a cold voice, the next moment he waved his hand gently, the collapse of the space started in front of him and spread rapidly towards Lucas, but facing the wave of death , but the cold-faced man didn't care.

No, it was you who forgot?

In the indifferent voice, Lucas clenched his hand lightly, and the next moment, the blade that came from nowhere suddenly stabbed out of [Collector]'s chest and penetrated his heart.

This is!

Looking at the tip of the sword in front of his chest, the man with a blurred face exclaimed in surprise, but before he could say anything, dozens of magic swords suddenly pierced out of the air, sending [Collector] with infinite magic power. His body was instantly twisted into countless fragments.


In the sound of blood splashing, the man's body was smashed to pieces. At the same time, the collapse of the space disappeared into nothingness. In the dark room, Emperor Lucas was silent for a moment and then turned speechlessly. There were many divine soldiers in the space. The weapon also slowly dissipated.

After a long time, the uninhabited space began to collapse, and with the rumbling sound, a phantom appeared on the table full of flesh and blood, and fell into the darkness leading to nowhere.


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