Mobile phone direct access:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Green, so green! A lot, a lot!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; This is the first feeling in the heart of Roja, who was hugged by Alyssa, who was stiff.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; 50000 favorability! what the hell? I can't seem to reach this number for a month after I've been busy, right?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The black-haired teenager looked at the green light above Alyssa's head and roared wildly in his heart, but then he thought about the whole Brown incident before. Total number of events?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Oh, that's fine.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja looked at his broken arms and legs, and felt that his efforts were worth the price. for example......

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; So soft, so warm, and so fragrant, but unfortunately it is too small now, otherwise it will be softer and more fragrant!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja buried his face between Alyssa's neck and took a deep breath, it felt ten thousand times better than sucking a cat. Match confession.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I love you, sir.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Alyssa said this sentence with a crying voice, which made Roja's heart beat fiercely, and there was an inexplicable itch in her heart.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Alyssa?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Brother, do you love me?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Hey? I, I...

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The sudden question made Roja stunned for a while, and she didn’t know how to answer for a while. Seeing this, Alyssa let go of her hand, got up and looked at the boy, and her red gem-like pupils touched Roja. On the golden pupil of , an uncontrollable overflow of a desire for something.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; “…”

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja opened his eyes slightly, and the rare calm and even serious expression of Alyssa in front of him let him know that now is not the time to be sloppy, he can feel that the girl is actually there Fear, her fingertips were shaking slightly, she was afraid of being rejected.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; It should be the influence of Brown's words, maybe there is also anxiety about the attitude of the close people after stabbing others, but...

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; If you refuse, what can Roja say?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I love you too, Alyssa.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The young man said this with doting, reaching out his hand to hug the girl tightly, and the silver-haired girl cried again with joy.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Outside the room, Anna, who was aiming at the crack of the door, was tearfully looking at the two little figures sticking together, biting the handkerchief and gently closing the door, turning her head to look outside. Lots of servants.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Master and Miss...It's done! Woohoo...

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Really, really?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Oh——! Long live Miss!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Now the Arkat family is safe!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; A group of members of the Roja Alyssa support club cheered when they heard the information brought by Anna, and the servants on Alyssa’s side cried with joy.


nbp; Anna, are you sure it's true?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Of course, what could be wrong?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Wiping her tears, Anna immediately straightened her back in the face of other people's doubts, and told the story of the two people pouring out their love to each other on the bed. The servants listened to Anna's words. Call it Lianlian.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; But, considering the age of the young master, will it be just family affection?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Maybe there is, but a precocious child like Young Master and Miss should have more elements of love.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I, I think it's love!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The people in the support club were talking about it, but unfortunately they couldn’t think of Roja’s inner thoughts at this time no matter how they analyzed it.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Like a cat.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja stroked Alyssa's smooth silver hair, hooked her delicate waist, and felt as if he was teasing a clingy cat. Thinking about it carefully, he felt that Alyssa and the cat were indeed There are many similarities.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; For example, she looks submissive, but she is actually very vigilant, always elegant and polite but rarely really close, sensitive to everything around her, and cold in her bones.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Of course, Alyssa is also different from cats. For example, she can't completely show her true feelings. She is sensitive but fragile. She is eager to love and be loved. Has a hot heart.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; And if you want this arrogant cat to show her true heart, you need to break through many difficulties and obstacles. In the game, the protagonist broke these, but now, Roja is fortunate enough to count early Years to liberate Alyssa, so that she no longer suffers from loneliness.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; In the current state, it is impossible for Alyssa to kill me.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja reminisced about the game's plot and finally nodded with some confidence.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Brother.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Hey? What's wrong?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The boy who was thinking about the staged victory turned his head when he heard the girl's call, Alyssa lay on his shoulder, and said with a choked and sad voice:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I'm sorry, this time because of me, you were hurt so badly, if I hadn't been taken away by them...

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Huh? What are you talking about, this time you are the victim, the victim does not need to apologize.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja's expression became serious, and he said firmly:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; All the causes and atrocities were done by Brown and their teenage party, and all the faults are attributed to them, the perpetrators, and they are the ones who should apologize and be punished. .

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; No one has the right to accuse the victim, let alone you, who dares to come to you and make irresponsible remarks, I will break his leg!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Brother.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Alyssa was moved when she heard Roja’s words, but at the same time she thought of something.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; But this time, the Akart family is probably going to be regarded as a thorn in the side of the Eric family.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; ...There's nothing you can do about it. The way is different and you don't conspire with each other. They are old enemies. These are things sooner or later, you don't care.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Silver

The girl fell silent. She recalled Brian Eric's look at Roja, and suddenly said after a long time:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I will protect you, brother.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Huh? Uh, um.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja blinked, some didn't understand what Alyssa meant, so he could only answer vaguely, the girl didn't explain this, but her blood-red pupils shrank like a precipitation, and all the The oath was buried in my heart.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; But when it comes to protection, haven't you already protected me?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Huh?

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The girl who was thinking of something asked a question when she heard the words, Roja touched his abdomen and smiled bitterly:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; If Alyssa hadn't rescued me, I would have been injured even more seriously. You have already protected me once.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I, I was not at that time, I was just very scared, I was afraid of losing my elder brother, I was so scared...

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The silver-haired girl choked up again when she spoke, and seemed to remember the fear at that time, and hugged the boy tighter, as if he was afraid that he would suddenly fly away, Roja touched her Nodding comfortably, he smiled and said:

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; But you still saved me. I never thought that you would dare to take a knife. I didn't expect you to have such courage.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; ...It's not courage, it's just fear conquering another fear. Compared with losing my elder brother, the knife is not scary at all.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; “…”

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja, who heard the girl's sincere words, was slightly taken aback, and a little moved in his heart, he pondered for a long time, and finally just leaned his head against Alyssa again.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; I see.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The boy murmured, the room was silent, only two hearts that depended on each other were beating quietly.


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