Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 26 When the imperialist sickle hits a hard leek

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\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Sorophia, this is a surname that almost everyone in Shia knows about.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; In this underdeveloped world, people born in the Austen Empire do not know that it is normal for the Hizkrits of the church country, and people born in the church country have never heard of the imperial family. The Qiman family can also understand it, but only the surname Sorophia is known to almost all people in the region.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The reason is naturally the Sorophia United Chamber of Commerce.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Soofia United Chamber of Commerce was born in the Rose Business United Nations, located in the center of many human countries, named after the Rose River running through the north and south, convenient transportation and geographical location make it a natural It has become a center of commerce and trade since the beginning of the Third Era, but unfortunately the people living there do not live well.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; An important commercial hub is basically equivalent to an important military hub, so this place is actually a battleground for military strategists. It has changed hands several times since ancient times. He is still very rich, which has created a ridiculous scene of a wave of robbing.


\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; This situation continued until more than 200 years ago, during the reign of the tyrant of the Austin Empire, Calvin II, and the local merchants in Rosey finally could no longer bear the harsh tyranny. , So he rose up and rebelled and established the Rosse Business United Nations.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Of course, the process of founding the country was not smooth. Several major chambers of commerce that revolted at the beginning were oppressed and countered by the army of the Austin Empire. The ugly face of the doctrine, but there is a chamber of commerce, or a family that has persevered, and that is Soofia.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The Soofia family is a rare family with backbone among the group of mercenary businessmen, and it is precisely because of its backbone that the history of the Soofia family can be said to be very miserable .

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; That's right, it was the one that was stabbed in the back. At that time, the Sorophia family was sold out by the traitors, and only one young son escaped from the family. At that time, the Austin Empire attacked the city, He pulled the entire Soofia clan to the front of the battle and asked the youngest son Kaicheng to surrender, but he did not expect the old patriarch to be too hard-hearted. He committed suicide on the spot, and would rather die than be a hostage.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; After the death of the patriarch, the surrender of the hostages was basically a failure. The Austin Empire was furious and killed the Soofia family before the battle to set an example. The only survivor in the city, Green Sorophia was devastated and swore to God that she would be incompatible with the Austen Empire.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Later facts proved that the Austin Empire made a bad move and underestimated the determination of the people of Rose to resist them. After using it, Rose City changed hands several times, and even was slaughtered, but the rebels fought more and more.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The worst battle was that the city of Rose was besieged for seven months, the food and grass in the city were exhausted, and the people of the whole city could only live on a little fish and shrimp in the river every day. There were dead people lying on both sides of the avenue, and the general of the Austin Empire came forward to persuade him to surrender with freshly baked bread, and the army on the city wall was shaken for a while.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; At a critical moment, Green Sorophia took a knife to the head of the city, cut off half of his arm on the spot, and picked up the bloody meat to announce to the whole army that he would come to eat him when he was hungry. But the city must not open!

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Seeing this scene, the guards and soldiers wept bitterly and made an oath. They would rather be a Rosé ghost than an imperial man. Soon after, I wrote a letter saying that I was sick and asked for a replacement.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The Sorophia family became famous after this siege, but even so, Rose is still difficult to compete with Austin in terms of size, but as the saying goes, injustice will inevitably lead to Suicide, at the most difficult moment of this war, the Church nation ended.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The Austin Empire used all kinds of cruel and inhumane strategies in order to capture the Roseland area. Among them, the massacre of the city was a serious violation of the teachings of the original Goddess Sect. Going down, not to mention the teaching country that has been gearing up all the time?


The thing is to be steady.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The Church nation who found the entry point ended up beating the Austen Empire, deducting more than ten crimes against humanity and other major crimes in one go, and announced that he would admit to Rose. independence, giving it a lot of support.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Since then, the rebellion within the Austin Empire has evolved into a confrontation between the two behemoths of the Empire and the Church. The supported Soofia family leads Rose and Austin to the death for generations. , Finally, a hundred years ago, the Austin Empire gave up this land and signed an armistice agreement with the Soofia family, and the century-old war came to an end.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; The Sorophia family made huge sacrifices in the process of establishing the Rose Commercial United Nations. Several generations of patriarchs died in battle, so they received huge rewards after the war. The Rosé basically became their word, and the Soofia United Chamber of Commerce also officially entered the stage of history.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Now a hundred years have passed, the Sorophia Chamber of Commerce has spread all over the country, and their family has become the richest family in the world. It is recognized as the uncrowned king and has a huge influence on any country.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; As one of the five aristocrats of the teaching country, the Akate family runs the city of Akate, which is also the top city in the St. Mestre row. Since the past dynasties are all wizards, they have basically never managed their territories seriously. Therefore, Akate City ranks last in prosperity among the five nobles, but when it comes to public security, it is the best here.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; No one is so ignorant. They have to do things in the territory of a military boss. Therefore, Akate City can be said to be a place where people live and work in peace and contentment. Such a stable environment is naturally favored by businessmen. The Rafia Chamber of Commerce will not miss it.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Master, this is the new collection of Sorophia Chamber of Commerce this winter.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Well, good.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; In the lounge, Anna handed a rather large but not heavy booklet with both hands to the boy who had just finished sword training, and Roja began to read it after taking it.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; This thing similar to the menu of Roya's previous life restaurant is the famous quarterly new product collection with innovative design of Sorophia Chamber of Commerce, which is simply a new product list with pictures and descriptions. It is one of the rare advertising applications in the world.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; As a businessman, the Sorophia Chamber of Commerce has fully grasped the characteristics of nobles’ good face and love for comparison. Rich nobles often buy the whole book to show their status. Although the Roya family does not Poor, but because there is no hostess so the demand for this is relatively small.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; But even so, Alyssa’s dress was ordered from Sorophia on the day she met Noelle, which shows how pervasive this chamber of commerce is.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Roja sighed while stroking the new collection a few times, and the leather cover felt a little wasteful even when Roja looked at it.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; This small book is estimated to be close to a gold coin, right? This is so cool, no wonder people can make a lot of money.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; While marveling at Soofia's huge financial resources, the teenager slowly opened this new collection.

\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp;\u0026nbp; Here's what he's looking for.


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