Pallet Town, a town not polluted by any color, represents the place where everything began...

Hanako:"Satoshi, come down to eat, you still have to go to Professor Oak later."

Xiaozhi:"; (3 years old) Got it, will come down right away"

After breakfast, Xiaozhi came to the Oak Research Institute

Xiaozhi:"Dr. Oak, I'm here"

Professor Oak:"Xiaozhi, you are here. There are many children from other regions today."

Xiaomao:"Xiaozhi, you're here last!"

Xiaozhi:"It doesn't matter, I'm not late anyway.""

Xiao Mao:"You!"

Xiao Lan:"Okay, okay, stop arguing."

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao:"Humph!"

Xiaolan:"Professor Oak, let's start quickly.""

Dr. Oak:"That's right, let's go."

Then, Professor Oak took the children to an open space in the forest near Pallet Town, where tents had been set up.

Professor Oak said:"Okay, now we will start to divide into groups. Come and draw lots."

Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, and Xiaolan were about to draw lots when

Professor Oak said,"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, Xiaolan, you don't have to draw lots.""

Three people:"Huh?"

Professor Oak:"I have already divided the three of you into teams. Xiaozhi is on Team Charmander, Xiaomao is on Team Squirtle, and Xiaolan is on Team Bulbasaur."

Xiaolan:"The three of us are separated"

Xiaomao:"Humph, that's just what I want, Xiaozhi, let's see who can find more Pokémon."

Xiaozhi:"You really want to compete with me in this"

Xiaolan:"If we compare this, well, Xiaomao, you are definitely going to lose."

Xiaomao:"Xiaolan, why are you so sure that I will lose to Xiaozhi!?"

Professor Oak:"Okay, the other children have been divided into groups, you should also hurry to your team."



Xiao Mao:"I know"

Xiaozhi and the other two walked into their respective teams.

Passerby A:"; (Wow, no way, I'm actually in the same group with Xiaozhi"

Passerby B:"; (What bad luck!"

Passerby C:"; (Lucky I wasn't assigned to the Charmander team"


Professor Oak:"Okay, let's start arranging the tasks now. The Charmander team will be responsible for collecting firewood for cooking, the Squirtle team will be responsible for fetching water, and the Bulbasaur team will be responsible for cleaning the ingredients. Did everyone hear that clearly?"

Everyone:"Yes, I heard that clearly."

Dr. Oak:"Very good, then let's get started"

The children started to move together in groups of three or five.

Passerby A:"Let's go over there and collect firewood together.""

Passerby B:"Okay, then, do you want to invite Xiaozhi to join us?"

Passerby A:"Hey, why do you call him?"

Passerby B:"Oh, I just saw him alone…"

Xiaozhi walked into the forest

Xiaomao:"Hey, Xiaozhi…"

Passerby D:"Xiao Mao, let's go to the river to fetch water together."

Passerby C:"Xiao Lan, let's go check out the ingredients for lunch."


Passerby C:"Let's go quickly"

Xiaozhi here


Xiaozhi picked up firewood...

Xiaozhi:"These should be enough."

At this time, the bushes in front of Xiaozhi shook, and a mosquito coil tadpole ran out of the bushes.

Xiaozhi said:"It's a mosquito coil tadpole!""

The tadpole ran to the side, Xiaozhi dropped the firewood and chased after it, running for a distance.

Xiaozhi:"Tadpole, where are you?"

Xiaozhi walked out of the bushes and saw a little girl sitting on the ground. Xiaozhi:"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

The little girl looked at Xiaozhi blankly for a few seconds and then

Serena:"; (My feet are hurt"

Xiaozhi:"Don't move, let me see"

Xiaozhi half-knelt on the ground, looked at the wound, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and bandaged the wound for the little girl.

Serena:"It hurts."…"

Xiaozhi:"Okay, try to stand up and see"

Serena:"; (It hurts, no, I can't stand up"

Xiaozhi:"; (Headache)"

Xiaozhi stood up and stretched out his hand to the little girl. Xiaozhi:"How can you know if you don't try? Come on, give me your hand.""

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then gently grabbed Xiaozhi's hand, and Xiaozhi pulled the little girl up.


Xiaozhi:"Look, you're standing up now, let's go back to the camp, but your foot is injured, so I'll carry you on my back.""

Serena:"Ah, well, thank you"

Xiaozhi squatted down, and the little girl lay on his back. Xiaozhi carried the little girl on his back and walked towards the camp.

Serena:"Um... My name is Serena, what's your name?"

Xiaozhi:"; …My name is Xiaozhi…"

Just then, several figures came over here.

Assistant:"Doctor, look, we found them."

Professor Oak:"Xiaozhi, and Serena, great that you are all safe and sound."

Xiaozhi put Serena down. Serena:"; (I bow my head) I'm sorry for making everyone worried"

Professor Oak:"It's okay, I'm glad you're okay. Oops, your knee is injured, is it serious?"

Serena:"It's okay, there's no bleeding. Thanks to Xiaozhi, it doesn't hurt now."

Dr. Oak:"That's good"

Professor Oak looked at Xiaozhi.

Professor Oak said:"Xiaozhi, although you deserve praise for helping Serena, it is not a good idea to run into the deep forest alone. What if something goes wrong?"

Xiaozhi:"I know, I'm sorry."

Dr. Oak:"It's good to know"

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