LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 98 The Alluring Peony Demon 45

There was a lot of chaos.

Zhong loves to stay in this Qianlong Palace, watching several imperial doctors with the most superb medical skills in the imperial hospital switch back and forth to check their pulse, and stand together and whisper.

After finally waiting for them to retreat, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, How is Your Majesty?

These imperial physicians didn't know her identity, but saw that she was dressed in luxurious clothes and could freely enter and leave Qianlong Palace where the emperor lived, so they regarded her as a member of the emperor's harem.

One of the leaders stepped forward and said, This... madam, the poison your majesty has been poisoned is very rare. We can only temporarily stabilize the situation in your majesty's body. It will take a while to fully prepare the antidote. time.

In order to escape responsibility, the people in the Tai Hospital always speak in a serious direction.

What they said basically meant that they were 90% sure that they would be able to detoxify.

Zhong Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: This poison remains in your... Your Majesty's body, won't it have any bad effects?

The imperial doctor shook his head: Madam, please rest assured, since we have controlled the toxin, we will naturally protect His Majesty.

Only then did Zhong Qing feel relieved.

In the days to come, she guarded Yan Yue like this.

On the third day, Yan Yue finally woke up from his lethargy.

elder sister……

Zhong Qing hurriedly called the imperial physician.

There is an imperial doctor waiting at the side hall at any time, so he hurried over at this moment.

After looking around, hearing and asking about everything, the imperial physician ordered a few words to the palace servants around him until Yan Yue got impatient and told everyone to go down.

He looked at Zhong Qing without blinking his eyes: Sister, are you all right?

The high-spirited emperor was now lying pale on the dragon bed, and seeing this scene made Zhong Qing feel a little distressed.

She shook her head.

Only then did Yan Yue show a faint smile: That's good, I thought I would never see my sister again.

Zhong Qing frowned, turned around and poured him a glass of warm water: Don't say such frustrating words!

Yan Yue obediently drank water from her hand without refuting.

Looking at Yan Yue like this, Zhong Qing suddenly seemed to see the child in the small courtyard again.

For a period of time after that, Yan Yue was recuperating in this Qianlong Palace, and only took time to meet with several important ministers every day to discuss political affairs.

The relationship between the two has eased a lot because of Yan Yue's injury.

The antidote from Tai Hospital has also been formulated, but it will take a certain amount of time to slowly remove the toxin.

As Yan Yue's body gradually recovered, Zhong Qing also began to think about how to get back her own body.

She probably knew the location of her own body, but Yanyue was too clingy, she couldn't walk away at all.

What's more, Yan Yue's hidden guards have been guarding in the dark. With her current ability, it is impossible for her to leave without anyone noticing.

Zhong Qing was anxious in her heart, although she didn't show it on the face, she was still seen by Yan Yue who knew her to the bone.

He finished drinking the medicine in the bowl, looked at Zhong Qing who was sitting next to him thinking deeply, and asked, What is sister thinking?

Zhong Qing came back to his senses and shook his head: It's nothing.

Yan Yue also shook his head: I don't believe it.

He stared at Zhong Qing: A Yue is getting better now, is my sister also thinking about leaving?

In fact, he didn't know Zhong Qing's thoughts, but he had a strong intuition in his heart - she wanted to leave.

Zhong Qing was silent for a while, without denying it.

She was never a person who was good at lying, what's more, she never planned to hide from Yan Yue that she wanted to leave.

Yan Yue narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said: My sister is so thoughtful, maybe you know where the things that A Yue hid?

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