Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 992: The game against Fengyu High School

The chapter of the national competition has begun, but the luck of Xiangbei High School is obviously very bad. Their opponent in the second round is the strongest team in the country, Shan Wang Industry.

Not only that, their opponent in the third round is also a super strong team, with the "Aichi Star" Aihe Academy, the top four team last year.

A crowd of "Slam Dunk" fans saw the grouping situation of Xiangbei High School, and they all lamented.

"Xiangbei High School is too unlucky. The second round is about to meet the strongest team in the country, and the opponent in the third round is also a super strong team. Okay, now it is too early to say that the third round."

"I think it’s too early to talk about the second round. Let’s see if we can win the first round. Fengyu High School’s rating is A, while Xiangbei High School is C, indicating that the outside world is not optimistic about Xiangbei. One round will be a hard fight."

"I think that the rating is not reliable at all, Shanwang Industry aa grade has nothing to say. But since Hainan high school is a grade, why should Xiangbei be rated as c? You need to know the match between Xiangbei and Hainan, but Even if they are evenly matched, it is quite difficult for Hainan to win. In my opinion, Xiangbei should also be a grade."

"You don't need to worry about the rating. The strength of the game is talking. What I am worried about is the first game. Toyotama High School looks very strong, and the guy named Kishimoto is quite arrogant."

"Haha! Speaking of this, I can understand, and I want to laugh. Fengyu High School and Xiangbei High School are on the same train. When Xiangbei High School is discussing opponents, it is said that Shanwang Industry and Aihe College are the basis. They didn’t mention their first rival, Fengyu High School, as if they would definitely win. Kishimoto of Fengyu High School was angry when they were directly ignored. I think it’s understandable. Haha!"

"Of course, Xiangbei High School is not really ignoring Fengyu High School. They know that Fengyu High School is very strong and it is definitely not easy to win. The first night before the game, the captain Akagi Takeken was very nervous. I had to. Go out for a run to relax your mood."

"The first reason for Akaki Takanori's nervousness is that Fengyu High School is very strong, but this is not the main reason. There are no weak teams in the national competition. Xiangbei High School has long known this. The main reason for Akaki Takanori's nervousness is that this is His first national competition, his dream for more than ten years from childhood to adulthood is tomorrow, and it is inevitable that he will be nervous."

"Indeed, not only Akagi was nervous, but Kotobuki Mitsui was also nervous. Fortunately, by the next day, they all calmed down."

"Haha! It's still the big heart of our Sakuragi Flower Road, and I never know what nervousness is."


A lot of book fans are very worried about the Xiangbei team. Xiangbei's first opponent, Fengyu High School, looks very difficult.

And Fengyu High School did not take Xiangbei High School in the eyes, they were very confident of their own strength, especially those two guys named Kishimoto and Nanlie.

After a series of disturbances, Xiangbei High School finally ushered in the first game of the national competition.

Before the game started, the stands were full of spectators, including two special spectators, the Hainan High School Basketball Team and the Shanwang Industrial Basketball Team.

These two teams are seeded teams and do not need to participate in the first round of the game, so they can sit leisurely on the platform to watch the game today.

However, in the eyes of Wangzheshanwang Industry, they mainly look at Xiangbei or Fengyu?

Everyone wants to know the answer to this question, the audience in the stands wants to know, the Hainan basketball team wants to know, and Xiangbei and Fengyu want to know too.

However, no one knows the answer except Sanno Industry himself.

This is the first time a member of the Sanno Industrial Team appears on the screen.

All the book fans were surprised to see the appearance of the Shanwang Industrial Team.

"Is this the strongest team Sanwang Industry? It really gives people a kind of king's breath."

"Why the members of Sanno Industry are all a hairstyle? However, it does give people a very powerful feeling."

The book fans were surprised by the momentum of Sanno Industry, but soon their eyes returned to the game.

The game between Xiangbei High School and Fengyu High School is about to start. The winner of this game will challenge Sanno Industry in the next game.

Is it Xiangbei or Fengyu? No one knows the answer now.

The referee blew his whistle and the game officially began.

A group of book fans couldn't help but become a little nervous, as if they were not watching comics, but watching a real game.

And it's a knockout game that determines the outcome. The opposing team's strength is no longer inferior to that of your own team, and even in the eyes of the outside world, the opposing team's strength is stronger, so they can't help but be nervous.

Fengyu High School is really strong. Xiangbei High School was caught off guard. The opponent scored points again and again, and hit a small climax.

This small climax made Fengyu High School score 9 points, while Xiangbei High School scored a duck egg, 0 points.

The situation after the opening surprised a lot of book fans.

"I rub! Do you have to lose the first game? No, at least you have to win the first game, and then challenge Sanno Industry!"

Many book fans are worried, will Xiangbei fail to win the first game?

The reason why they are so worried is precisely because they are too involved in the show. They have regarded the match between Xiangbei and Fengyu as a real match.

They temporarily forgot, they are just reading comics. If they reacted and they were just reading comics, they should not be so worried.

After all, it is a comic book. The protagonist team has to win the first game and then challenge the king.

Back to the game screen.

The wise Anxi coach had already seen the problem and took the lead, replacing Sakuragi Flower Road with Yasuda, deliberately slowing down the pace of the game.

The genius Sakuragi Flower Road was replaced, and his heart was naturally very unhappy. Poor Coach Anxi was once again "ruined" by Sakuragi Flower Road.

On the court, the effect was very obvious after Yasuda came on the court. The opponent's rhythm was disrupted. Akagi began to exert his due strength and scored the first goal of Xiangbei High School in the national competition.

After that, Rukawa Kaede also began to exert his strength, scoring again and again, and the scores of both sides were pulled in until they overtook 18-17.

At this time, Nan Yee, who is known as the "ace killer" at Fengyu High School, used a very concealed method to maliciously harm Rukawa Kaede during the game, causing Rukawa Kaede to injure one of his eyes and had to be treated.

The game continued. Without Rukawa on the court, Xiangbei High School fell behind Fengyu High School again.

In the end, the first half of the game ended with a lagging score.


Unknowingly, it's August again, and the countryside really feels that time flies too quickly.

The old rule is that if you ask for tickets in August, you need monthly and recommended tickets. These are very important to the countryside. Please give me a little more to the countryside. The countryside is not afraid of pain. Haha!

In addition, "Slam Dunk" is really good-looking, friends who haven't watched it can check it out. There is an animated version in front, and the national competition only has a comic version.


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