Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 916: The advent of what love is?

The love story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is undoubtedly a tragedy, but with the last pair of butterflies, it feels not so sad.

Even, it makes people faintly envied. If you and your loved ones can double the butterflies after death, and always fly together lingeringly, you should be very happy.

Many girls think so in their hearts.

Romance Pavilion, there were also many posts about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai at this time.

Naturally, all the post-posters were female fans who were watching Gu Yong’s Weibo. They saw such a sad but romantic love story, so how could they not share it in the Romance Pavilion.

They knew that there were still many people in the Romance Pavilion, and they did not follow Gu Yong's Weibo at this time.

Some of them watched "White Horse Howling to the West", some did not. But whether they read it or not, it doesn't affect their reading of this story.

Because this is completely a story that exists alone, and has nothing to do with the "White Horse Howling to the West".

Suddenly, there were so many posts about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai at the same time in the Romance Pavilion, and naturally quickly attracted the attention of those who did not follow Gu Yong's Weibo at this time.

Driven by strong curiosity, they clicked on those posts one after another.

"I wish Yingtai good, just confess if you like it. Happiness is to fight for yourself. What's wrong with women chasing men? It's not ashamed."

"Liang Shanbo is a soft guy, eloped with Zhu Yingtai, that timid and fearful."

"The Zhu family is really hateful, and the Ma family and Ma Wencai are not good things, they are all damned! Alas, my family Yingtai is so pitiful."

"Fortunately, after they die, they can't be together before they die, and they can finally be together after death."

"Yes! Fortunately, they have doubled their butterflies after their deaths, adding a lot of romanticism to this tragedy, which makes people feel more comfortable."


Those who did not follow Gu Yong's Weibo, clicked on these posts, and after reading the contents, they were a little confused.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai? These should be two people's names, which are the characters in the new novel? Why haven't you heard of it? After death, both turn into butterflies lingering and flying? It feels very romantic, why is it a tragedy?

So many questions flashed in their minds, just when they were puzzled and prepared to post for inquiries, a new post appeared to relieve their doubts.

It turned out to be a story written by the martial arts author named Gu Yong, which was just published on his Weibo.

Gu Yong, they all know that even people who haven't watched "White Horse Howling to the West" have heard of the name more or less during this period of time.

As a result, they also went to Gu Yong's Weibo to watch. They may not have much interest in "White Horse Howling to the West", but they are very interested in the story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

As a result, the number of people watching Gu Yong's Weibo at this time has increased a lot.

After digesting the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai for a while, everyone remembered that Gu Yong had said before that his understanding of the word "love" is in this story.

Is the whole story Gu Yong's answer? This answer is too long.

Or, in other words, Liang Shanbo died because he missed Zhu Yingtai, and Zhu Yingtai jumped into Liang Shanbo's tomb and died with Liang Shanbo. Is this Gu Yong's answer?

Well, it should be so.

Many people thought of this, and everyone nodded their heads in recognition. Gu Yong used this story to explain his understanding of the word "love", and it was really appropriate.

Therefore, in the message area under Gu Yong’s Weibo, a female fan left a message and asked: "Gu Yongda, your understanding of the word'love' is that Liang Shanbo died because of missing Zhu Yingtai, and Zhu Did Yingtai jump into Liang Shanbo's grave and die for love?"

Gu Yong responded quickly, "You can say so, so I said at the beginning, the answer I told everyone in "White Horse Howling to the West"."

"Sure enough." Seeing Gu Yong's reply, all the onlookers thought this in their hearts.

They are naturally satisfied with this answer, and many female fans are also very satisfied.

The only regret is that Gu Yong's answer is not general. It would be more perfect if you can summarize it in one sentence.

But, what kind of words can be used to make a perfect summary?

Just as many people were thinking about this question in their hearts, Gu Yong's Weibo was updated again, "Of course, if everyone thinks that the previous answer is too long, I have another answer here, only one sentence."

"An answer in one sentence?" Everyone was surprised at first, followed by joy, especially the female fans.

The surprise is, why did Gu Yong know that they were thinking and want to summarize the answer in one sentence?

The happy thing is that since Gu Yong already has a one-sent answer, they naturally don't have to think about the answer anymore.

Anyway, they just thought about it for a while, but they only thought of things like "love to die for", "you die, and I will die with you".

These words are too vulgar, they are not worthy of such a sad, beautiful and romantic story.

It depends on what Gu Yongda's answer looks like, at least it is much better than their answer.

However, a group of martial arts writers prayed in their hearts. If Gu Yong's nagant wanted to give a general answer, then just use something like "You are dead, and I will die with you".

In this case, keeping those female fans down, it's better not to have a general answer.

No matter how different people's thoughts are, they are all staring at Gu Yong's Weibo with wide eyes at this time.

Everyone knows that Gu Yong's next Weibo must be his answer.

Gu Yong's Weibo didn't make everyone wait long, and it was updated soon.

However, after everyone saw the content clearly, their eyes suddenly burst, and the expressions on their faces were choked. It seemed that what they saw was very unexpected.

After a suffocation, everyone's expressions were a little different.

A group of martial arts writers sighed long and shook their heads slightly, with regret and helpless expressions on their faces.

The martial arts fans were excited and excited, and clenched their fists tightly.

As for those female fans, their faces were a little red with excitement, and some people even got dizzy with a "buzz" in their heads.

This is all because everyone saw Gu Yong’s answer: "Ask what love in the world is? Direct education of life and death!"


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