Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 863: Perfect hollow ball

"What? No, no?" Lu Yangming and Hanwei choked at the same time.

It's not because Li Fan can't play basketball, but Li Fan answered so directly and frankly.

There is no excuse or reason, just "no".

I rub! In front of his girlfriend and so many girls, doesn't this kid know he needs a little face?

Even if you are shameless, please take care of your girlfriend's face!

How should they answer the conversation now?

Originally, if Li Fan were to find all kinds of reasons to shirk, they would still be able to trick him, and they would never let him do what he wanted.

But what should I do now? The two looked at each other, and they didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, suddenly a little cold.

Zhou Haiming gave Li Fan a surprised look. He didn't expect that Li Fan would refuse so directly. This would be embarrassing for girls, right? Why doesn't he care at all?

The girls were also taken aback, and then severely despised Li Fan in their hearts.

This is not to say that they look down on boys who don't know how to play basketball, but that they are in a special situation now, not whether they can play basketball.

In their eyes, Li Fan's evasion was completely irresponsible. Not only did he lose face, but his girlfriend also lost face.

Xia Shuang looked at Su Qing very proudly and proudly, and the meaning was self-evident.

Ye Yun shook her head and sighed again. She became more and more confused. Why did Su Qing find such a boyfriend?

Only Su Qing glared at Li Fan with a bit of irritation, and then covered her mouth with a silly smile.

Li Fan is speechless now, he thought that the kid named Lu Yangming could have any clever means.

The result is Nima playing a basketball game? I really don't know how he came up with it.

Of course, this is not to say that playing basketball is bad, but this is not the time to play basketball at all.

After the atmosphere was cold for a while, Lu Yangming also reacted and said cheerfully: "It doesn't matter. Everyone just just play around, we actually don't."

Hanwei also said: "Yes, I actually don't know how to fight, everyone just exercise casually. Look at so many beauties on the scene, what a great opportunity."

Li Fan still said indifferently: "I'm not interested, you can go and play."

Lu Yangming and Hanwei glanced at each other, and Hanwei said again: "Lu Yangming, are there any cheaper basketball uniforms and basketball shoes in that shop selling sports equipment? Some people may think that it costs a few thousand yuan. The set is too expensive."

Lu Yangming hurriedly said, "Yes, there are cheap ones, only two or three hundred yuan per set."

After speaking, the two looked at each other again, thinking, "Should this radical technique work?"

Before they thought about it, Li Fan was ridiculed in front of so many girls for spending thousands of dollars on jerseys and sneakers. He couldn't accept it anyway.

You have to buy a set to save face, after all, even if you don't have any money, you should still have a few thousand dollars.

As a result, they were disappointed again. Li Fan still didn't respond, as if he didn't understand Hanwei's "some people", referring to him.

Now, Lu Yangming and Hanwei are a bit out of touch. What better way can someone who doesn't care about face?

This may be the so-called "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water."

This also made the two people look at Li Fan more and more contempt and unpleasant. If they were outside the school, the two really wanted to find Li Fan for a heads-up, and directly beat each other in a simple and rude manner.

In their opinion, based on Li Fan's physique, singled out, it is definitely far from their opponent.

Li Fan refused to agree to play basketball. Lu Yangming’s plan was ruined. Naturally, he couldn’t really play basketball with Hanwei and Zhou Haiming. He said, “Since some people don’t give face, let’s forget about this basketball. Let’s go. Right."

Seeing that they hadn't watched the basketball, the girls couldn't help being a little disappointed. They looked at Li Fan with some contempt, and then prepared to leave.

At this time, a basketball slowly rolled to everyone's feet.

"Hey! Classmate, please help bring the basketball over." Then, another voice came from a distance.

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a few students wearing basketball uniforms on the nearest basketball court, looking towards this side, the shout just now came from one of the students.

Obviously, this basketball was rolled from their court.

The distance between the basketball court and everyone is about 40 meters, much longer than the length of a basketball court.

The average girl can't keep the basketball so far away. It is still necessary for the boys to do the basketball back to the students.

Of course, even many boys can't throw a basketball that far directly. They need to roll a certain distance on the ground after landing.

So, who will return this basketball to those students?

A few girls looked at a few boys, Lu Yangming's heart moved, thinking that according to his own arm strength, he could almost directly return the basketball, but he could pretend to be a little bit forced and show his face.

However, when I think about it again, this seems to be an opportunity to make Li Fan embarrassed. He sees that Li Fan is not tall, not very strong, and his arm strength must be limited. The basketball thrown out can keep him 20 meters in the air. , That's pretty good.

In this way, basketball can only run half the distance in the air, and it will croak to the ground. In the eyes of other people, I am afraid that it will be more or less despised. As a man, this strength is too much. .

The idea was decided, and Lu Yangming smiled and said, "Brother, basketball is the closest to you, so please give the basketball back to the students."

Li Fan glanced at Lu Yangming, but did not refuse this time, nodded, picked up the basketball from the ground, and threw it in his hand.

Then, with a little effort, the basketball flew out of the hand.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yangming's mouth, staring straight at the trajectory of the basketball, waiting for the basketball to croak on the way.

Only soon, Lu Yangming's eyes widened, his face full of incredible color.

It turns out that the basketball thrown by Li Fan draws a perfect parabola in the air. Judging by the height of this parabola, the distance of the basketball flying in the air will be very far, and it can definitely fly directly to the basketball court where the students are. on.

"This kid has such a strong arm." This is the voice of everyone who sees this parabola at this time.

At the corner of Lu Yangming's mouth, the smile that had just emerged disappeared instantly, and in exchange for an iron-green face, he could not have imagined that such a strong arm was hidden under Li Fan's seemingly thin body.

Moreover, he just watched Li Fan's throwing a basketball, which seemed to be an understatement.

Could it be that this is not Li Fan's strongest arm?

Lu Yangming was startled, but before he could think through the question in his mind, his mind was shocked again, and his eyes were about to stare out.

The other people who have been staring at the parabola have their eyes widened and their mouths widened.

It turned out that the basketball that Li Fan had just thrown not only reached a basketball court 40 meters away with a very perfect and beautiful parabola, but also fell into it very accurately. It was on a basketball hoop on the basketball court. In the basket.

Moreover, it is a very perfect hollow ball!


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