Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 847: Regret not going to buy a book today

Lin Zhong, the initiator of the "Lavan Dismount" alliance, returned home, took a trip to the sofa, took out the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" whose cover was torn out by him, and then chose a comfortable posture , Start to read.

At the beginning, his heart was full of hopes and expectations. He believed that he would see a book that was extremely boring, contradictory, ridiculous, and specious.

But looking at it, he felt something was wrong. The book was not boring, nor was it ridiculous. On the contrary, it was very attractive.

Lin Zhong actually watched it inexplicably, and when he finished reading Chapter 6, "Starting the Journey from Platform Nine and Three-quarters", suddenly a spirit awakened.

Then, Lin Zhong started to be a little dazed, and later he showed quite complicated emotions such as unwillingness, despair, and anger.

This sixth chapter mainly talks about the protagonist Harry Potter, this eleven-year-old kid, after receiving an invitation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, boarded a special train bound for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. , The story of going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Since then, Harry Potter has moved from the real world to another magical world.

Two different worlds slide in parallel and intersect. This is a typical fantasy literature.

Lin Zhong is a little desperate now. He can't figure out why Li Fan can handle everything so perfectly when he creates fantasy literature for the first time.

If only the story is good-looking, then Lin Zhong can still criticize that Li Fan's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is just dressed in the cloak of fantasy literature, it is actually a fairy tale.

But now, Lin Zhong's idea has obviously failed.

He looked at the book in his hand, and the complex emotions in his heart made him irritable again, and the more he looked at the book in his hand, the more annoying he became.

Although he wanted to know, what kind of stories would happen after Harry Potter went to the wizarding school?

But the more he wanted to know, the more he hated it. This is Li Fan's book. How could he be fascinated by Li Fan's book?

Finally, Lin Zhong yelled angrily, and then tore the book in his hand to pieces.

It's all right now, even the book is torn, and Lin Zhong feels that he is finally relieved a lot without seeing his heart.


Of course, most people don’t care about fairy tales or fantasy literature like Lin Zhong. As long as good-looking on the line.

In fact, fairy tales and fantasy literature have a lot in common. Sometimes they are both fairy tales and fantasy literature, and there is no need to differentiate them deliberately.

Whether it is fairy tales or fantasy literature, the most important thing is that the story is wonderful, just like "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

However, during the day today, there are not many people discussing "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" on the Internet.

This makes those who are on the sidelines feel a little strange.

Why are there not many people discussing? Is the quality of the work really bad?

However, it shouldn't be. If the quality of the work is really not good, those Li Fan fans should have fun.

Although there are some black powder voices on the Internet, it is obviously not a climate and it is not powerful.

Everyone is very strange. This is because they have overlooked one area. That is Li Fan's new book this time. It was not published in serial form, but a physical book issued directly, with more than 200,000 characters. Everyone I am enjoying reading, where can I come to discuss it online?

Until the evening the people stopped one after another.

After putting down the book, many people expressed such emotions, "It's still fun to read the physical book, and you can read it all at once. It's not like chasing serialization, which makes people panic."

Of course, although everyone has put down the book, not everyone has finished reading it. Everyone sees the progress differently, but everyone's excitement and excitement are the same.

As a result, the Internet instantly became lively.

"Haha! Who has watched "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"? What I want to say is that it's so good, I'm an adult who is fascinated by it."

"Indeed, I watched it with my 13-year-old son. The little guy watched slowly but made me anxious."

"I really didn't expect that a work of children's literature could be so attractive to adults."

"I feel that the most attractive to this book should be those nine to sixteen, seven children. Of course, the attraction to adults is indeed not small."


The Internet has finally become lively. Those who have been watching and waiting have their eyes brightened and secretly said, "Here is coming."

As a result, they immediately became active.

"It's really that good-looking? What's the main point?"

"Hey! Does the magic school know? It teaches students to learn magic."

"Magic school? I wipe it! It sounds awesome."

"That Harry Potter kid is definitely a magical genius, and that mysterious invisibility cloak should be left to him by his father, right?"

"Yeah, it's written later, haven't you seen it yet?"

"Harry Potter's parents are magic geniuses, and it is normal for him to be magic geniuses. I just don't know if he can stop Voldemort from snatching the Philosopher's Stone in the end?"

"Voldemort? What the hell? A kind of monster? It also looks awesome."

"It's not a monster, it's a fallen powerful wizard. He needs to **** the magic stone to continue his life."

"Of course it was successfully prevented, and the Philosopher's Stone has also been destroyed by Principal Dumbledore. However, the whole story feels like it is not over."

"Isn't it, a long story with more than 200,000 words, it's not over yet?"

"I have also watched "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", and I feel that it is not over yet, and Voldemort has not been killed yet. He is still lurking in a certain corner and may come out evil again at any time. If the guess is good, there should be a second one."

"Yes, I also feel that there should be a second one."

"I wipe it! That's so cool! This first one is just as good-looking, then the second one may be even more exciting."


On the Internet, discussions about "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" are in full swing, and those who wait and see and wait are a bit tragedy at this time.

Because they didn't understand and couldn't intervene at all, they could only watch the discussion frantically.

They only kept asking questions, but after they answered one sentence, they immediately talked about other content, and they could only continue to be confused.

This made them regret, "I'll wait and see a hammer, wait and see, when has Mr. Li Fan's work disappointed?"

One thing they regret most now is that they didn't buy a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" today.

At the same time, I decided to go to the bookstore early tomorrow morning and buy a copy.


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