Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 462: Li Fan has a clever plan

After hearing Li Fan's words, the man sighed softly and smiled bitterly: "I am not afraid of brothers' jokes. Brother is the third customer to enter my store today. Of course, brother is not a customer. Hey, no, I mean... …"

Li Fan smiled and waved his hand, and said, "I know what the boss means. The boss's business has been bad?"

The man first motioned his daughter to play by himself, and then said: "This store has been open for six months. The business was okay for one or two months at the beginning, and it was able to make some money. It just won't work slowly later, until now. It’s already worse than one day."

Li Fan nodded, looked at the low level of the street outside the door, and then said, "Does the boss have thought about the reason for the bad business? Of course, I just ask casually. If it is inconvenient for the boss, it is not necessary. Reply."

The man looked at Li Fan. He didn’t treat Li Fan as an ordinary customer. He was grateful for him. This is not an inconvenient question to answer. He happened to have his brains over the store’s affairs and was looking for someone. Tell me something.

He sighed softly: "There is something inconvenient to say, because I am afraid that it will make my brother laugh. I just saw my brother look at the door. I understand what my brother means. To enter my shop, I need to climb several steps. , This should be an important reason for the bad business of my store.

I originally thought that these few steps should not have any impact on the business, and the rent here is cheaper than other places, so I rented it. Of course, there may be other reasons. Ugh! This is how you do business. Sometimes you sell the same things as the store next door, and the business is hot, but you don’t care about it. "

Li Fan nodded. He also believed that these steps were the main reason for the bad business of this store, or at least the main cause.

This seems unlikely, but something is so mysterious. As the man just said, two stores with exactly the same wall next to the wall may have a good business and a poor business.

If he had to explain this situation, Li Fan guessed that using the word "inertia" might be able to explain one or two things.

That is, people’s thinking is inertial, that is, stubbornly thinking that one store is better than the other, and this stubborn inertial thinking will continue to radiate to the surrounding through brain waves, thereby affecting the surrounding people.

Over time, more and more people are affected, and gradually the situation of one business being good and one business being bleak.

Of course, this is just Li Fan's personal speculation, and there is no scientific basis. Just take a look at it, and it doesn't have to be true.

"Oh, by the way, boss, you who opened the shop, why were you there just now..." Li Fan asked with some confusion.

The boss smiled and said: "It's not because the business in the store is not good. I wondered if I set up an advertisement at the door. Will the business be better? I found an advertising company and designed an advertisement for me. Today In the morning, the advertising company informed me that the advertisement was ready, and I just went to get the advertisement. As for the shop, my lover is looking after it. Now that I am back, my lover will leave and do other things."


Li Fan nodded, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind. He finally knew why he always felt like something was missing when he was walking on the street before.

After thinking about it, Li Fan couldn't help but laugh a little. This is really "poisoned" by his previous life!

That's right, in this street, among the shops, what Li Fan always feels is lack of advertisements.

Of course, this is not to say that those shops have no advertisements. On the contrary, the advertisements of those shops are still very beautifully designed. At first glance, they are designed by professional designers.

The advertisements Li Fan was referring to were all kinds of ridiculous advertisements used by shops on streets similar to this one in his previous life.

Not only paper advertisements, but also sound source advertisements that are repeatedly played on audio.

Although it looks ridiculous, I have to say that the effect is very good.

And on such a street, the effect of those ridiculous ads is obviously better than those beautiful ads that have been professionally designed.

After finally clarifying the problem, Li Fan only felt refreshed in his mind. He smiled and said to the man: "It turns out that the boss took the advertisement. Did the boss put the advertisement properly? How is the effect?"

When the man heard the words, he smiled bitterly again, and said: "As soon as I took the advertisement, it was placed at the door. The effect is that you are the first customer attracted."

In fact, the man is not sure if Li Fan was attracted by his advertisement. He said that was quite self-deprecating.

Li Fan looked at the man and understood the self-deprecating meaning on the man's face. He smiled and said, "Go, boss, let's take a look at your advertisement."

The man agreed, walked out of the store with Li Fan, walked down the steps, turned his head and pointed at a poster that was more than 1 meter high and about 60 centimeters wide and said, "Brother, please look at this poster."

Li Fan nodded. He had seen it when he entered the store just now, but he didn't know that the man had just brought it back.

This poster is similar to other posters on this street. The design is very beautiful, but Li Fan shook his head when he saw it. It might be more appropriate to put such a poster in front of those high-end shops, but it’s probably not right here. There will be any effect.

The man has put the advertisement here for about half an hour, and a customer has not been attracted into the store, which also proves this.

After thinking about it, Li Fan said, "Boss, I guess your advertisement is very difficult to be effective."

The man nodded and sighed: "I know this naturally, but apart from this, I can't think of other ways. However, it doesn't matter. I have prepared to transfer the shop at a loss by the end of this month, although it will lose money. A sum of money, but if you continue to build the shop, you will lose more money."

Li Fan nodded uncontrollably, but quickly smiled mysteriously and said: "Boss, I have a way, maybe it can make your business a lot better."

After the man heard this, his face suddenly showed great joy, and he hurriedly said, "Brother, what can you do? Tell me quickly."

As soon as I finished speaking, I realized that I was too impatient. I was embarrassed and said: "Oh! I made my brother laugh. The main reason is that I put all my belongings in to open this store. I'm mine."

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter to the boss, since we met, even if we are destined, let's go, let's go in first, and I will tell you in detail."

The man hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, you should go to the store. Look at how I can make my brother stand outside and talk."

After speaking, he quickly invited Li Fan into the shop to sit down.

This is not to blame for the man's excitement. In fact, if someone tells him that there is a way to make his store business better, the man may not be willing to believe it. Even if he does, he will certainly not be as excited as he is now.

However, Li Fan is different.

When the man saw the thief who stole his wallet and tremblingly handed the stolen wallet to Li Fan, he had already felt that Li Fanding was very human.

Coupled with the close contact with Li Fan just now for such a long time, it made him feel an inexplicable temperament in Li Fan's body.

This made him believe in what Li Fan said.

Li Fan asked the man to take a pen and paper, and while writing and drawing on the paper, he explained it to the man.

The man froze for a while, sometimes widening his eyes unimaginably, and sometimes frowning and thinking very suspiciously, with a very rich expression.

After Li Fan finished speaking, the man tentatively asked for a while: "Brother, this method has never been used by anyone. I always feel that there is something that is really useful?"

Although the man believed in Li Fan very much, the method Li Fan gave him directly ruined his Three Views, making him a little unacceptable for a while.

Li Fan smiled and said: "It should work, the boss try as much as possible, anyway, if it's useless, nothing will be lost. Of course, if the boss feels that there is something, there is nothing wrong with not using it."

Li Fan didn't say enough. After all, they are two different worlds. What if people in this world don't eat that one.

The man hurriedly said: "Brother, don't get me wrong. I naturally believe in brothers very much. Okay, I listen to my brothers. Then we will prepare.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Sure, then I will see the effect in the afternoon."


Thank you very much for the reward from the Phoenix Pavilion! thank! In addition, please ask for more tickets!

(To be continued.)

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