Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 449: Rumors in the Magic Film Academy

After talking with Hu Fei a few words, Li Fan began to look through the information of the next few actors who were about to appear on stage.

With Li Ying's words, there are a total of six actors, all newcomers, and all of them are about to graduate from the film school. Three of them are from the Modu Film Academy, another 2 are from the Beijing Film Academy, and one is from another movie academy in the Modu.

In a TV series adapted from a popular novel, the protagonist unexpectedly uses a newcomer, I have to say that Hu Fei still has to be bold.

Li Fan nodded secretly in his heart. If it were him, he would also use newcomers. The reason is simple. Compared with the previous martial arts dramas, "Yue Nv Sword" is brand new and has special significance.

In addition, A Qing, the protagonist of "Yue Nv Sword", is a sixteen or seven-year-old girl who has not suffered any secular pollution. For such a woman, it is obviously better to use newcomers than those big-name stars.

"Brother Li, it's started." Hu Fei whispered.

Li Fan nodded slightly and looked forward.

The first woman to appear is called Qu Qin, a student of the Magic City Film Academy. She looks like a melon-seeded face, big eyes, and is dressed in a light green simple green sock. From the looks of her appearance, she is also similar to Ah Qing. Somewhat consistent.

It's just that in the woman's big eyes, a faint color flashed occasionally, intentionally or unintentionally, causing Li Fan to frown slightly.

In terms of acting skills, for a student who is about to graduate, it is not bad, but there is still a little distance from Li Fan's requirements.

The next few girls who appeared on the stage also had some places that made people eye-catching, but there were also some places that made people frown slightly.

If you really have to choose one of them, you can still choose. The student from another film school in Magic City has good conditions in all aspects.

Hu Fei and his two assistants are also quite satisfied with it.

Li Fan agrees with him, but Li Fan thinks he is playing Ah Qing, lacking a feeling that this is Ah Qing.

Of course, this requirement is indeed a bit high.

However, Li Fan is still looking forward to it, because it is Li Ying that will be the next and the last woman to play.

Standing on the stage in the audition hall, Li Ying bowed first toward the long table, and then cast a very grateful look at Li Fan.

She knew that this was the first chance she had, and perhaps the only chance, so she cherished it.

In the next performance, she showed her best state and highest level.

When Li Ying appeared on the stage, Li Fan, Hu Fei, and the two assistants all had their eyes bright. From the looks of their appearance, this girl and Ah Qing had the highest match. If the next performance, It would be perfect for her to perform Ah Qing's "intention".

After Li Ying finished performing, Hu Fei laughed and said, "Okay, okay! Very good."

Then he said to Li Fan: "Well, you brother Li, I knew you were so accurate. Brother, I didn't bother to worry about it."

Li Fan was also very satisfied. This woman did not live up to his expectations. Although there was still some distance from the perfect Ah Qing in his mind, there was already a shadow of Ah Qing in it.

Next, through his own guidance, Li Fan believes that Ah Qing played by this woman will definitely satisfy him.

Of course, it will satisfy martial arts fans across the country.

Li Ying heard director Hu Fei's praise, and her heart was stirred, "Does she have a play?" Then she looked at Li Fan again.

When she saw Li Fan nodded to her with a smile, she suddenly felt unreal.

Until this moment, she suddenly felt that everything that happened today was just like a dream.

All this happened too suddenly and too happy.

"Li Ying, right? I'm Hu Fei, the chief director of the TV series "The Sword of the Yue Girl". I now formally invite you to join the crew of the "Sword of the Yue Girl" and play the role of A Qing. Are you willing? Or do you have any conditions and requirements? "Hu Fei said.

Although Li Ying had a hunch for a long time, now that Hu Fei said it personally, the whole head "buzzed" and she didn't know anything.

Until she rested in the dressing room of the audition hall for a long time, her head was still blank.

She can't remember exactly how she got back to this lounge from the stage in the audition hall.

I just remembered that she was crying and murmured, "Yes, yes, no requirements, no requirements" and the like, and the faint smile on the young man's face.

Today, for Li Ying, it is really too unreal.


This morning, all the role actors in "The Sword of the Yue Girl" were selected. After lunch with Hu Fei and others at noon, Li Fan returned to the room of the Qingdu Hotel.

For the time being, Li Fan doesn’t need to worry about the next thing. Love Entertainment Film and Television will first hold a press conference to announce that they will start filming the martial arts TV series "Yue Nv Sword" related matters.

Before the filming officially starts, the main members of the crew must also hold the launch ceremony of the new drama.

These things Hu Fei really hoped that Li Fan could show his face at the press conference, but Li Fan didn't even think about it, so he refused, and he was not interested in participating in any press conference.

Hu Fei could only shook his head helplessly. In fact, he knew that Li Fan would reject it 100%.


November 13, afternoon.

A rumor began to circulate in the Magic City Film Academy, and the faster it spreads, more and more students are aware of it.

"Have you heard? The protagonist of "Yue Nv Sword", A Qing, has been determined, and he belongs to our school."

"Isn't it, you should use newcomers, shouldn't you find those big-name stars?"

"Then who knows, maybe there is some inside story. I heard that the student who was selected is very beautiful."

"Before I heard that there were two people in our school who received an audition invitation from the crew of "Yue Nv Sword". One of them seems to be Qu Qin. Could it be her?

"Your information is not well received, not Qu Qin, but someone who has not received an audition invitation before. It seems to be called Li Ying."

"Li Ying? No, is it true that some of the previous rumors are true?"

"Rumor? What rumors?"

"I heard that the reason why Li Ying refused to do that before, you all understand, is because she wants to save Bingqingyujie's body to someone who can make her famous. Now it seems that she has waited."

"I still don't think it's credible. Even if it's Li Ying, it is impossible to get the protagonist, at most it is a supporting role."

"Who knows, wait for the press conference of the crew, then everything will be clear."


Magic Capital Film Academy, a girl’s bedroom.

"Qu Qin, are those rumors true? Li Ying was really selected? That's impossible, right?" a girl asked.

Qu Qin snorted without speaking. Of course she knew that those rumors were true, and she was the one who spread it out.

She did this for two main reasons.

One is that she wants everyone to know that Li Ying was selected because Li Ying used a certain rule that everyone understands, not because she is inferior to Li Ying.

Second, she is very upset now, upset about Li Ying, upset about the crew of "Yue Nv Sword". If the person selected by the crew of "Yue Nv Sword" is a certain big-name celebrity, that's fine, and Qu Qin won't think there is anything.

But the one chosen was Li Ying, who had not even received the invitation, and she told Li Ying about the time and place of the audition.

She originally wanted to see Li Ying being ugly, but who knew it had become such a situation. How could she be reconciled?

Therefore, she spread such rumors, although she did not know how Li Ying got the audition opportunity and was successfully selected, but it is not important.

As long as there are those rumors, when the cast of "Yue Nv Sword" officially announces the list of actors, when everyone sees that the protagonist is really Li Ying, they will naturally guess the reason for themselves.

This is enough.


(To be continued.)

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