Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 439: Writing script

Hu Fei stayed at Xianyuan Xiaozhu that night, and hurried back early the next morning.

Now that the copyright of the TV series is in hand, there is still a lot of preparatory work to be prepared when I go back. It is expected to start up in half a month.

Since the story is not long, the shooting time plus post-production, and strive to be completed within one month, then this drama can be premiered during the Spring Festival.

In addition, the investment and shooting costs plus copyright fees total 13 million yuan, which is not a small sum for entertainment film and television. In order to ensure that the show can make money, Hu Fei did not dare to neglect the slightest and prepared to go back. Began to shout vigorously.

Although on the surface, "Yue Nv Sword" is a very topical martial arts drama, if you just pull a few gimmicks, it will have a good publicity effect, and the major TV stations are afraid that they will rush to buy it. It is basically certain. It's a steady profit without losing money.

But this is under all normal circumstances. It would be hard to say if something accident happens, and this is the first time Hu Fei has run a TV series with full authority, so he dare not delay the slightest.

As for Li Fan, work is not easy, he must first adapt "Yue Nv Sword" into a script.

This is the first time he has made this thing, and it is completely different from the creation of a novel, which involves some standard film and television script formats and expressions.

After all, the script is for directors, actors, staff and other related people to read. Not only must it be understood by others, but it must also be understood accurately and quickly.

Fortunately, Li Fan had such a heaven-defying artifact, otherwise he would really not be able to do it.

Through the lottery system of the Space Mall, he has drawn dozens of times, and finally Li Fan has drawn a book about script creation skills: "TV Drama Script Creation Techniques".

For the use of skill books, Li Fan has long been familiar with the road.

Now, all the knowledge and information related to the creation of the script, such as the format and expression methods, have all been presented in my mind.

The rest is relatively simple, only need to combine the original plot and express it in a script.

"Yue Nv Sword" is a short story, and the number of episodes is definitely not long.

However, Love Entertainment Film and Television and Hu Fei hope that the longer the number of episodes, the better.

Because the longer the episode number, the higher the price the TV station will pay. After all, the TV station buys it back, it is also for making money.

If the number of episodes is too short, the TV station will finish broadcasting within a few days after taking it back. At this time, the ratings have just risen, and viewers have developed the habit of watching dramas on time every day.

TV stations can also increase advertising prices in a large arc, but a few big words "end of the play" popped out with a "boom".

Didn't this come to an abrupt cessation as soon as the climax was reached?

Therefore, for TV series with too short episodes, the prices offered by TV stations are generally not high.

Of course, for those TV series with short episodes but high ratings, TV stations also have their own ways to increase revenue.

That is, "Papa Papa" cuts the length of the TV series by itself.

A TV series with only 20 episodes, abruptly cut you into 35 episodes, the first 10 minutes of each episode, give you a review of the previous episode, and the last 10 minutes will give you a preview of the next episode.

In this way, the TV station has turned over the money, but how depressed is the audience watching?

Anyway, Li Fan was very crazy when he saw such a TV show in his previous life.

Li Fan frowned when he thought of this. He didn't want the TV series adapted from his novel to be lengthened by the TV station.

I don’t know if it is possible to add a clause similar to “not to increase or decrease the number of episodes by oneself” in the contract when selling the TV series to the TV station?

Well, ask Hu Fei another day.

Of course, what Li Fan now needs to consider is how many episodes of "Yue Nv Sword" should be set.

The script can appropriately add some details where the original description is not detailed. It can indeed lengthen the work, but it cannot be filled with water.

After detailed analysis and estimation, Li Fan decided to set the number of episodes to 15.

15 episodes are not long, but because of the special status of "Yue Nv Sword", Li Fan believes that major TV stations will rush to it.


Li Fan wrote the script quietly at home. On the Internet, the topic of Gu Yong and "Liancheng Jue" is not quiet at all.

Through yesterday's plot reversal, all Gu Yong fans now, as well as some neutral martial arts fans, can be said to be painful and happy.

On the one hand, they couldn't directly look at the various pains in "Liancheng Jue", on the other hand, they were worried about the fate of the protagonist Di Yun. The sad love between Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua also made them fascinated.

People who haven't read "Lian Cheng Jue" are also in the Xia Fan Tribe forum, constantly asking people about the details in the book.

This is a magical book.

Of course, even though "Liancheng Jue" has been defined as a "magic book", Gu Yong's hat of "Magic Master Devil" has not been taken off.

Someone even opened a post on the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, letting everyone discuss how the "Master Abuse and Mad Demon" will continue in the next issue of "Laughing Jianghu", which is the third to sixth chapters of "Liancheng Jue" The abuser.

As soon as the post came out, there were so many responses, and everyone expressed their opinions on the ways to abuse the master they thought of, so it was so lively.

Some people say that Di Yun will be put back in prison for a few years. Some people say that Di Yun’s feet will be broken for him. Some people say that Di Yun will see with his own eyes that Qi Fang and Wan Gui are there. "Papa Papa" there.

It's simply too evil!

Of course, although everyone has a lively discussion and high interest, it is not what they really want. This will happen in the following chapters.

This is actually a kind of emotional vent from everyone. Come and see how you abuse the master, can we abuse the master?

We are not even afraid of such abusive masters, but are we still afraid of your abused masters? If you have the ability, you can continue to abuse. I think what you can be abused?

In addition, there are also normal discussion posts. In the following chapters, will Gu Yong continue to abuse the main character, or let the protagonist's halo be added to start the road?

The number of people participating in the discussion was equally large.

Some people say that the first three chapters have already set the tone, and that they will be smashed to the end.

It is also said that the front is deliberately tortured so badly, and in the back, there will definitely be a gorgeous turn around, suddenly rising, in order to give readers a great pleasure.

Both sides have their own reasons, but no one can persuade anyone, but there are slightly more people who hold the first point of view.

However, no matter what point of view everyone holds, it is all about Gu Yong and "Liancheng Jue".

This also reflects everyone's expectations for the follow-up story of "Liancheng Jue".

In comparison, the new works by Mengyue and Ni Ge are undoubtedly much less popular.

In this fight between the three people, it seems that Gu Yong has already occupied an absolute advantage.

But everyone knows that it is too early to draw conclusions.

After all, everyone's works only serialized the first three chapters, and Mengyue and Ni Ge are obviously master-level authors who are very good at learning and breaking through.

Now that I watched Gu Yong's "Liancheng Jue", who knows what new breakthroughs they will have.

Therefore, everything has not yet settled down.

The key lies in the plot behind it. Is Gu Yong continuing to be strong to the end, or is it a perfect counterattack by Mengyue and Ni?

Everyone is looking forward to it!


Thank you very much, the people in the book famine once again give a reward! thank! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(To be continued.)

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