Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 433: Crying, begging to come in

After reading the first three chapters of "Liancheng Jue", Gu Yong fans didn't have any reaction to this matter.

Not only does Meniscus do not understand, but many other authors also do not understand.

In their view, this is obviously more desperate than Gu Yong's work itself.

Because if Gu Yong writes like this, everyone feels that it is completely acceptable, and there will be no resistance.

Doesn't it mean that they have completely identified with Gu Yong, and they feel from the bottom of their hearts that as long as it is Gu Yong's work, it must be a good work.

So, in the future, Gu Yong will come out a whole work randomly, even if it is a work of poor quality, everyone will find it very beautiful and will be eager for it.

This makes other martial arts writers how to mix.

Of course, most authors think so, they don't believe it will be true.

No matter how awesome Gu Yong is, he is still a martial arts rookie after all, and it is impossible for him to have this kind of influence.

They are more willing to believe that this is just a brief silence before the storm. Those martial arts fans who watched "Lian Cheng Jue" joined forces to resist Gu Yong's emotions, maybe it is brewing.

When the brewing reaches a certain level, then it should break out.

Should the boycott of Gu Yong's incident be repeated again?

Many martial arts authors, especially those of Gu Yong who had resisted before, couldn't help but brighten their eyes when thinking about this.

You know, the boycott of book fans is much more serious than the consequences of the boycott of their authors.

Moreover, it is difficult for a boycotted author to find a good way to get out of trouble.

Oops! This is truly forgivable for sins committed by heaven, and you cannot live for sins by yourself!

Many martial arts writers are gloating in their hearts, they are ready to watch the show, and they don’t have any psychological burden. The work is written like that."

Xiangjiang, a residential apartment.

Ni Ge sat in front of the computer, also frowning.

Some martial arts writers in the mainland have also heard of Gu Yong's schadenfreude in his new book.

Is it really like this?

Gu Yong dared to write a new book like this, is it really because the success of "Yue Nv Sword" made him a little self-inflated?

Ge Ni shook his head. He didn't believe that Gu Yong dared to write a new book like this because of self-expansion.

Why did Gu Yong dare to write like this? It really makes people wonder.

As for whether it will appear, martial arts fans will join forces to resist the Gu Yong incident? Does he want such an incident to happen again?

Brother Ni frowned and thought for a while, he didn't know if he could show up, but he still hoped to show up.

Because, in this case, Gu Yong's "Liancheng Jue" is probably not his opponent of "Bitterness".

As long as Gu Yong's "Liancheng Jue" goes down, then he will be sure of the "Heroic Tears" that squeezes the moon.

Their Xiangjiang martial arts will naturally win this fight.

It's just that, in this case, there is a little bit of victory.

However, it is better to win without fighting than to lose.

All, Ni Ge is also full of expectations for the martial arts fans in the mainland to join forces to resist the Gu Yong incident.

November 8, 6 pm.

Many Gu Yong fans from other provinces, as well as neutral martial arts fans, after watching "Yue Nv Sword", and after a full afternoon of intense discussions, once again put their minds on Gu Yong's new work "Liancheng Jue".

They are now more eager to know the follow-up content of "Liancheng Jue" than before watching "Yue Nv Sword".

Because, "Yue Nv Sword" has already made them feel the wonderfulness of Gu Yong's martial arts, so they naturally look forward to "Liancheng Jue".

Those diehard fans of Brother Ni and Crescent Moon were silent a lot after watching "Yue Nv Sword".

Their presence in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum is no longer as active as before.

Of course, it is also possible that they are tired and active and are resting.

"Hold the fuck, even if the Guyong fans in Funan province are healed, it doesn't take so long, right? This is too exaggerated."

"Oh! After watching "Yue Nv Sword", I want to know the follow-up content of "Lian Cheng Jue"."

"Yeah, "Yue Nv Sword" is just a short story, all so wonderful. And "Lian Cheng Jue" is a medium-length story, it is definitely more exciting!"

"Isn't that nonsense? The middle story is definitely more exciting than the short story. Moreover, everyone knows the content of the first chapter. The mysterious expert beggar will take the protagonist Di Yunfei. Think about it and get excited and look forward to it!

"Yes! Any friend from Funan Province will do well, let us enter the beautiful rivers and lakes in "Liancheng Jue" earlier."


Numerous Gu Yong fans from other provinces and neutral martial arts fans are desperate. They have already felt that the beautiful rivers and lakes in "Liancheng Jue" are already beckoning to them.

But why is there no one to lead them in?

After another long time, a post that appeared quietly finally made them ecstatic.

"Are you sure you want to enter the arena of "Liancheng Jue"?"

It's just such a post, and the poster of this post is the "Sun Moon Tonghui" they are very familiar with.

"Wow haha! The original poster is finally here, we waited so hard for you."

"Think, think, of course we want to enter the arena of "Liancheng Jue"."

"The original poster is not nonsense, why don't you want us to wait here for a day."

"Haha! The host, please take us in, let us also take a look at how awesome Di Yun is and how to fly."

"I want to see that Di Yun has learned martial arts peerlessly.

"Go, these are only the first three chapters, so how quickly you will cross the rivers and lakes? It should be first in the novice village, and then slowly upgrade."


Provincial capital, a community near Shujie.

Du Hui looked at the post he had just released, layer after layer below, the screaming martial arts fans in excitement, longing for the beautiful rivers and lakes in "Liancheng Jue".

He felt a very headache and intolerable, and he muttered to himself.

It also depends on how the protagonist flies, and the protagonist has been put through a pipa bone and locked in a prison.

It also depends on the protagonist who seized countless sisters and put them in jail, and even took a Mao’s sister, the protagonist’s own lover, to his own enemy.


Du Hui only sighed.

"This is what you are crying and begging to come in. After you come in, you find that this river and lake is not what you imagined in your heart, and there is no worst, only worse times. Don't blame me!"

After Du Hui said such a sentence in his heart, he took a deep breath and began to tell the martial arts fans who were crying and begging to enter the "Liancheng Jue" arena.

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(To be continued.)

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