Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 419: Changes in the village

Sansheng Village, Yuanlai is in front.

Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia are taking care of their small vegetable garden.

Now, the green vines and leaves in the small vegetable garden are like emeralds, intertwined with various red, purple, and green vegetable groups, which seem indescribably gratifying.

The old couple now take care of this vegetable garden as if they were their own children.

"I said Mr. Zheng, why do you always take care of this cabbage round every time I come? With such a good care, these dishes are no better than the ones in my farm." A voice passed from a distance. Come.

Don't guess, it must be Li Fan's servant again.

Zheng Jie was so busy that he ignored Li Fan's arrival.

Zhang Xia hurriedly raised her head to look in the direction of the sound, and she saw Li Fan's servant approaching with a smile, still carrying a bag in her hand.

"Fanzi is here, have you had lunch?" Zhang Xia asked with a smile when Li Fan approached.

"Auntie Zhang, just ate." Li Fan replied and handed the bag in her hand to Zhang Xia. "These are a few carps. Dad caught in a ditch when he went out in the morning. There were more than ten. I’ll bring you a few.”

Zhang Xia reached out to take the bag and smiled: "Oh! Okay, this carp needs to be half a catty. It's still alive. Then I will go back to the house and put it in a bucket and raise it first.

After speaking, Zhang Xia took the bag and went back to the house.

Li Fan smoothly picked a tomato from a tomato seedling in front of him, and said as he ate, "Old Zheng, this old man and Luo have not come back yet?"

Zheng Jie replied as he continued to be busy, "It's only a few days now. I guess it will take ten days to come back."

After a while, Zheng Jie seemed to think of something, and then said: "There seems to be a lot of media today that have reported about Gu Yong?"

Li Fan had already eaten the tomato in his hand, stretched his waist, and replied, "There are a lot of media. But the content is over and over again, and I don't know how to write something new."

Zheng Jie glanced at Li Fan helplessly, and continued: "Now everyone is talking about Gu Yong, do you know when his next work is going to be released?"

Li Fan replied: "It should be very soon. It is estimated that the next issue of "Laughing Jianghu" will begin serialization."

Zheng Jie said again: "Next issue? November 15th?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "No, it was November 8. I heard that Xiaojianghu’s new boss has changed "Xiaojianghu" to a weekly magazine, and maybe it will be published twice a week in the future."

"November 8?" Zheng Jie nodded, "The interval between semi-monthly publications is indeed too long. By the way, I have an old friend, you should have heard his name, Liang Sheng. He seems to be very impressed with Gu Yong. Interest, want to see you last time, look at this?"

Li Fan nodded slightly, not surprised by Zheng Jie's words, hehe smiled and said: "The first person in Chinese martial arts novels wants to see Gu Yong. As a junior, Gu Yong should naturally feel honored. And it should be Gu Yong. Yong went to visit his old man's house."

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "His old man envy my life now, so he decided to stay in our village for a while."

Liang Sheng is coming to the village? This is a good thing, the more celebrities, the more exciting it is.

Li Fan laughed twice in his heart before he said, "Older Liang is coming, then our village is absolutely brilliant, welcome, welcome!"

"You kid!" Zheng Jie scolded with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Xia had already put the fish out, and Li Fan took the opportunity to say goodbye to the two elders.

The weather is good today, and he will definitely go around the village.

It has been just a week since the opening of the farm. According to observations this week, there are obviously more tourists coming to the village than before, and more and more foreign tourists are coming here.

Now, in addition to the beautiful scenery of the village and Baiyun Mountain, Xianyuan Xiaozhu, farm vegetables, green dragons, white tigers, tiger heads, mysterious giant eagles, and the legendary phoenix, etc., all attract batch after batch Tourists come.

Green dragons, white tigers, tiger heads, mysterious giant eagles, and the legendary phoenix may not be available, but Xianyuan Xiaozhu is a must-see for many tourists.

Now, the rice used in the rice provided by Xianyuan Xiaozhu has been replaced with the spatial rice grown in the space by Li Fan.

The rice made is crystal clear, plump and round, like small pearls, which makes people really can't bear to swallow.

However, although it seems that he can't bear to swallow it, whoever puts this kind of rice in front of his eyes will want to stuff it in his mouth eagerly.

Because a strong scent of rice pierces your nose directly, no one can resist this temptation.

Even if you only eat and don’t eat vegetables, everyone can eat until they can’t make it.

This kind of rice sells for 10 yuan a bowl, which is an absolute conscience price.

Every day, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the evening, the guests of every Xianyuan Xiaozhuli are basically not interrupted.

It’s just a great pity for many customers that the farm does not provide rice made into this kind of rice for sale.

If you want to eat this kind of rice, the only one in the whole world is Xianyuan Xiaozhu Family in Xianyuan Farm.

Fortunately, rice can't be bought, but vegetables can be bought. Although you can only buy 20 jin a day, you can still eat it for a few days.

Therefore, the various vegetable areas in the farm are full of crowds every day.

Although many people's financial conditions do not allow them to eat vegetables from the farm every day, it is not a problem to buy a little bit of it and enjoy it after a week.

Of course, the guests who come to the village are not all coming for the beautiful scenery, the food, or the green dragon and the white tiger.

Since the opening of the farm, the outside world that Master Li Fan and the owner of Xianyuan Farm are the same person has become more and more true.

Moreover, after so many days, neither Master Li Fan nor the owner of Xianyuan Farm did not come forward to clarify this statement, quite tacitly.

This makes more and more people in the entertainment circle come to Sansheng Village, wanting to visit the owner of Xianyuan Farm.

And some of them were very honored to meet the owner of Xianyuan Farm, while some were temporarily out of sight.

In addition to these people in the entertainment industry, a large number of singers who are struggling at the bottom have also come to the Three Holy Village in the past few days, just to find the trace of opportunity that may exist.

Now, with the two songs of Master Li Fan, "My Future Is Not a Dream" and "The Sea", Zhang Yu has become a six-tier star in China from an unknown bar singer.

There is no low-level singer who does not envy or yearn for such a chance to become famous.

There is no low-level singer who does not want to be the next Zhang Yu. This is their biggest dream in their lives.

As for Sansheng Village, perhaps it is their realization of such a dream, and only a glimmer of life.

No matter how different the main purpose of each visitor to Sansheng Village is, the reputation and influence of Sansheng Village, or Xianyuan Farm, has grown.


(To be continued.)

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