Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 407: Martial arts masters conquer together

Provincial capital, a residential area.

A 30-year-old man with a burly stature frowned when he watched Lin Hai's post on the Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Later, I saw Lin Hai Tingsheng reposted the post to his own Weibo, with a trace of anger on his face.

The man's name is Lin Zhongze. It was the burly man who used "Romance of the Nations" to attack the man who distorted history at the newsstand early this morning.

He is a veteran martial arts fan. "Yue Nv Sword" made him tremble all over. He felt that the praise of "Yue Nv Sword" could not be exaggerated.

However, the incident this morning made him faintly uneasy. He felt that "Yue Nv Sword" and Gu Yong might be caught in some kind of violent storm.

So now he saw Lin Hai Tingsheng's posts and Weibo, although he was angry, he was not surprised.

Moreover, he also believes that Lin Hai's listening to the sound is just the beginning, and I am afraid that there will be more so-called martial arts masters coming out to make similar remarks.

"These people are really in vain as martial arts masters, and their minds are so narrow. It's no wonder that since ancient times, there has been a saying that'literati are lighter', and it is really the most suitable for them." Lin Zhong thought angrily.

However, after thinking about it, the anger on Lin Zhong's face disappeared, instead a faint smile emerged. The reason why these so-called martial arts masters can't wait to jump out to belittle "Yue Nv Sword" and belittle Gu Yong.

That's because they are uneasy, afraid, and fearful in their hearts. They are afraid that this newcomer will rise too fiercely and take away the honor that should belong to them. They are afraid that the majority of martial arts fans will forget them.

They had determined deep in their hearts that the gap between them and Gu Yong was too great. As long as Gu Yong rises, they will surely shoot them all to death on the beach.

Therefore, they can't wait to jump out and use all kinds of high-sounding reasons to belittle "Yue Nv Sword", to belittle Gu Yong, and to stifle the light of Gu Yong in the cradle.

It's just that the light of some people is destined to Fuyao Kyushu, and no matter how others try to kill them, it will only add to the laughter.

And Gu Yong, without a doubt, was the person whose light was destined to Fuyao Kyushu.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhong laughed and laughed very relaxedly. The post that made him angry Lin Hai listened to, now it looks like nothing more than a joke.

His original intention to argue for "Yue Nv Sword" has also been stranded. Instead, he now has some hope that more martial arts masters will come out to belittle "Yue Nv Sword" and belittle Gu Yong.

Because no matter how these people jump up and down now, the result will only be a joke and farce, and the faces of each of them will be beaten "pop" in the end.

That being the case, why not be a little lively?

Lin Zhong believes in Gu Yong, and believes that the man whose light is destined to Fuyao Kyushu will slap them in the face.


I don't know if I heard the prayer in Lin Zhongze's heart. After Lin Hai listened, more and more martial arts authors jumped out.

Tao Lang, a writer under "Wu Xia Zhi" and a well-known martial arts writer in the country, also posted a Weibo right after Lin Hai listened to the sound.

"As a martial arts rookie, it’s understandable that you want to get ahead, but please also set the relevant settings reasonably. The master of the protagonist is a white ape, and this white ape is still in a short period of time. To teach the world is invincible, this is simply a laugh. Is the author insulting the reader’s IQ? Martial arts can not succeed through this kind of spoof."

Chenfeng, a writer under Lake Novels and a well-known martial arts writer in the country, is also unwilling to be lonely.

"I have read the novel "Yue Nv Sword" carefully. To be honest, there are still many merits, and I can see that the author has a certain talent. But unfortunately, the author did not use his talent for what should be used. Instead, I want to achieve the goal of fame in one fell swoop through some settings that are contrary to common sense. For this reason, I want to say that if the author can not use his talents on these cleverness, and honestly write stories, he will succeed in the future. "

Xiang Yangsheng, a writer under "Giant" and a well-known martial arts writer in the country, will naturally not lag behind.

"Don't say anything else, let me just say one thing. I believe anyone who has watched "Yue Nv Sword" will be puzzled by one of the places. That is Fan Li went to herd sheep with A Qing, wanting to wait for A Qing When Mr. Bai's master, Father Bai, came to see Ah Qing, he took the opportunity to visit Father Bai (at this time, Fan Li didn't know that Father Bai was actually a white ape).

"Duke Bai" did come, but after the appearance of "Duke Bai", he indiscriminately wanted to kill Fan Li. If it were not for Ah Qing's efforts to protect, Fan Li would definitely die under the white ape.

So, the question is, why did the white ape kill Fan Li? What is the profound intention of the author in writing this plot? There is no foreshadowing in the previous article, and there is no explanation in the following article.

I have written martial arts novels for so many years, and I still don’t understand what the author means by designing such a plot?

I think the answer is not even known to the author. This is also the most common problem for newcomers. They often write wherever they think of, and write whatever plot they think of, regardless of whether the plot is reasonable or unreasonable.

When they finished writing, they found that the plot seemed unexplainable, and they didn't bother to explain it.

Therefore, this kind of plot that seems to have some profound intentions by the author is actually nothing more than a random written by the author. Those friends who have watched "Yue Nv Sword" should stop exploring this question, because there is no answer at all.

Finally, as a senior martial artist, I would like to warn the newcomer named Gu Yong that he should be responsible to the readers when he writes the book. Don't write any plots that you don't even know the intention. "


The four famous martial arts masters and the master writers of the four major magazines except the four masters of martial arts, their Weibo seems to be a beacon in a certain sense, guiding the way forward for many martial arts authors.

More and more famous or less famous martial arts authors, and even some new martial arts authors who are not well-known, have started to post Weibo with their hands. It seems that if they don't post, they are not martial arts authors.

Their purpose is naturally different.

Those well-known martial arts authors, their purpose is naturally the same as that of Lin Hai Tingsheng and others.

Those martial arts authors who are not very famous just want to keep up with the steps of these famous martial arts masters and see if they can gain popularity.

Those newcomers who are not well-known naturally hope to take advantage of this opportunity to see if they can attract some people's attention.

There are not many opportunities like this, and you must not miss it.

Haven't they seen "Yue Nv Sword"? That's okay. Just pick a point on the Weibo of four famous martial arts masters and just play it by yourself.

As a result, a large number of martial arts authors from all over China began to take action.

"Martial arts, it's not a fairy tale, even the white ape can martial arts, and can also be a master, this is really nonsense, the author is just that."

"Martial arts is not a trifling matter. You can't succeed with a little cleverness."

"Under the guise of combining with history, it is actually distorting history to mislead readers. In the future, such people should be prohibited from writing martial arts."

"The world of martial arts is a pure land. Don't let those crooked ways taint our pure land."

"The majority of martial arts fans, please keep your eyes open, and don't let those garbage martial arts insult your eyes. I am a fisherman from the sea, and my latest martial arts work "The King of the Darts", please pay attention."


Some attacked the work, some attacked the author, and some newcomers advertised. For a while, it was so lively.


Thank you very much, and I will give you a reward again! thank!

(To be continued.)

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