Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 405: Before the storm

"This, this, this, this..."

The man just now was dumbfounded as soon as he heard it. After a long time, he didn't say a word of "this".

He dare not say that "The Romance of Nations" is a **** novel that distorts history.

Hey! No, is there a comparison between the two? One is the "Four Masterpieces" and the other is the martial arts works of new martial artists. Is this comparable?

The man wanted to refute it, but he felt that it was too pale and weak.

Forget it, even if it's unlucky today, let's withdraw first.

The man waved his hand, snorted, and was about to leave. At this time, he heard the burly man say: "Young man, don't read martial arts novels as history books, otherwise it will be very sad."

After listening, the man left without saying a word.

When everyone saw his embarrassed departure, they felt a great upset in their hearts. This kid probably wouldn't dare to say in the future that "The Sword of the Yue Girl" is a **** novel that distorts history.

They also understand now, at first they always felt something was wrong, something was wrong.

Nima reads martial arts novels as history books. Isn't this sick?

However, the burly man frowned slightly as he watched the man leave, "Even this kid knows that using history to attack "Yue Nv Sword" is easier for those with ulterior motives to find a reason to attack? Alas! Gu Yong and "Yue Nv Sword" are afraid that they will be caught in some kind of storm."

At this time, the newsstand owner came to open the door.

"Haha! Boss, you are finally here, I can finally buy "Laughing Jianghu" today, right?"

"Boss, don't clean up, and quickly get us "Laughing Jianghu" first."

After what happened just now, everyone was more interested. They obviously did not realize that since there was the first person to attack "Yue Nv Sword", there must be a second, a third... until the nth. .

And the Internet is their main concentration.


The sales of "Laughing Jianghu" in bookstores and newsstands in Funan Province are still hot. Today, more than 200,000 copies of "Laughing Jianghu" will be put on the market.

More and more martial arts fans have seen "Yue Nv Sword", and the discussion about "Yue Nv Sword" in the Xia Fan Tribe is also becoming more and more heated.

This makes more and more people who have not seen "Yue Nv Sword" begin to show more and more intense interest in "Yue Nv Sword".

And those who were uncomfortable with "Yue Nv Sword" from the beginning, naturally became more and more uncomfortable with "Yue Nv Sword".

There are more and more posts of all kinds of sarcasm, ridicule, ridicule, and satire.

It's just that these posts are not only ridicule, but also ridicule. If there is nothing nutritious, not many people will pay attention to it.

Of course, the impact of these posts is not without.

Now, there are fewer and fewer martial arts fans who originally held a neutral attitude, didn't expect much of "Yue Nv Sword", and did not understand it.

More and more people among them have started to tilt their minds, either towards more and more expectations of "Yue Nv Sword", or inclined towards "Yue Nv Sword" and start to be uncomfortable with it.

And this seems to be the opportunity that some interested people are waiting for.


Magic City, Great Martial Arts Magazine, Wang Yang's editor-in-chief office.

"Editor-in-chief, this is the statistics of the discussion posts about "Xiao Jianghu" and "Yue Nv Sword" in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum you want these days." Dai Qing said as he put a piece of information in Wang Yang's office. On the table.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Xiao Dai." After finishing speaking, he picked up the information that Dai Qing had just put down and checked it carefully for a moment.

After that, put down the information, thoughtfully.

Now most of the martial arts fans across the country have already heard of the work "Yue Nv Sword". Those who like to go to the Xia Fan Tribe Forum should also know that "Yue Nv Sword" is a novel combined with history.

But there are not many people who have actually watched "Yue Nv Sword", and most of them are concentrated in Funan Province, and those who have watched it in other provinces can be ignored.

Moreover, more and more martial arts fans have begun to have a prejudice against "Yue Nv Sword".

"Very good! This is the time to wait!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Wang Yang's mouth, like a sneer, a sneer, and a smile.


Xia fan tribe.

A post that appeared suddenly caused an uproar in the entire forum.

"Dear martial arts fans, hello everyone! I am Lin Hai listen to the sound. I know that recently there is a work called "Yue Nv Sword" that has aroused everyone's strong interest. Some people regard it as a martial arts masterpiece, while others regard it. It is a poisonous scorpion beast. Why is there such a strong contrast? With curiosity, I read "Yue Nv Sword" carefully. Now, let me talk about my personal opinion. Please don't rush to reply. , Wait until I have finished speaking before replying."

Listening to Lin Hai, a well-known martial arts writer in China, although his influence is not as great as the four martial arts masters, it is definitely not to be underestimated.

In China, that also has a lot of **** fans.

He is now a contracted writer of "Great Martial Arts" and one of the most influential writers of "Great Martial Arts" besides Silent Fall.

Lin Hai Tingsheng edited the paragraph just now and posted the post directly. He needs to attract the attention of online martial arts fans before continuing to post the next content on the second floor.

He believes that by virtue of his influence, it is also related to the "Yue Nv Sword" which has been very popular in recent days, and it can definitely quickly attract most online martial arts fans to pay attention to his posts.

In fact, it is true.

Once Lin Hai Tingsheng’s post appeared, it quickly attracted the attention of most online martial arts fans, especially the **** fans of Lin Hai Tingsheng, who rushed over, wanting to see Lin Hai Tingsheng’s response to " "Yue Nv Sword" will say something.

If it weren't for Lin Hai to ask everyone not to reply, the floor below is estimated to be dozens of stories high in an instant.

Listening to the sound of Lin Hai guessing that there will be no difference in time, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the content he had already prepared was directly posted on the second floor of the post.

"In the beginning, "Yue Nv Sword" surprised me a lot. Its fighting and scene descriptions have a lot to learn from.

However, the more I read later, the more and more I feel a bit inexplicable. First of all, the heroine of the book is a sixteen or seven-year-old girl, that's all, but this girl also possesses an unfathomable swordsmanship, which is too unreasonable.

Even if this little girl started practicing swordsmanship from her mother's womb, it would be impossible for her to become an unfathomable swordsmanship when she was sixteen or seven years old, right?

Of course, considering that the author is a newcomer, this unreasonable setting can be forgiven.

But then, the master who taught this little girl swordsmanship turned out to be a white ape. This is too much. I wonder if the author's thinking is different from that of normal people like us? Only then can we come up with such a setting.

If only this is the case, then at best we will read this book as a joke, and the others have no effect.

But then, the author actually said that the reason why the Yue country's army was able to defeat the Wu country was because the Yue country's warriors learned a trace of the shadow of the protagonist A Qing's swordsmanship in the book, and thus invincible in the world.

We all know the story of the Yue King Goujian and the courage to end Wu in 20 years, but the author attributed the reason why Yue State was able to defeat Wu State to the Yue State Warriors who learned Ah Qing's swordsmanship.

If a person who is not familiar with history reads here and treats it as the real history, then it would be laughable and generous.

In addition, there are many, for example, the story between Fan Li and Xi Shi, the story of Xizi holding the heart, etc. I will not list them all here.

I believe that everyone’s eyes are sharp.

In short, I think that because the author is a newcomer, all kinds of unreasonable settings in the book are forgivable and harmless.

But this kind of tampering with history and misleading others is intolerable.

As a senior martial artist, I feel that I have the obligation and need to remind the newcomer named Gu Yong to write stories well and don’t put your mind on these crooked ways. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will eventually get it. successful. "

A post is full of hundreds of words.

Could it be that this is the rhythm before the storm?


(To be continued.)

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