Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 375: Wuxia is a fairy tale for adults

Which one should I submit to?

Li Fan was thinking about this issue, when the phone suddenly remembered, and when he picked it up, Zheng Jie called.

Zheng Jie rarely called Li Fan, "Is there anything wrong?" Li Fan answered the phone in confusion.

It turned out that the first batch of vegetables in Zheng Jie's small vegetable garden were mature. Please invite Li Fan, father and mother to have dinner.

In addition, listening to Zheng Jie's meaning, it seems that the village chief was also invited.

Li Fan chuckled, naturally he wouldn't refuse. Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia take care of their small vegetable garden every day. The vegetables in it seem to be better than those in Li Fan's farm.

This makes Zheng Jie happy. No, the first batch of vegetables is ripe. Please invite Li Fan to eat.

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan checked the time. It was 4:30. It was a little earlier now.

However, he has nothing to do now, so he just passed by now.

As for the submission, he is not in a hurry for one or two days. Anyway, he has no good ideas about where to submit.

When I came downstairs, I just met my mother coming back from the outside, and said: "Mom, the vegetables in the vegetable garden are ready to eat. Call us to eat tonight. I'll go there first. You and Dad will wait for a while. In the past."

My mother quickly agreed, saying "Old Zheng is really interested."

Li Fan smiled and left the courtyard, heading straight to Zheng Jie's fate.


Half an hour later, Li Fan came to Yuanlaiju and saw Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia picking vegetables in the vegetable garden. He shouted from a distance: "Old Zheng, how mature are your dishes? Don't eat enough. "

When Zheng Jie heard Li Fan's voice, she raised her head and watched him come over, hehe smiled and said, "Your kid is looking at the vegetables in my vegetable garden. They look better than the ones in your farm. Your kid is envious."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Old Zheng has good eyesight. Your old cooking skills are good. Why don't you go to my farm to work? How about double wages?"

Zheng Jie stared, and was about to speak, but heard Zhang Xia say: "Fanzi is here, come and sit in the house."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "Thank you Auntie Zhang, I'll help you."

Zhang Xia said: "No need, I will finish picking it right away."

When Zhang Xia picked the vegetables, Li Fan helped carry the basket and went into the house with Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia. Put the food basket in the kitchen and put it away. Li Fan asked, "Aunt Zhang, do you need help?"

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "No, I don't need your help. Just go outside and rest. Don't be polite."

"Hey!" Li Fan returned to the hall and saw that Zheng Jie was making tea, he smiled, and said, "Is this old Zheng's tea making movements professional? Have you done it in the tea shop before?"

Zheng Jie ignored him. After making the tea, he said, "It's a waste to give you such good tea to a kid who doesn't understand tea!"

Li Fan smiled, he really didn't have much research on tea, and he didn't have the habit of drinking tea. I was about to take a closer look at what Zheng Jie called "good tea" like?

Suddenly, with a sound, a magazine on the coffee table caught his attention.

It seemed to be a martial arts magazine, Li Fan took it in his hand, and when he looked at it, it turned out to be a martial arts magazine: "Laughing Jianghu".

Li Fan's heart moved, and while reading the magazine in his hand, he asked: "Does Zheng Lao like watching martial arts too?"

Zheng Jie looked at the magazine Li Fan was holding, and suddenly sighed softly, and said, "Indeed, it's just that I haven't read it for many years."

"Huh? Why?" Li Fan asked slightly puzzled.

Zheng Jie suddenly smiled again, and said, "It feels boring if I read too much. It's the same for writing and writing. You can guess the end by looking at the beginning, and even the process. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the description is pale and there is no sense of picture. After reading it too much, it feels less interesting than the fairy tales we wrote."

Er, for Zheng Jie's statement, Li Fan can only say that it is very appropriate. Looking at the current martial arts novels, it is better to look at his fairy tales or comics.

However, the majority of martial arts fans would not think so.

Li Fan smiled and said, "I very much agree with Mr. Zheng's statement. However, martial arts are actually also fairy tales."

"Oh? Wuxia is also a fairy tale?" Zheng Jie was taken aback, then looked at Li Fan with interest, and asked: "How to say? Why is Wuxia also a fairy tale?"

Li Fan smiled mysteriously, and said quietly: "Martial arts are originally fairy tales, but they are adult fairy tales."

"This..." Zheng Jie was startled, her eyes flashed, thoughtful.

Li Fan chuckled, and didn't bother Zheng Jie, but turned the magazine to a page, and began to read this short martial arts story called "Blood Dart".

Although it was the material of the **** board that made Li Fan a little bit painful, he was also idle when he was idle, just take a look at it.

After a while, when Li Fan looked more and more painful, he finally heard Zheng Jie sigh quietly and said: "What a martial arts man is a fairy tale for adults. Your kid really has spiritual roots. It's just a pity, we The fairy tales of adults have been exhibited for decades, and the stories written are still the same. Finally, a Liang Sheng was born, but he hurriedly sealed the pen, which made people sigh.

Li Fan looked at Zheng Jie, and said calmly: "After Liang Sheng sealed his pen, aren't there now the "Four Masters of Martial Arts in Mainland China" and the "Four Masters of Martial Arts from Xiangjiang"? Their works are not good either?"

Zheng Jie glared at Li Fan and said, "Don't pretend you guys there. I still don't believe you haven't seen their works. Their works really make people shine at first, but they just shine. Works. Although the quality is higher than others, it is also meaningless to watch two more."

Li Fan smiled, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Old Zheng, since you haven't read martial arts for many years, then this magazine is..."

Li Fan didn't finish, but raised the magazine in his hand. The publication date of this magazine is obviously the 15th of this month.

Since Zheng Jie hasn't watched martial arts for many years, what did he do when he bought this magazine?

Zheng Jie looked at the magazine in Li Fan's hand, and suddenly sighed, and said, "I understand what you mean. I didn't buy this magazine, but an old friend of mine mailed it to me. The magazine's Xiaojianghu magazine was opened by an old friend of mine, and it is already a veteran magazine with a history of more than 20 years. The "Xiaojianghu" magazine has also been famous, and the sales of the highest issue exceeded 150,000. Book. By the way, you kid should know this magazine, right?"

Er, when Zheng Jie suddenly asked this, Li Fan had to answer vaguely: "Well, I used to watch it often, but I didn't expect it to be driven by your old friend."

Zheng Jie did not notice Li Fan's slightly strange expression, nodded, and continued: "It's just a pity that in recent years, many martial arts newspapers and magazines have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. These new newspapers and magazines have sprung up. , Magazines, digging around at high prices for authors, soliciting contributions.

Coupled with the fact that my old friend is getting older and more and more inadequate in management, the authors under the banner have been dug out. Now I can only rely on soliciting papers to maintain the normal operation of the magazine, and each issue sells only 20,000 to 30,000 copies.

In fact, my old friend can completely close or transfer the magazine. He no longer needs to rely on the magazine to make money. It's just that he was reluctant to bear the feelings he had when working hard for the magazine, and this has been delayed until now. However, he has recently had the idea of ​​transferring the magazine. "

When Zheng Jie said this, he sighed again, with a bit of sorrow on his face.


(To be continued.)

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