Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2440: Snake fruit and prickly pear

Soon afterwards, the ripe fruit on the whole tree was picked.

Everyone smiled at each other, and then they dispersed, looking for other wild fruits.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Little Girl also left.

Keep going, after another walk.

Li Fan saw not far ahead, a little girl pointed at a red fruit on the ground and asked the adults around him, can that red fruit be eaten?

Li Fan looked around and saw that the wild fruit pointed by the little girl was round and round, like a small red sphere.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a strawberry, but only a little bit like it, not like the wild fruit just now.

Then, the plants of this wild fruit are very short, small pieces connected together.

A piece of the ground is full of small red fruits, which looks pretty good. It should also look delicious.

But unfortunately, that small red fruit cannot be eaten.

The parent next to the child said: "You can't eat this kind of wild fruit. This is a snake fruit. It is eaten by a snake. People can't eat it."

The little girl was shocked when she heard that it was the fruit eaten by a snake, and subconsciously leaned against the adult.

Things like snakes always make people feel inexplicably scared and terrified.

Li Fan smiled a little. However, the parent was right that the small red fruit is indeed called the snake fruit.

Why is it called Snake Fruit?

The reason is also as the parents said, because the kind of fruit is eaten by snakes in the legend, so it is called snake fruit.

Snake fruits are poisonous and humans cannot eat them.

There is a kind of fruit that looks like an apple, and it seems to be called the snake fruit.

This snake fruit is not the other snake fruit.

Su Qing also saw Snake Guo and said, "I have heard the origin of the name'Snake Guo'. But is it really that way?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "The origin of the name should be that way. It's just that those are folk sayings and are inaccurate. In fact, this kind of fruit is not the fruit that snakes eat."

Su Qing nodded, she also knew that the kind of fruit was definitely not the fruit eaten by the snake.

But why do folks say that it is the fruit eaten by snakes?

Li Fan smiled and said: "That should be because we often see things like white foam under the snake fruit plant, on the back of the leaf, and on the snake fruit.

This white foam is very similar to the white foam seen where snakes live.

In addition, snake fruit likes to grow in dark and humid places, which coincides with the places where snakes like to hang out.

Therefore, people think that snakes will come to eat these fruits. There will be such a statement. "

Su Qing nodded and said, "What are the white bubbles on the snake fruit?"

Li Fan said: "It should be something spit out like a snail."

Su Qing nodded and said, "This kind of wild fruit should be very common. Is it also called snake fruit in other places?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. Some places are also called Snake Berry or Snake Bubble. But generally speaking, they have the word'snake'."

Su Qing said: "The names of snake fruit, snake berry, and snake bubble all carry the word'snake'. This shows that this kind of fruit is the kind of fruit eaten by snakes, and it is everywhere. "

Li Fan nodded, it should be true.

Su Qing said again: "Since that statement is wrong. Snake fruit should not be poisonous and can be eaten?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "No, snake fruit does contain a small amount of toxicity. However, the toxicity is very small and it is edible. But you can't eat more."

That's it.

Su Qing smiled and said: "Then have you eaten?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "I have eaten it. However, it tastes bland and a little bit astringent. The taste is very poor and it is not delicious at all. This is probably the main reason why no one eats snake fruit."

"That's it." Su Qing looked at the large piece of snake fruit in front, and said: "Although I can't eat it. However, it looks very beautiful. It is also very good for viewing."

Li Fan nodded, and on a cluster of green plants, there were round and round red fruits, which were indeed very beautiful.

However, although the taste of snake fruit is not good, it is a traditional Chinese medicine. Its nature is sweet, bitter, and cold. It is returned to the lungs, liver and large intestine meridian. Insect bites, etc.

Therefore, snake fruit can also be said to be a good thing.

"So that's it." Su Qing nodded.

At this time, more tourists also found a large piece of snake fruit here and gathered around.

"A big slice of snake fruit! It looks so good. It's a pity that it doesn't taste good."

"Haha! This is a snake fruit. The legendary snake eats the fruit, can you still want to eat it?"

"That's just a legend. In fact, this kind of fruit is also edible, but it's not tasty. No one wants to eat it."

"It's really not delicious, but it's good to watch and take pictures."

"Don't tell me, such a big movie is really good."


With that said, someone took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures with great interest.

The little girl took Li Fan and Su Qing away.

The little girl is not interested in snake fruit at all.

As I walked, I was on a sunny hillside again and heard a surprise voice, "Wow! There are so many prickly pears there!"

Prickly pear, Li Fan's eyes lit up.

Although the taste of prickly pear is not very good, it tastes bitter, sweet and sour, and tastes a bit strange. But it is a nutritious fruit for nourishing fitness.

At the foot of Baiyun Mountain, there are not many prickly pears.

Of course, some people like the bitter, sour and sweet taste of prickly pear, and like to eat it.

"Has anyone found the prickly pear? Let's go and take a look." Su Qing said.

Of course Li Fan and the little girl have no objection.

So the three of them walked towards the hillside where the sound came from.

At the same time, other tourists who heard the sound are also approaching.

Many people are very interested in prickly pear.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Little Girl walked up the hillside, and then they saw a large area of ​​prickly pear in front of them.

The prickly pear is not a pear, but the fruit of the silk flower of a perennial deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family.

It is also called Sanwangguo, Prickly Berry, Franco, Cili, Wood Pear, Prickly Pineapple, Sending Spring Return, Prickly Sour Pear, Nine-headed Bird, Wenxianguo, etc.

There are so many names. Some are wild, and some are specially planted.

Of course the prickly pears here are all wild.

The reeling flower, or prickly pear tree, is a kind of unfolding shrub, generally 1 to 2.5 meters high, with spikes on the branches.

The prickly pear is oblate and slightly smaller in size than a ping pong ball. The mature prickly pear is yellow or yellowish brown, and the whole body is also covered with spikes.

This is probably the reason why it is called "Prickly Pear".

A prickly pear tree, from the branches to the fruit, can be described as thorns everywhere.

Therefore, you must be very careful when picking prickly pears.

Otherwise, it is easy to be stabbed.

To eat the prickly pear fruit, you must also carefully remove the thorns from the whole body of the prickly pear.

Otherwise, I can't eat it.

"Do you two want to eat?" Li Fan asked Su Qing and the little girl.

Su Qing and the little girl nodded at the same time.


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