Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2423: Break the ratings record

The rest of the employees are also discussing the ratings.

"It is conservatively estimated that the highest audience rating is at least 6.0. The average audience rating is at least 5.8."

"The average rating of a single episode of the cartoon is 7.3 of "The Calabash Brothers". I really hope to break this rating!"

"It is estimated that it will be a little difficult to break this ratings today. But I believe it will definitely break next."

"It will be a matter of time to break that. Not only the average ratings of a single episode, the highest ratings, and the average ratings of the entire animation, it will definitely break."

"No matter how much the ratings will be today, it will far break the highest ratings of all the programs on our TV station."

"Isn't that nonsense? Our TV ratings record is 2.3 for a variety show. This was broken before the cartoon started, OK?"

"Hahaha! That said. Anyway, when the ratings come out, let's go to a carnival."

"Of course. The head of the station can tell, he paid for a treat personally. Hahaha!"


Everyone is excitedly waiting for the ratings.

The ratings were finally released, and the voices of the staff in charge of statistics were trembling.

"Director, the audience... the ratings have already come out."

"How much?" Yu Hongfei asked impatiently.

After taking a few deep breaths, the staff finally said: "The most...the highest ratings are 7.8, and the average ratings are 7.7."

After speaking, the staff only felt that they had used up all their strength.

He was too excited and too excited. It was just the first episode to break two ratings records, which is simply crazy.

He has worked in the TV station circle for more than 20 years. Has he ever encountered such a crazy thing?

Moreover, the highest ratings and the average ratings are so close, which means that almost no viewers switch channels or turn off the TV in the middle.

This is incredible!

After Yu Hongfei heard the value of the closing rate, the whole person was immediately confused.

He knew that the ratings would be very gratifying, but he did not expect it to be so high.

After a moment of dumbfounded, it was just uncontrollable ecstasy, excitement and excitement that I had never experienced before.

Yuan Hong also got the ratings at this time, and he was the same, and he was also ecstatic and excited that he had never had before.

Their South China Satellite TV really picked up the treasure this time.

At the same time, the staff also shared the ratings in the staff group.

The entire South China Satellite TV station was completely boiling.

Every employee laughed excitedly.

Everyone's conservative estimates are only 5.8 and 6.0, but now they have directly broken two records.

There is nothing more exciting than this.

After cheering for a long time, Yu Hongfei said in the group: "Everyone, go, let's go, celebrate! Tonight must celebrate unscrupulously. All consumption, I personally pay."

All the employees cheered.

Tonight is destined to be an exciting night.


People in the entire TV station circle are also watching the ratings of "Transformers".

Especially Jinbei Satellite TV. They are very nervous now.

Because the ratings record of the cartoon was set when they first broadcast "The Calabash Brothers" on their satellite TV.

Now, this record might be broken.

Therefore, they are very nervous.

Although they already know that it will happen sooner or later that the ratings are broken, but the later the time is naturally the better, but don't break it today.

The whole TV station circle is discussing this matter.

"Everyone said it is possible to break the ratings record?"

"It is estimated that record breaking is still unlikely. But the ratings will be very high, at least above 6.0. As for the future, record breaking is almost a certainty."

"I hope it's not quite recorded. Everyone is already very envious. If this is the first episode and it breaks the record, what should we be envious of? So, don't break the record!"


The wish of other TV stations is the same as that of Jinbei Satellite TV, that is, not to break the record.

But unfortunately, the facts are often counterproductive.

The ratings of "Transformers" were released, 7.7 and 7.8, making the entire TV station circle quiet.

All stared at those two numbers, without speaking.

After a while, there was a sound of "fuck".

This Nima broke two records directly.

Moreover, it has improved by a few points.

Does this Nima want to be so crazy?

All the TV stations are sorrowful, including CCTV and Siwei TV.

They are top TV stations, but they also salivate for such ratings records!

First Jinbei Satellite TV broke the record, and now South China Satellite TV broke the record, they can only watch.

As a top TV station, they are also envious and jealous!

Not to mention the rest of the TV stations. At this time, I think of losing to South China TV in the fishing competition a month ago. It is even more regrettable.

The ratings records of the cartoons just slipped away.

What is even more depressing is that this is only the collection rate of the first episode.

In the future, who knows how much the ratings record will be increased to?

I was so envious and jealous that I wanted to cry without tears.

Especially the bottom-ranked satellite TVs. They were originally brothers and sisters with South China TV. Everyone didn't talk about the eldest brothers, but they were all at the bottom.

But now, South China Satellite TV is soaring into the sky. Although it is not possible to cross the ranks of the top rankings, but the middle of the ranking should be no problem at all.

You know, once the audience is familiar and accustomed to watching "Transformers" on South China TV. Then, the audience will watch some of the other programs of South China TV.

Therefore, "Transformers" will drive the ratings of all South China TV programs to increase.


This is also an important reason why the entire South China TV will be so excited and excited.

South China Satellite TV has risen in this way, leaving only the former difficult brothers and sisters to continue to be at the bottom.

The brothers and sisters sighed. South China TV has waited for the chance. When can they wait for the chance?

Nima is too envious!

Jinbei Satellite TV sighed helplessly at this time, after all, it broke the record in the first episode.

What a pity.

Fortunately, they have kept the record for such a long time, so they are luckier than many other satellite TVs.

They can only comfort themselves in this way for the time being.

Then came sighs again and again, Li Fan is Li Fan after all, which is too strong.

The previous animated film set a shocking record of high ratings. The next work immediately broke his own ratings record.

It makes people want to cry without tears.

The entire TV station is also feeling emotional, and at the same time thinking, I don’t know when Li Fan’s next cartoon will be released?

Hope the next lucky TV station is them!


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