Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2377: Meet old friends

Liu Zhi was overjoyed and said, "Then please tell us the master."

The master said: "Okay, then I will tell you. In addition to the big dragon, Xiaotian, and tiger head, there are also leopard-shaped beasts chasing clouds, small chasing clouds, tiger-shaped beasts, tiger-shaped beasts, and turtle-shaped beasts. There are also two divine beasts that should have grown up later. Very few people have seen them, and their names are not too clear. All they know are eagle-shaped divine beasts.

Liu Zhi, Lin Hongquan, and Ling Zhengxiao were a little surprised when they heard this, "There are so many mythical beasts."

The master said: "Very incredible, isn't it? Everyone will be so emotional."

Lin Hongquan said: "It is indeed incredible. By the way, Master, you should also know better about Baiyun Mountain, right?"

The master said: "To be precise, I have a better understanding of the area open to tourists on the main peak of Baiyun Mountain. I have been to the top of Baiyun Mountain twice, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. The most famous are Baiyun Lake and the unknown tower."

Lin Hongquan said: "We know the names of Baiyun Lake on the top of Baiyun Mountain and the nameless tower. Except for the places open to tourists, does the master know other places in Baiyun Mountain?"

The master said: "I don't understand this. The mountains deep in Baiyun Mountain are endless, many places are inaccessible, and almost no one dares to set foot. Sansheng Village also expressly stipulates that visitors are not allowed to enter non-open areas. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Conceited. The only person who knows everything about Baiyun Mountain should be Mr. Li Fan."

Lin Hongquan said, "Is the closed area of ​​Baiyun Mountain dangerous?"

The master said: "Of course it is very dangerous. However, I heard that the guardians of the village will secretly protect the safety of the tourists. But I only heard that Mr. Li Fan has not said that. Of course, even if it is true, Mr. Li Fan is sure I won’t say it. Otherwise, I’m afraid that many people will explore the closed area. So, generally speaking, no one dares to go to the closed area and can’t take their lives to risk it.”

Lin Hongquan said, "It turned out to be so, thank you, Master."

The master said: "You're welcome. You don't want to go to the closed area of ​​Baiyun Mountain? I advise you to not go, you are not young anymore."

Lin Hongquan laughed and said, "Thank you, Master. We are here for the first time and we are very curious. We just want to inquire about Sansheng Village. We will not go to the closed area."

The master said: "That's fine. Okay, the front will be here soon. You are ready to get off the car and don't leave anything behind."

"Is it coming soon? Okay, thank you, Master."

"You're welcome."


Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng have already arrived at the entrance of the village.

Seeing three people getting on and off from a taxi, Liang Sheng looked happy and said, "Here."

Afterwards, quickly greeted the three.

Li Fan and Zheng Jie also followed immediately.

"Hahaha! Lao Lin, Lao Liu, Mr. Ling, you can be regarded as coming." Liang Sheng laughed.

For Ling Zhengxiao, Liang Sheng didn't have a deep friendship, but he also knew each other.

At this time, even though the friendship is not deep, it can't be left out.

Lin Hongquan and Liu Zhi were a little surprised when they saw Liang Sheng. They hadn't seen each other for some days. Is Lao Liang getting younger and younger?

Lin Hongquan said, "Lao Liang, come here and let me take a closer look. It's really hard to believe that you are getting younger and younger!"

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "In the treasure land of Sansheng Village, everyone can live younger and younger. Come here, let me introduce you to you. Well, no, I should introduce you to them. They are right. You should have known its identity a long time ago."

Lin Hongquan nodded, walked to Li Fan, gave a salute, and then said: "I have seen Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan's gift of wild ginseng will be remembered forever."

Li Fan also said politely: "Mr. Lin is polite. Just two wild ginseng plants."

Lin Hongquan said, "The two wild ginsengs are too precious to Lin."

Li Fan waved his hand again to let Lin Hongquan be polite.

After Lin Hongquan expressed his gratitude again and again, he said to Zheng Jie: "Old Zheng, I have been admiring my name for a long time."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Mr. Lin is polite."

After that, Liu Zhi, Ling Zhengxiao, Li Fan, and Zheng Jie met again.

After a long greeting, Lin Hongquan, Liu Zhi, and Ling Zhengxiao began to look around.

The more I look at it, the more emotion I feel in my heart.

Just here at the entrance of the village, there are already crowds of tourists. There are also many foreign faces.

The popularity here is bigger than they thought, and it's no wonder that the traffic volume is so big along the way.

After staying at the entrance of the village for a long time, a group of six people walked into the village.

Along the way, the emotions of Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao, and Liu Zhi never stopped.

Liang Sheng, like a guide, kept introducing Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao, and Liu Zhi along the way.

When passing by a farm weir pond, Liang Sheng smiled and said: "Old Lin, you also like fishing very much. Do you want to challenge the fish in this weir pond?"

Lin Hongquan said: "What do you mean? Challenge the fish in this weir pond? Is it not easy to catch the fish in this weir pond?"

Liang Sheng said: "It's not that it's not easy to catch, but it's very difficult to catch."

Lin Hongquan said: "There are few fish in it?"

Liang Sheng said: "No, there are a lot of fish in it."

Lin Hongquan said, "No matter how hard it is to fish, it can't be as difficult as it is, right? Lao Liang, after all, you still have poor skills."

Liang Sheng said: "Lao Lin, you see there are so many people fishing here, are there any professional fishermen in it?"

Lin Hongquan nodded and said, "That's not bad. A few of them can tell from the equipment they bring, they are professional."

Liang Sheng said: "Very good. Then Lao Lin, go and ask those professional anglers, how long have they been fishing today? How many fish have they caught?"

Lin Hongquan said: "May I ask?"

Liang Sheng said: "If you don't believe that the fish inside is very difficult to catch, just ask."

Lin Hongquan thought for a moment, and said, "Sure, I will ask."

After speaking, Lin Hongquan walked towards the professional fishermen.

Liu Zhi asked, "Lao Liang, is it so hard to fish as you said?"

Liang Sheng smiled and said, "You will know when Lao Lin comes back."

Lin Hongquan came back soon. He has asked five or six professional anglers.

Liu Zhi asked first: "Old Lin, how is it?"

Lin Hongquan shook his head helplessly and said, "They have been fishing for more than two or three hours. Only one of them has caught a carp. The others have not opened yet."

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "Lao Lin and Lao Liu, you should believe it now, right?"

Liu Zhi was taken aback and said, "It's so hard to fish?"

Lin Hongquan nodded and said, "At present, it seems that it is really difficult to catch. However, we still have to catch it ourselves before we can finalize it. Lao Liang, how about we come fishing this afternoon?"

Liang Sheng said: "Yes, yes. We might as well have a try."

Lin Hongquan said: "Okay, that's what I mean."


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