Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2082: anxious

Li Fan nodded and said nothing.

Shi Kai respectfully saluted again, then went back to the house, took off the guitar hanging on the wall, and then went back to the yard.

Taking the guitar out of the guitar outsourcing, Li Fan glanced at the guitar that Shi Kai was holding in his hand, and nodded secretly. He could see that this guitar is often used and it has been in use for many years, but the guitar itself is protected. Very good.

Holding the guitar in his arms, Shi Kai sat down on a board, he was ready.

At this time, he felt that this yard was his stage, and the words of Li Fan just now gave him a clear sentiment.

Therefore, he became more respectful to Li Fan.

"Sir, I'm ready, can I start?" Shi Kai said.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course."

Shi Kai nodded, once again brewed some emotions, and then began to play.

The eyes of Su Qing and Qin Yulin both lit up. They could hear that the song Shi Kai was going to sing was "Childhood."

Moreover, Shi Kai already has a certain degree of attainments in guitar, and he has been able to achieve this level by relying on self-study for more than ten years. It is indeed hard work.

It can also be seen that Shi Kai really likes to sing.

Li Fan also nodded. Shi Kai's guitar level was about the same as he expected, one level higher than familiarity, but there was still a long way to go from the master level.

Of course, it is very good to be able to reach this level by relying entirely on self-study and self-training.

Moreover, this level is generally sufficient.

After the prelude, Shi Kai began to sing, and Li Fan listened very carefully, sometimes nodding quietly.

Shi Kai’s singing has many flaws, but it can be regarded as some singing talent. If he is guided by a famous teacher, coupled with his own hard practice, he can become an excellent singer.

Shi Kai sang very attentively and devotedly. He had completely used this courtyard as his stage, which made Li Fan very satisfied.

A few minutes later, Shi Kai finished his singing and said to Li Fan: "Sir, I'm finished singing."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's not bad. Since you like singing, stick to it. Maybe one day, you will suddenly succeed."

Shi Kai said: "Thank you, Mr., even if it is unsuccessful, I will stick to it. I do not sing for success, just because I like to sing. Either sing to myself and my family, or go to Menggen City to sing to strange audiences. Listen, I think it’s pretty good."

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's late, we should go back, and I will take this little guy away."

Hearing Li Fan said that he was leaving, Shi Kai felt a little regretful, but it was indeed late, and Li Fan and his colleagues had to return to Meng Gen City, and they should indeed set off.

So, Shi Kai nodded and said: "Okay sir, we will return to Meng Gen City, this little guy will take care of Mr. Trouble in the future."

Li Fan said: "I will take care of it."

Then, Li Fan said goodbye to Shi Kai's father, mother, and grandparents. Dad, mother, and grandparents got up to see each other. Li Fanlian asked a few people to stay and said that they didn't need to see him.

But several people still sent a distance, and the three of Li Fan were very grateful.

When I went back, I was still riding a camel. At the entrance of the village, Li Fan and Shi Kai got on the camel again and set off toward Menggen City.


All the way faintly, when Li Fan and the others returned to the outside of Meng Gen City, it was not early.

The owners of the other two camels greeted him, and Li Fan returned the camels to their owners. After that, he paid the rent of the camels and said goodbye to Shi Kai and the owners of the other two camels.

Then, several people walked into Meng Gen City.

As soon as he entered the city, Qin Yulin couldn't wait to say: "Brother-in-law, you asked Shi Kai to sing a song live, do you want to write a song for him?"

Li Fan said: "It should be. When we just rode a camel on the edge of the desert, I suddenly had some idea. If it is written as a song, it is not difficult to sing. It is also related to the desert and the camel. It is quite suitable for Shi Kai to sing. I think that young man is not bad, and the company along the way today is considered a kind of fate. Also, because of his relationship, I got this young guy and gave him a song, which is nothing."

Qin Yulin chuckled after hearing this and said, "In my brother-in-law’s opinion, this is nothing, but for Shi Kai and the outside world, it would be quite something. By the way, my brother-in-law, I just wanted to ask you, why are you Would you be so interested in this little guy? Is there anything special about this little guy?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "This little guy does have something special, and it's the kind of special that can't be met. However, I still can't see it now. You have to wait until he has grown to a sufficient level before you can see it. especially."

"That's it." After listening, Qin Yulin and Su Qing took a closer look at the little guy in the bamboo cage. They really couldn't see anything special.

That being the case, wait until the little guy has grown to a sufficient level before watching.

Then, the two women asked about the song again, but Li Fan just smiled and asked the two women to stay calm, saying that when the time came, they would naturally hear the song.

The two women hummed softly at the same time and rolled their eyes.


At this time, several government officials from Menggen City were walking into the city from outside the city, and the distance between Li Fan and Li Fan was less than 100 meters.

A few people are the main persons in charge of the tourism development of the Tengger Desert this time. They are investigating outside the city all day, discussing countermeasures, and returning to the city when it is getting dark.

Regarding the delay in the development of tourism in the Tengger Desert, they have become more and more anxious.

Two years ago, when this project was proposed, they were full of confidence and believed that they had finally found an effective way to increase the economy for Mengan City and surrounding villages.

In order to make preparations in advance, they also encourage and welcome investors to build more hotels and inns in Menggan City.

Now, local and foreign investors have responded to their call and built many hotels and inns in the city.

However, two years have passed, and there has been little improvement in tourism projects in the Tengger Desert. The occupancy rate of the hotels and inns in the city can be described as bleak.

Investors have gradually made some criticisms about this.

More importantly, when this project was proposed two years ago, the government department greeted the residents of Menggan City and the residents of the surrounding villages, asking everyone to support, encourage, and assist. Tengger Desert When it comes to tourism development work, we will surely get a satisfactory return.

The residents of Menggen City and surrounding villages have great trust in this project of the government department and have given support and assistance to assist the government department in the tourism development of the Tengger Desert.

While giving full support and assistance, everyone has a lot of hope and expectation for the future.

Now that two years have passed, tourism projects in the Tengger Desert have hardly improved, but the residents still maintain their hopes and expectations.

Several project leaders are very aware of these situations.

It is precisely because they are all clear that they are becoming more and more anxious, and they are afraid of betraying everyone's trust and expectations.


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