Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2046: Enter the game farm

Countless people are looking forward to Li Fan's new game "Fairy Farm", including a large number of new game players who have never played games before but really like to play "Plants vs. Zombies".

Because of "Plants vs. Zombies", new gamers who have never played games before have discovered that the game is really fun.

Of course, they just think "Plants vs. Zombies" is fun, and they still have no interest in the other games, and they don't plan to play it.

In other words, they are only interested in games designed by Li Fan.

Therefore, they are also full of expectations for Li Fan's upcoming new game "Fairy Farm", even more than those old game players.

Because they are only interested in games designed by Li Fan, there are no other games to choose from.


And time passed day by day in the anticipation of countless people, and finally came a week later.

The technical staff of Schindler’s game development department, after a week of continuous research and development, finally completed the entire game.

After uploading the game files to the trial server, Schindler invited Li Fan to check it out.

After Li Fan passed the inspection, Schindler finally released an official notice that "Fairy Fate Farm" will be officially launched at 10 am tomorrow. Players can enter the qd space through the qd number, and a new game section has been added to the space. There is only one game in the current game section, which is "Fairy Farm". Players can open the game directly, and then they can start playing.

As soon as the notice came out, countless people cheered for joy. After waiting for more than a week, it finally arrived.

Then eagerly looking forward to coming at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

The time finally came the next day, at 9:30 in the morning, half an hour before the official launch of "Xianyuan Farm".

Countless people clicked on the qd login tool and logged in their qd number.

According to the back-end data of Schindler, the number of online users of qd was around 200 million during this time period.

But now, the number of qd online users has exceeded 500 million, and it is still increasing.

Obviously, most of the online users of qd at this time are for "Xianyuan Farm".

There are hundreds of millions of people waiting for "Fairy Farm" to go live.

This is a number that makes people feel terrible, and it is also a number that makes people feel a lot of emotions. The only person who can have such an influence is Li Fan.

If there are hundreds of millions of regular game players, then the major game companies will definitely wake up in their dreams.

But that is naturally impossible.

Of course, there are tens of millions of regular game players, which is already a very large number.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting, and time has finally passed the last 30 minutes.

Time is 10 o'clock in the morning.

Hundreds of millions of people clicked on the qd space with excitement and anticipation in their hearts, and they saw the newly added game section in a very obvious position.

Click into the game section, there is only one game in it, which is "Fairy Farm".

When you enter the game for the first time, you need to download the game data first, and everyone directly clicked to start the download without hesitation.

I have to say that this is a severe test for Schindler’s servers.

Fortunately, Schindler had anticipated such a situation in advance, and was fully prepared, and the server withstood the test.

However, the process has been fierce and dangerous, so that the hearts of Schindler's technical personnel are always hanging on their throats.

Finally, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After downloading the game data, you can finally start playing. Everyone can't wait to click to start.

Enter the game interface.

The first thing that catches the eye is a piece of green, a piece of green that makes the eyes very comfortable.

Then there was a refreshing feeling, very comfortable.

Then the players focused their attention, and in the distance was a series of mountains, the mountains were covered by green vegetation, and a few green trees were distributed between the mountains and forests.

The sky above is blue, with white clouds blooming, a scene of blue sky and white clouds.

A little further in is a large area of ​​farmland, and some crops are faintly planted in the farmland.

Going further is a large area of ​​grass, which occupies more than two-thirds of the entire game interface.

To the northeast of the grassland, there is a thatched house, which is in tatters and looks very shabby.

In front of the thatched house, there is a large piece of land. The land is a regular rectangle with short trees and small grasses around it.

This large piece of land occupies most of the grass, and is also the core and most conspicuous area of ​​the entire game interface.

The land is inclined from the northwest to the southeast. At the southeast end, there is a pond next to it, and there is water in the pond.

This large piece of land is divided evenly into many small pieces of land in a positive direction, divided into four columns and six rows, a total of twenty-four small pieces of land.

Every small piece of land is covered by green vegetation. Only the six pieces of land in the most northwestern corner are different from other pieces of land. Those six pieces of land are soil-colored, as if the green vegetation covering them has been uncovered.

And on a piece of land next to the most marginal piece of land among the six pieces of land, a wooden sign was erected with the words "expandable" written on it.

After pondering for a while, the players understood what it meant.

It turns out that the six soil-colored pieces of land are equivalent to the land that has been reclaimed, while the remaining land covered by green vegetation is equivalent to the land that has not been reclaimed.

Players should be able to click on the "expandable" plank sign to open up more land.

In order to verify the idea in mind, some players manipulated the mouse and clicked on the "expandable" wooden board.

Then I got the system prompt, "Expanding this land requires level 5 and 10,000 gold coins. Sorry, your level and gold coins are not enough."

It turned out that the expansion of the land still has grade requirements and a certain amount of gold coins need to be paid.

After seeing the system prompt, the players figured out the situation, and then they all thought, "If this is the case, what level am I now? How many gold coins do I have?"

Where are these data information displayed?

Players are looking for it on the game interface while thinking in their hearts, and the displayed position is not difficult to find, and the players can easily find it.

The displayed position is in the upper left corner of the game interface, which is equivalent to the role information of those role-playing online games. Traditional game players are very familiar with this, and new players can understand it after pondering for a while.

At the far left of the character information area, the player's avatar is displayed. All players have discovered that the avatar displayed is the avatar of their own qd number.

Then the character name displayed next to the avatar, the character name is the same as the nickname of your own qd number.

Below the name is the experience bar, level, and the number of gold coins.

All players can see that their level is displayed as "0". It turns out that they are still level 0. If you want to expand a new piece of land, you need to upgrade to level 5.

How can I upgrade? The players all know that the previous experience points are required to meet the upgrade requirements, and as the level continues to increase, the experience points required for the upgrade will continue to increase.

The number of gold coins is displayed below the experience bar.

All players saw that their gold coin count was 1000, which should be the initial gold coin sent by the system.

And 1000 gold coins can't even open a lot of land, which shows that it can't be regarded as a lot of wealth.

"It seems that you have to upgrade and make money." The players all thought in their hearts.


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