Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1916: Words of the saint

The question is solved, it is about the work of comprehension and Taoism.

And this answer is really not what everyone can guess before, no matter how big your brains are, you never expect that Gu Yong will write a work about cultivation and Taoism.

Who would have thought that it could also be written about cultivation and practice? There has been no such subject since ancient times.

Gu Yong may be the only one who can think of using this subject matter to create.

This is indeed a completely new type of work.

But, what does this subject matter look like? What kind of content will be in it? In addition to human cultivation and Taoism, will there be other immortals and monsters?

Regarding these, the minds of the book fans are blank, completely without concepts, and a little confused.

However, from this text on Gu Yong's Weibo, it seems that one or two can be glimpsed.

"The deserted land in the southeast, northwest and northwest, with dangerous mountains and waters, many ferocious beasts and birds, many evil miasma poisons, and many barbarians and barbarians who drink blood, so it is inaccessible to people."

"The law of longevity has not been found yet, but they have gradually become different from each other, the difference between good and evil."

"In the present age, righteousness will prosper, and evil spirits will retreat. The land of the Central Plains is beautiful, with great popularity and rich products. It is firmly occupied by decent families. Among them, the'Qingyunmen','Tianyin Temple', and'Fanxiang' are firmly occupied. "Gu' is the three pillars and the leader."

From these texts, it can be seen that in addition to cultivation and Taoism, there should be fierce beasts and birds of prey, demons, sects, and good and evil in such works.

Although these may only be the tip of the iceberg, they are exciting enough for book fans.

On the Internet, there are discussions about this paragraph. Although everyone is always a little confused and confused, this does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for discussion.

Even because everyone was a little confused and confused, the enthusiasm for discussion increased.

Because the more confused and unintelligible the place, the more valuable it is for discussion, and the more it can arouse everyone's interest.

"'Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!" I like this sentence the most. Although the meaning is easy to understand, it feels that the compulsion is too high, it is like the words of a saint. Gu Yong can say so. The words of the saint really make us worship!"

"Yes, I also like this sentence the most. It's really too high-fidelity. It is an absolute saint's word. I really can't believe it. This sentence actually came from the hands of Gu Yong."

"Gu Yong is right to say that heaven and earth are really not merciful. In its eyes, everything in the world is like a dog. This may be the theme of this work."

"The heavens and the earth are big, the heavens and the earth are the biggest, the heaven and the earth do have the capital to treat everything as a dog!"

"Before the serialization of Gu Yongda’s new work officially began, I first came to such a high-ranking saint’s words. I seem to be back again, when Gu Yongda turned out to be a "Yue Nv Sword". , There really is a similar feeling."

"Gu Yongda is still as always, always bringing surprises and shocks to people. This is one of the reasons why I like Gu Yongda so much."

"I really didn't expect that cultivation and Taoism could be used as a subject for creation, and only Gu Yong wanted it greatly."

"In ancient times, Taoist priests also paid attention to cultivation, including today's Taoist priests. But this cultivation is definitely not the cultivation practice that Gu Yong said."

"Nonsense, the Taoist practitioners Gu Yong said can shock the sky and the earth, and have the power of thunder. How can those Taoist priests in reality compare?"

"Ferocious beasts and raptors, I don't know what the beasts and raptors Gu Yong said is exactly? What kind of raptor is it? Is it a real animal in reality? Or is it a fictitious animal by Gu Yong?"

"I don't know, I have a feeling that the things introduced in this passage are just the tip of the iceberg in the work. There may be too many amazing things in the work, waiting for us to discover."

"According to the introduction of this paragraph, I feel that this work will be a work with a very grand background, but what is the specific grandeur? I can't say it, just have such a feeling."

"I also have the same feeling. I always feel that there may be many unexpected things inside."



The Jury Office of the Times Literature Award.

As Yang Qiming said before, Gu Yong's Weibo was uploaded on the Internet as soon as it was updated. They just didn't want to know it.

After reading the content of Gu Yong's Weibo, Yang Qiming and Li Bo let out a long sigh of relief. After months of confusion, they finally know the answer. This feeling is indeed quite comfortable.

The subject of cultivation and Taoism is also completely beyond their expectations.

They knew that if it hadn't been for Gu Yong to give the answer, they would never have thought of this subject matter.

In their view, this was Gu Yong's extremely bold innovation and attempt. With Gu Yong's unconstrained imagination, they believed that Gu Yong could succeed.

And in this passage, what shocked them the most was naturally the phrase that was called "the word of a saint" by book fans, "The world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!"

They were more shocked by this sentence than book fans.

Yang Qiming sighed for a long time, and then said: "'Sage's Words', the comments of those book fans are very accurate. This is really the sage's words. It feels like this sentence has existed a long time ago. Normally. This feeling was before when Mr. Li Fan created the "San Zi Jing". I didn't expect Gu Yong to feel it again now."

Li Bo also sighed with emotion and said: "Indeed, the "Three Characters" is the words of the saint, and this sentence is also the words of the saint. Li Fan and Gu Yong, two geniuses born out of the world."

"The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog!" Yang Qiming muttered this sentence in a low voice while thinking in his heart. After a while, he said: "Lao Li, do you think those book fans understand this sentence? ,right?"

Li Bo pondered: "The meaning of this sentence does not seem to be difficult to understand. Generally speaking, book fans can indeed understand it that way. However, that understanding may not be what this sentence originally meant."

"Oh?" Yang Qiming said with bright eyes, "Lao Li, do you think so too?"

Li Bo nodded and said: "The true meaning of this sentence may be exactly the opposite of what the book fans understand. Heaven and earth are not without mercy, but it does not matter whether it is merciful or merciless. It treats the world and everything as a humble. The dog does not mean that everything in the world is a dog in its eyes, and it can be left to play with it, but it is said that everything in the world is the same in its eyes. It is treated the same, and it will not be good to anyone. Who would be bad."

Yang Qiming laughed and said, "Yes, that's it, this should be the real meaning of this sentence. It is indeed the word of a saint, even we almost got it wrong."

Li Bo said again: "Unfortunately, there is only one sentence in this sentence. If there are a few more sentences, then its value may not be under the "San Zi Jing"."

Yang Qiming said: "It is indeed a pity, but with such a sentence, we should also be content."

Li Bo smiled and said, "Yes."


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