Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1821: Finally meet again

There is no if, all that is left is a helpless and sad ending.

Book fans can’t imagine how painful Li Xunhuan would feel when Lin Shiyin and Long Xiaoyun got married when they handed over his home to them, and then Xiao Ran left?

If this kind of pain is only a short period of time, then that's all, but this kind of pain is a whole decade of pain.

In the past ten years, how did Li Xunhuan spend it?

Book fans don't know, and don't want to imagine. They only know that in the past ten years, Li Xunhuan has been drinking, coughing, and carving Lin Shiyin's portrait.

At this time, the book fans also understood why Li Xunhuan always bury a portrait deeply in the soil after carving it.

Because ten years ago, Li Xunhuan made the decision to never see Lin Shiyin again.

Since it is no longer possible to see each other, it is natural to bury the longing for Lin Shiyin deeply.

However, Li Xunhuan couldn't do it anyway. After burying a portrait, he would always re-carve a portrait again.

This newly carved portrait also represents the rekindling of Li Xunhuan's yearning for Lin Shiyin.

After ten years of carving, ten years of burial, and ten years of rekindling.

Ten years later, Li Xunhuan finally couldn't lower the pain of lovesickness in his heart, and he entered the customs again.

Re-entry does not mean that Li Xunhuan has decided to see Lin Shiyin again, although he really wants to see Lin Shiyin again.

But as the driver of the car said, what will happen after meeting?

Everything can no longer be changed.

Ten years have passed, and Lin Shiyin should have been used to the new life. If Li Xunhuan sees her again, it will only increase the pain of the two of them.

Li Xunhuan knew this deeply.

Therefore, although he entered the customs, he probably had no plans to see Lin Shiyin again.

Since he didn't plan to see Lin Shiyin again, why did Li Xunhuan choose to enter the customs again?

Perhaps it was just because he wanted to be closer to Lin Shiyin.

That's it!

This is the analysis of the book fans. As for the fact, is it true? Only Li Xunhuan himself knew the answer, or even Li Xunhuan didn't know the answer.

He doesn't know why, he will choose to re-enter after ten years.

And this undoubtedly adds a kind of sorrow.

If it wasn't for this time that Li Xunhuan accidentally injured Lin Shiyin's son, Li Xunhuan would never see Lin Shiyin again.

But now, Li Xunhuan accidentally injured Lin Shiyin's son, and he chose to see Lin Shiyin again.

Is it God’s will, or is it destined? No one can tell.

This may be a good thing. Li Xunhuan has been thinking about it for ten years, and finally has enough reason to see Lin Shiyin again.

But after meeting, it may only make the two more painful, which is obviously not a good thing.

So, is Li Xunhuan going to see Lin Shiyin again, is it a good thing or a bad thing? No one can say it clearly.

Destiny always likes to make people, this sentence must not be wrong.

Li Xunhuan followed Qin Xiaoyi, Ba Ying, and the child to Long Xiaoyun's manor.

In fact, to be more precise, he should have returned to his homeland, which has been gone for ten years.

It's just that, ten years have already made everything right and wrong, and nothing can be returned.

The former master can only be the guest standing outside the manor, waiting for the porter to report.

Who can understand Li Xunhuan's mood at this time?

On the gate, the former ‘Li Garden’ has now become ‘Xingyun Village’, but the pair of door couplets on both sides of the gate is still there.

"A seven-skilled scholar,

Father and son explore the flowers three times. "

This pair of door couplets is a couplet written by Sheng Shang Yubi and represents the glory of the Li family.

But now, it only made Li Xunhuan's heart look even more lonely and lonely.

He looked up at the door link, suddenly feeling heavy, and it was difficult to move half a step.

Long Xiaoyun, the current owner of Xingyun Village, heard Li Xunhuan's arrival and eagerly greeted him from the manor, looking very excited.

At least, on the surface very excited.

Li Xunhuan was also very excited. In his eyes, Long Xiaoyun was always his savior and elder brother.

Li Xunhuan repeatedly apologized to Long Xiaoyun, saying that he really didn't know that the child was his child. If he knew, he would definitely not do that.

Long Xiaoyun said with a certain expression that his son, Long Xiaoyun, is the son of Li Xunhuan. Li Xunhuan did not say that he had only taught him once, even if the beast was killed, it should be.

At this time, when Long Xiaoyun said this sentence, perhaps it was indeed out of sincerity, which made the book fans feel a little bit relieved.

Fans also hope that Long Xiaoyun's words are indeed from sincerity. Even though they don't like Long Xiaoyun, they are not 100% sure. Is Long Xiaoyun's words really from sincerity?

But anyway, at least now it seems that Long Xiaoyun is sincere.

And book fans are not most concerned about this, but when will Li Xunhuan see Lin Shiyin again?

The former lover, who has been thinking of me for ten years, meets again, what should Li Xunhuan do? What can I do?

Does Lin Shiyin already know the real reason why Li Xunhuan suddenly changed his appearance ten years ago?

If she already knew the real reason, she should have understood that Li Xunhuan had not changed, and she still loved her deeply.

So, does she regret not having firm belief in her heart, or hate Li Xunhuan for abandoning her and giving her to his brother for the so-called brotherhood?

If she hates Li Xunhuan, now ten years have passed, she seems to choose to forgive Li Xunhuan?

How would she face Li Xunhuan again?

No matter what choice she makes? Fans can understand.

Because in this whole thing, the suffering and grievance she suffered were not much worse than Li Xunhuan.

And Lin Shiyin appeared.

Ten years later, Li Xunhuan finally saw Lin Shiyin again.

In Li Xunhuan's dream, this face has appeared tens of thousands of times. Every time she was very close, but very far away, far away beyond reach.

Every time Li Xunhuan wanted to hug her, he would suddenly wake up from this heartbreaking nightmare. He could only lie in his own cold sweat, looking at the dark night trembling outside the window, waiting in pain for the dawn.

But at dawn, he still felt the same pain and the same loneliness.

Now, the person in the dream was finally real and appeared before his eyes. He could even touch her as soon as he stretched out his hand. He knew it was no longer a dream.

However, she is already someone else's wife, can he still reach out?

He suddenly hoped that this was still a dream, so that he would wake up from the dream, and then continue to miss it in his heart.

And not as helpless as it is now.

He had hoped that it was no longer a dream countless times, but now it really is no longer a dream, and he suddenly hoped that the best is still a dream.

What kind of helplessness and sorrow is this?

But it's a pity that this is not a dream, and reality is often more cruel than dreams, and he can't even escape it.

He only tried to squeeze a smile to conceal the pain in his heart, and finally said two words: "Sister-in-law!"


After finally seeing the lover who had been lingering for ten years, he could only call "Sister-in-law".

What kind of pain and sorrow is this?


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