Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1776: Step on the flowers and return to the scent of horseshoe

The top of Huashan, the scene of the painting competition.

Li Fan couldn't help but smile when he saw Qin Yulin also raised his hand. This girl seemed to be in good spirits.

Seeing that there are so many people responding now, the host seemed even more excited. He raised his voice higher and said: "Thank you very much for the enthusiasm of the audience friends. Now I will choose one randomly among the friends who raised their hands. Friends."

Everyone at the scene responded immediately. Some people kept dancing with their right hands, hoping to attract the host's attention.

The host was very satisfied with the atmosphere at the scene, his eyes swept across the crowd, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he saw an extremely beautiful figure.

"There is such a beautiful woman at the scene!" The host was very excited, and said quickly: "The friend who wrote the question is the beautiful girl. Now we have our staff to give that girl a microphone."

Hearing what the host said, the others who raised their hands all sighed, which seemed very regrettable.

After that, they all turned their heads to look at where Qin Yulin was standing. Seeing the selected girl, she was extremely beautiful, and she felt a little bit slanderous in her heart.

They naturally understood that the reason why the host chose Qin Yulin was only because Qin Yulin was extremely beautiful.

However, there is no alternative. Being beautiful is the advantage of others.

The host will choose Qin Yulin, and Li Fan is not surprised at all. This girl is the absolute focus no matter where she goes. It is normal that the host will choose her.

Qin Yulin glanced at Li Fan and Su Qing separately, and seemed quite proud.

Then he whispered a few words in Li Fan's ear, Li Fan smiled, and then whispered a few words in Qin Yulin's ear.

After that, Qin Yulin took the microphone from the staff, not nonsense, but directly said: "My topic is very simple. I will say a poem, and then only need to draw the content contained in the poem. "

After Qin Yulin finished speaking, the host and the three contestants nodded. Painting with poems is a relatively common topic in painting, and it is relatively simple. You only need to draw the specific content contained in the poem.

Then it depends on who paints better, mainly because of the exquisite painting skills.

If the painting competition only examines painting skills, it is relatively simple.

The three players smiled faintly, all confident in themselves.

The crowd around the audience also whispered about the work.

"Drawing with poems, this topic is too simple, the girl really can't write the topic. I should be asked to write the topic, and the question I am going to write is definitely harder than this."

"Yeah, it's the exquisiteness of painting skills. Like the previous competition, it's too singular. There should be a more difficult topic."

"Hey! The host said it was a random selection, but the result was not that they were pretty, so I chose them. It's a pity that girl is not very good at writing questions.


The people around are not satisfied with the topic of poems and paintings, because it is too simple, and everyone still prefers more complicated and difficult topics.

Because the more difficult and complicated the topic, the more interesting it seems.

Qin Yulin listened to the discussion of the people around him, but did not change his expression, a sly smile flashed in his eyes, and said in his heart: "What do you people know? This topic was just quietly told by my brother-in-law. How can it be what you think? simple?"

After waiting for a while, the host said: "Okay, now I will ask the girl to write the verse of the topic. Of course, the girl can just say it directly."

The host added the next sentence because he was worried that Qin Yulin's brush writing was not very good. If he only asked the other party to write it, if the other party's writing is too ugly, it will inevitably make the other party embarrassed.

It's just that the host is obviously overly concerned.

Qin Yulin nodded, walked to the painting table in front, lifted the brush on the table, and wrote a poem in one go.

"Take the flowers and return to the fragrance of horseshoes."

Leaving aside the content of the poem, the beautiful calligraphy written by Qin Yulin surprised everyone first.

No one would have imagined that this extremely beautiful young girl could actually write such beautiful calligraphy. Although everyone did not understand calligraphy too much, they could still see that this character had already been faintly fascinated by everyone.

The host was also taken aback. He just thought that most of the other party's calligraphy could not be used, but he did not know that he had a lot of knowledge in calligraphy.

At this level, absolutely higher than anyone on the scene, this Nima is a real person without revealing his face!

How did they know that Qin Yulin was born in a famous family, and practicing calligraphy was one of the compulsory courses since childhood.

Not only Qin Yulin, but Su Qing's calligraphy also has considerable attainments.

The host was full of emotion at Qin Yulin's words, and everyone around him also discussed it for a while.

After that, he slowly focused his attention on the content of the verse itself.

"Take the flowers and return to the fragrance of horseshoes."

Well, everyone nodded. The title of painting with poems is really simple. The content of this poem is easy to understand. After riding a flower, even the horses' hoofs are fragrant.

The scenes are not difficult to draw, and it is not that difficult. It depends on whose drawing skills are higher and the drawing is more realistic?

Everyone thinks so, including the host and the three players.

The three contestants began to conceive in their minds, how to paint to better reflect the content of this poem?

"Tread flowers"? Simple, just flowers, painting all kinds of flowers is not a problem.

To reflect the meaning of "return", it is also simple, just paint the scene as dusk.

"Horseshoe"? This is even simpler, just draw a galloping horse, and it can be richer, come with a young boy and leaping on the horse's back.

The last is "fragrance", this is also simple, just need to be like this, just need to wait, I wipe it!

Thinking of the last word "fragrance", the three contestants were all taken aback. They suddenly discovered that this question does not seem as simple as they thought.

Because of the last word "fragrance".

"Fragrance" is a kind of smell, which is smelled with the nose, not with the eyes.

The painting is seen with eyes.

In other words, you must use your eyes to see the fragrance in the painting.

How to fix this Nima? How can the eyes see the fragrance?

The three contestants were shocked. This seemingly simple topic is so difficult to create.

How can we reflect the word "xiang" in the title? Obviously this is the most critical part of this question.

All three players frowned, all thinking about this issue in their hearts.

Just, no matter what they think? I couldn't find a good way to embody the word "xiang".

The time is only half an hour, and they must complete their work within half an hour.

After thinking for a while, there is no clue, and a lot of time has passed, so I can't waste time on thinking anymore.

what to do?

In desperation, the eyes of the three players all brightened, and they suddenly felt that they were thinking too much.

The original intent of the beautiful girl who asked the question should not require them to embody the word "xiang", but the focus of the embodying requirement should be on the first few points.

Including "Treading Flowers", "Going Back", and "Horseshoe".

Thinking of this, the three players were relieved.

Let's just say, how can the word "fragrant" be reflected in the paintings that you see with your eyes?

It turned out that they were thinking too complicated.


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