Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1609: "Dragon Babu"

Everyone from all walks of life is very concerned about Gu Yong's next work.

In the next few days, many people are speculating and discussing, and they are also waiting for Gu Yong to release news about the new book.

And they didn't wait long, Gu Yong really posted news about the new book on Weibo.

The main idea is that the "Tale of Heaven and Slaying Dragon" is over, and the story of the Condor Shooting Trilogy is all over, and the next work will be a brand new story. The new work "Tianlong Babu" will start on June 7 and will be officially serialized in "Laughing Jianghu" magazine. Everyone is welcome to read it.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly became the focus of heated discussions from all walks of life.

The content of Gu Yong's Weibo is very simple, and the expression is also very clear. The next work "Ba Bu of Heavenly Dragons" is a brand new work and will be serialized in "Laughing Jianghu" magazine.

However, such a Weibo with a simple content and a clear expression has caused a lot of discussion and controversy in all walks of life.

The focus of discussion and controversy is what type of work is "Dragon Babu"?

Someone was extremely surprised and said, is "Dragon Ba Bu" still a martial arts work?

Evidence is that "Dragon Babu" is still serialized in "Xiao Jianghu" magazine. Everyone knows that "Xiao Jianghu" is a martial arts magazine, and Gu Yong's serialized works in "Xiao Jianghu" magazine are all of them. Martial arts works.

However, this argument has been opposed by many people.

The reason for the objection, first of all, is naturally that Gu Yong will not release the next martial arts work in the near future, as everyone has analyzed before.

The second is the title of "The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons", which doesn't look like a martial arts man, but more like a **** and monster.

Soon, relevant experts analyzed the reason why "Dragon Babu" should be a kind of gods and monsters.

The term "Tianlong Ba Bu" comes from Buddhist scriptures. When many Mahayana sutras describe the Buddha's teachings to bodhisattvas, monks, etc., there are often Tian Long Ba Bu participating in listening to the Dharma.

There is a Buddhist scripture that has such a record, "The eight parts of heavenly dragons, humans and inhumans, see the dragon girl becoming a Buddha in the distance."

Human and non-human, the "non-human" here refers to the masses of beings who look like humans but are not humans.

The "Tianlong Babu" are all "non-human", including eight types of Shinto monsters, namely: one day, two dragons, three yasha, four gandapo, five asuras, six garudas, qijinnaras, and pama Huroka.

With "Tian" and "Dragon" at the top, it is called "Tianlong Babu".

It can be seen that "Eight Dragons and Eight Parts" is a work of gods and demons.

In addition, there is a very important supporting evidence, that is, Gu Yong is also good at creating myths and legends.

In the previous edition of the Myth and Legend Creation Competition held by the Ministry of Culture, Gu Yong launched two myths and legends, "Kuafu Chasing the Sun" and "Legend of Yinglong", and Li Fan's two works "Houyi" "Shooting the Sun" and "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" go hand in hand.

It can be seen that Gu Yong may not be worse than Li Fan in the creation of gods and demons. Even if it is worse, it is definitely not much worse.

Now Li Fan first published "The Romance of the Gods" and then "Journey to the West". Both works can be regarded as absolute classics, especially "Journey to the West", whose influence has now spread to the world.

Under such prerequisites, Gu Yong would naturally be unwilling to be lonely. He chose to create a work of gods and demons to wrestle with Li Fan. It is really normal and reasonable.

As for why it should be serialized on "Laughing Jianghu"?

I just thought about it because Gu Yong didn't bother to change other serialization carriers, and there was no rule that he could not serialize gods and demons in martial arts magazines.

The above analysis starts from the title of the book, until Gu Yong has the absolute power to create the gods and demons, and the reason why Gu Yong created the gods and demons is well-founded, clear and convincing.

People from all walks of life read it and nodded in agreement.

From this point of view, "Dragon Babu" should indeed be a genre of gods and demons.

Of course, not everyone agrees with this statement. A small number of people still insist that "Tianlong Ba Bu" should be a martial arts man.

They naturally have their reasons.

First of all, they also agree that Gu Yong will not release the next martial arts work within a short period of time, but they agree with it, which is not necessarily the case.

After all, he is Gu Yong, so he can't use common sense to speculate.

Secondly, they also agreed with the expert's explanation of the title of "Tianlong Babu".

However, Gu Yong is also very likely to use "Tianlong Ba Bu", a Buddhist term that contains all living beings, to symbolize the various characters in the world of martial arts.

From this it can also be concluded that if "Dragon Ba Bu" is a martial arts work, it will definitely be a magnificent, magnificent masterpiece with a large number of people.

Finally, there is another most important reason, that is, if "Dragon Babu" is really a work of gods and demons, then Gu Yong would definitely not choose to serialize it on "Laughing Jianghu", but would also choose to serialize it on Weibo.

You know, the pioneering work serialized on Weibo was pioneered by Gu Yong.

Gu Yong's "The First Intimate Contact" is the first serialized on Weibo.

If "Dragon Babu" is really a work of gods and demons, Gu Yong has no reason not to serialize it on Weibo.

Now that "Dragon Babu" is serialized on "Laughing Jianghu", it shows that it is a martial arts.

After seeing this statement, many people feel that it is equally reasonable. It is really possible that "Dragon Babu" is really a martial arts.

Although everyone thought that Gu Yong would not release the next martial arts work in the near future, as those people said, what everyone thinks is not necessarily true.

Moreover, Gu Yong always made some unexpected things before. This time everyone thought that he would not release martial arts works, but he just wanted to release martial arts works, which is not impossible.

"Dragon Babu" is an analysis of martial arts works, and it does make sense.

Of course, there are still a small number of people who think "Dragon Babu" will be a martial arts work.

Most people still insist that "Tianlong Ba Bu" is a work of gods and demons.

Because, comparing the analysis of the two viewpoints, it is still the analysis of "Dragon Babu" as a work of gods and demons, which is more convincing.

There are constant controversies on the Internet and it is very lively.

The major theaters and pure love fans across the country are very depressed and regretful.

Because, judging from the current situation, "Dragon Babu" is not a work of gods and demons, but a work of martial arts. The drama and pure love they are looking forward to are hopeless.

Depressed, very depressed!

Sorry, very sorry!


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