Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1481: The scenery in the eyes of others

Bai Yi and Liu Yuan saw Li Fan’s poem on Weibo. It is indeed a modern poem, but it is a modern poem that can be memorable.

A look of surprise flashed in their eyes, and Bai Yi laughed and said: "Good poem, good poem, really a good poem! This is the best modern poem I have ever seen. I didn’t expect modern poems to be too. Can use such simple text to render such a memorable charm."

Liu Yuan also praised: "It's not simple, it's really not simple. That kid's talent and talent are really enviable. A modern poem has the charm of an ancient poem. This is undoubtedly so far in our country. The most classic modern poem in the poetry world."

Han Zhong smiled and said, "Aren't you disappointed? But, having said that, I really didn't know that the modern poems written by that kid could be such a classic, and he deserves to be the first person in the poetry world."

Bai Yi said again: "The reason why the kid would write such a poem should be because he saw the pictures of tourists in Sansheng Village, and occasionally felt it. Since he published this poem, if you don’t appreciate it. It’s really itchy. President Han and Lao Liu, let me do the things I appreciate, so I won’t bother them."

Hearing what Bai Yi said, Liu Yuan's eyes widened and he was about to speak, but when Han Zhong smiled, he said first: "Old Bai, I'm really very sorry. About the appreciation of this poem, I have just published it. , Just when you were reading the poem. In fact, I told you that there was this poem after I had edited and analyzed the poem. Of course, my appreciation is definitely not comprehensive, you can still add it."

"Chairman Han, you..." Bai Yi and Liu Yuan were speechless, and they discovered that Han Zhong could be so "insidious".

However, there is no other way. Who will let Han Zhong discover Li Fan's poems first?

Now I have to supplement Han Zhong's appreciation. Bai Yi and Liu Yuan are quite depressed, and they clicked on Han Zhong's Weibo at the same time.

I saw it was written like this, "I just read a modern poem by little friend Li Fan, and I can’t help but can’t help it. Such a poem is simple and contains 34 words, but it contains endless possibilities. Charm.

First of all, we can imagine that this is the poet standing on a certain height, looking at the tourists in his hometown Sansheng Village, and writing such a little poem with emotion.

The tourists in the village are looking at the scenery. This little poem is also about the tourists looking at the scenery, but its pen and ink is not swayed on the depiction of the scenery. It just inadvertently sketches the bridge, the building, and the scenery. People...

From this we can think of the flowing water, the green grass, the bank willow...

It is like a faint ink painting, leaving the looming, blurred background to the reader's imagination, and the focus of the picture falls on the people on the bridge and the people upstairs looking at the scenery.

To be more precise, it fell on the very interesting and dramatic relationship that happened between these two people who watched the scenery.

Visitors look at the scenery on the bridge, the poet looks at the scenery upstairs, and the person who looks at the scenery on the bridge becomes the scenery in the eyes of the poet who looks at the scenery upstairs.

Of course, the person who looks at the scenery upstairs is not just a poet, he can also be other tourists.

In the last section of the poem, with realistic brushwork, the twists and turns reveal the hidden and unrevealed people on the bridge, their deep affection for the scenery, and the infinite affection of the people upstairs to the people on the bridge, forming a scene of "Flowers falling deliberately, flowing water" "Relentless" dramatic scenes.

From this, we might as well imagine that the poet is so affectionate. The person watching the scenery on the bridge is because the person watching the scenery on the bridge is a beautiful girl.

It's a pity that in the girl's eyes, there are only beautiful scenery. I don't know that the poet upstairs has been looking at her affectionately.

It is the passion that is always annoyed by the ruthlessness. When can the ruthless scenery and the people on the bridge who forget the emotions feel it, from the affectionate gaze of the poet above?

Don't worry, the reason why a poet is a poet is because he always gets the answer he wants.

The answer is in the second verse, ‘the bright moon decorates your window, you decorate other people’s dreams. ’

The beautiful girl who stood on the bridge watching the scenery during the day appeared in the beautiful dream of the poet upstairs at night.

In the poet's dream, that beautiful girl can definitely feel his affectionate gaze.

With this unique romantic style, the poet gave a wonderful answer full of fantasy and warm sentiment.

Of course, the "beautiful girl" here is more of my ridicule of poets. People who stand on the bridge and watch the scenery are not necessarily beautiful girls.

Back to the topic, let’s talk about the phrase ‘the bright moon decorates your window’..."

After reading Han Zhong's appreciation, Bai Yi and Liu Yuan nodded each, and then from different angles, they supplemented Han Zhong's appreciation.

This little poem can be appreciated from many different angles, and different angles have quite different feelings.


The appreciation of Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan quickly spread on the Internet. After reading it, countless netizens once again sighed.

After watching the appreciation of the three people, netizens discovered that this poem is better than they thought before, and it can be appreciated from many different angles.

And the appreciation that everyone is most interested in is Han Zhong's ridiculous appreciation. The person watching the scenery on the bridge is a beautiful girl...

On the Internet, netizens once again talked about this poem.

At this time, some tourists who were visiting Sansheng Village accidentally discovered this poem on the Internet.

A girl who was standing near the stream and gully, looking at the scenery on a stone bridge, suddenly raised her head and looked around, as if looking for something.

"What's wrong with you? What are you looking at?" the companion next to him asked with some confusion.

The girl just now said: "I just saw a poem on the Internet and want to see if anyone else is watching us? Don't say it, I found that we are really a landscape in the eyes of other people."

The companion heard a little dazedly, and said: "What poem? What scenery in the eyes of other people? What do you mean?"

The girl took her mobile phone in her hand, handed it to her companion, and said, "You will understand after reading this poem."

The companion looked at the screen of the mobile phone in confusion, and after a short while, he gave a somewhat surprised "Yeah", and then looked up likewise.

Seeing a high ground not far away, people looking at the scenery seem to be looking at them. In the eyes of those people, they are also part of the scenery, just like it is written in the poem.

Although it says "upstairs" in the poem, it not only refers to "upstairs", but can also refer to all highlands in general.

"Who owns this poem? It's so well written, so charming!" asked the companion overjoyed.

The girl just now replied: "Mr. Li Fan."

The companion suddenly realized, and then said: "It turns out that it was written by Mr. Li Fan, so it is not surprising. However, didn't Mr. Li Fan always write ancient poems before? Why did you suddenly write modern poems?"

The girl said: "People who watched the Internet analyzed that it was Mr. Li Fan who occasionally felt it when he saw the pictures of tourists in the village."

"See the pictures of tourists in the village?" The companion's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was surprised: "This means that we also made a contribution to the birth of this poem? Because we are also tourists in the village!"

The girl's eyes lit up as well, and she said with joy: "It seems that you can say that."


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