Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1472: Why "three hits" the bone spirits

A lot of book fans are still discussing it on the Internet. Once Cen Geng's Weibo was updated, it was seen by many book fans.

I saw the content is like this, "Today I finished watching the story of the'Three Beats of the White Bone Spirit'. This story is extremely wonderful, and besides its own wonderfulness, this story is also worthy of our in-depth study.

I believe that many friends will have such a doubt. Why did Monkey King beat the Bone Spirit three times before killing him?

Is it because he is not capable enough to kill him all at once?

This is naturally impossible.

We all know that Monkey King has fiery eyes and golden eyes, and people are very alert and clever. After the bone spirit used the method of dissolving the corpse for the first time, Sun Wukong’s fiery eyes and golden eyes should be able to be found, and he is absolutely capable of catching up and killing him.

Even if it wasn't discovered the first time, when the White Bone Spirit turned into an old woman for the second time, it did the same. This time, Monkey King should have discovered it anyway.

But Monkey King still did not catch up to kill him completely.

This is naturally an intentional arrangement made by the author Li Fan, and what I want to say now is the deep meaning of Li Fan's arrangement.

First of all, this bone spirit is a corpse demon, not other kinds of monsters, which is particular about it.

Sun Wukong fought three times, and the White Bone Spirit also left three corpses of corpses.

In other words, Monkey King beat the corpse demon three times, we can call it ‘beat three corpses’.

Why do you want to fight the Three Corpses?

In related collections, there is a saying that the three corpses are the upper, middle, and lower corpses.

The upper corpse is named Peng Ju, a good treasure. The name of the corpse is Peng Zan, with a good five flavors. The corpse was named Peng Jiao, lustful.

The upper corpse resides in the brain palace, the middle corpse resides in the Mingtang, the lower corpse resides in the stomach and the stomach, and the three corpses often reside in the human body. They are the source of desire and the evil demon that poisons the human body.

Monkey King killed the three corpses, destroyed the root cause of people's desire, destroyed the evil spirits that poisoned the human body, and made people healthy.

In addition, there is a saying in the Taoist collections that the three corpses include the upper corpse god, the middle corpse god, and the lower corpse god.

The three corpse gods are the Yin gods of the human body, that is, Yin Qi. Daomen believes that the three corpses and nine insects will cause people to die quickly.

In addition, there are those who call the ‘Three Corpses’ Xuanling, or Qinggu, Baigu, Xuegu, and so on.

There are different opinions, but one thing is the same. That is, the three corpse gods are the resident gods who also supervise, inform, abet, destroy and other evil deeds. They are a stumbling block on the path of Taoist practice. Tao, the three corpses must be cut first.

From a scientific point of view, Toxoplasma gondii is called three corpses in Chinese medicine, which is an intracellular parasite.

It parasitizes in cells and flows with the blood to reach various parts of the body, destroying the brain, heart, and fundus of the eyes, resulting in a decline in human immunity and various diseases.

Then, in combination with the "three fights of the white bones", why did Monkey King fight the Three Corpses?

That's because the relationship between Tang Seng and the three apprentices, and the relationship between the three apprentices, has begun to have suspicions since the "Four Saints Trial Zen Mind".

Zhu Bajie hated Monkey King in his heart, because Monkey King clearly saw from the beginning that the widow and three daughters were all changed by the four Bodhisattvas, but they didn't tell him, which caused him to become ugly in the end.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhu Bajie urged Monkey King to steal the ginseng fruit, and Monkey King made himself extremely embarrassed after stealing the ginseng fruit.

Not only was Zhen Yuanzi easily caught back twice, but he was forced to seek medical advice from everywhere.

For the arrogant Qitian Great Sage, this must be a very shameless thing.

Sun Wukong must have some resentment in his heart for Zhu Bajie who encouraged him to steal ginseng fruit.

In Baihuling, before the white bone spirit appeared, there was also a little unhappiness between Monkey King and Tang Seng.

Tang monk was hungry and asked Monkey King to make some fast food, but Monkey King said that in this barren mountain, where would he go to make fast food?

After Tang Seng heard this, he gave another preaching, and then Monkey King flew into the air to check and found that there were peaches on the other side of Nanshan Mountain.

It can be seen that Monkey King was not very willing to pick peaches.

There was a crack in the relationship between the master and the apprentice, and there was a dispute over desire.

If this struggle of desire continues to develop, I am afraid it will get worse, and the four masters and apprentices are afraid that it will be difficult to reach the western sky.

So, what should be done?

The answer is naturally to get rid of this kind of desire struggle.

As mentioned before, why is there a dispute of desire between the master and the apprentice?

That's because the three corpse gods are doing strange things. If you want to get rid of the struggle of desire, you must get rid of the three corpse gods.

In this way, the corpse demon white bone spirit appeared.

It can be seen that the appearance of the white bone spirit was not accidental, but was caused by the struggle of desire between the Tang monk and his apprentice.

The reason why Monkey King wanted to "three fights" the bone spirits was because the "three corpse gods" were three gods, and they needed to be beaten three times to be completely killed.

Now, Monkey King has completely killed the three corpse gods three times, and also killed the desire dispute between the master and the disciple.

Although Sun Wukong has been sent down by Tang Seng and driven away, we all know that Sun Wukong will definitely come back.

And we can now imagine that in the following story, the three of Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting will find Monkey King very important.

When Monkey King comes back, a new relationship between master and apprentice will inevitably form, the relationship between the new master and brothers, and the cracks in the previous relationship will disappear.

There will no longer be a gap between the four masters and apprentices, and only in this way can the four masters and apprentices truly work together to reach the western sky, obtain the truth, and cultivate the right results.

The above is the reason why Monkey King wanted to "three fights" the bone spirits.

It can be seen that the story of three dozen white bone spirits will have a very important role and significance in the whole work.

Of course, in addition to the above interpretations, some of your own interpretations, such as not being confused by the appearance of things, and not coveting the small bargains in front of you, are also correct.

Moreover, there can be more interpretations and discussions, especially about human nature.

For example, can people not be overly kind? Too much kindness will end up harming others and self and so on.

In short, in addition to the wonderful story of the story of three dozen white bone spirits, there are many places worth discussing and studying.

This is a wonderful and thought-provoking story! "

Cen Geng's Weibo was eloquent with more than a thousand words, and once it was posted, it quickly circulated on the Internet.

After reading it, all the fans murmured to themselves, "There is such a profound meaning!"

Only at this time did they understand that they had never really understood the story of the "three beats of the bones" before.

Now that I understand it, I admire the author Li Fan even more.

A story can hide so much profound meaning.

Of course, for Ceng Geng, everyone was equally admired, "It is worthy of being a big-time figure, and his sharp vision is far from what they can compare."


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